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Mythology: gods & heros

Aphrodite and Eros on a Coty share certificate 

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Listing of gods, heros, allegorical figures, symbols and other topics, figuring on historic bonds and shares.
(see below - in alphabetical order - for descriptions and scans)

Gr = Greek Mythology (on this web page the alphabetical order is according to Greek names !)
L = Latin Mythology
Engl = English translation of a name
NL = Dutch translation of a name

Amor = Cupido (L.) / Eros (Gr.)
Aphrodite / Venus
Argo & Argonauts
Argus / (GR., L, NL and Engl.) / Argo (Spanish); (see under Hermes & Argus)
Ark van Noach / Noah's Ark /
Athene (Gr.) / Minerva (L.) / Athena (Engl.)
Artemis (Gr.) / Diana (L)
Atlantis (the lost continent)
Caduceus (also called Hermes staff or Mercury staff)
Ceres (L.) / Demeter (Gr.)
Cupido = Amor (L.) / Eros (Gr.)
Demeter (Gr.) / Ceres (L.)
Deugd (NL) / Virtue (Engl) / Virtus
Diana (L) / Artemis (Gr.)
Eros (Gr.) / Amor = Cupido (L.)
Fatal Sisters or Fates (Eng.) / Moira (Gr.) / Schikgodinnen (NL)
Hephaestus (Gr.) / Vulcanus (L.)
Hermes (Gr.) / Mercurius (L.); Mercury (Engl.)

Jupiter (L.) / Zeus (Gr.)
Justitia (Engl. Justice lady)
Mercurius (L.); Mercury (Engl.) / Hermes (Gr.)
Minerva (L.) / Athene (Gr.) / Athena (Engl.)
Moira (Gr.) / Schikgodinnen (NL) / Fatal Sisters or Fates (Eng.)
Muses: Euterpe
Noah's Ark / Ark van Noach
Odin (Wodan)
Romulus & Remus (L)
Schikgodinnen (NL) / Fatal Sisters or Fates (Eng.) / Moira (Gr.)
Vandals / Vandalen
Venus (L) / Aphrodite (Gr.)
Virtus / Deugd (NL) / Virtue (Engl)
Vulcanus (L.) / Hephaestus (Gr.)
Wheel of Fortune / Wiel van Fortuin
Wiel van Fortuin / Wheel of Fortune
Wodan (see Odin)
Zeus (Gr.) / Jupiter (L.)

Engravers of mythological figures.
The artist Asher Durand, who started business with his brother Cyrus, an engraver in New York in 1824, is responsible for the introduction of mythological figures, drawn in the Greek manner which gave their distinctive style to the vignettes on the bonds and share certificates engraved by the American Banknote Company (ABNC). In later years, until his death in 1948, Alonzo E. Foringer continued the tradition of portraying Greek gods and godesses. Many of his allegorical figures grace the vignettes on certificates issued during that period. Source: Hendy, 1980, p. 5.

Read and see more about USA engravers in Tamarkin, B. and Krantz, L., 1999

Books about Mythology:
Christou, P. and  Papastamatis, K. (1998), Gods and Heroes in Greek Mythology, the Trojan war and the Odyssee, Florence-Italy: Casa Editrice Bonechi, via Cairoli 18b, Tel: +39 55 576841; e-mail: [email protected]; web:; 126 pages, beautifully illustrated.

Graves, Robert (2001), The Greek Myths, London, The Folio Society (2 volumes; together mote than 1000 pages); no ISBN-number; first published by Penguin Books in 1955.

Hall (1993), Hall's Iconografisch Handbook, Onderwerpen, symbolen en motieven in de beeldende kunst, transalated by Theo Veenhof, Leiden, The Netherlands: Primavera pers. ISBN: 90-74310-05-2
(Original title: Dictionary of Subjects and Symbols in Art, published by John Murray in London)

Hoffman, E. (1953), Goden- en Heldensagen, Groningen: Noordhoff.

Mavromataki, M. (1997), Greek Mythology and Religion, Athens: Haitalis, Astrous street 13, 13121 Athens, (tel: +32 (01)5766.883). This is a beautifully illustrated book, strongly recommended for reading. (256 pages).

Souli, S. (1995), Griekse Mythologie, Athens:  Michalis Toubis (Vouliagmenis Avenue 519, Ilioupolis 16341. Tel: +32 (01) 992 3876). Web: http//
This is a beautifully illustrated book, strongly recommended for reading. ISBN: 960-7504-27-5  (175 pages).

Stephanides, M. (1997), The Gods of Olympus, Athens: Sigma Publications, 20 Mavromihali St., 106 80 Athens, tel: +32 (01)3607667. This is a modestly small book with drawings only. ISBN: 960-425-058-2.

............................ and for fans of comic strips:
Souli, S.A. (texts) and Sigalas, M. (illustrations) (1998), a fantastic voyage into Greek Mythology, Athens: editions Toubis, (Vouliagmenis Avenue 519, Ilioupolis 16341. Tel: +32 (01) 992 3876).
Web: http//  ISBN: 960-540-253-X  

Websites about Mythology:

Ook U kunt uw huis laten voorzien van een U aansprekende muurschildering met uw favoriete Mythologische onderwerp ! Lees hier meer over de mogelijkheden bij Atelier Aandacht.

Ajax was een Griekse held in de oorlog tegen Troje. Ajax was a hero in the Griek war against Troy .

Het logo van de voetbalclub is waarschijnlijk ontleend aan de "grote Ajax", een reusachtige krijger.. Er heeft ook een kleinere Ajax bestaan, die een heel goed boogschutter was.Lees het hier allemaal na.


Amsterdam, 1998

Certificaat no. 28858 met afbeelding van het Ajax-logo, de Griekse god Ajax, en met de facsimile handtekening van voorziter Michael van Praag. Afmeting A4.Rode druk op stevig papier.

Zulke certificaten werden uitgereikt aan mensen die bij de beursgang giraal aandelen kochten. Het is op zichzelf dus geen aandeel of waardepapier.

Prijs € 25

Aphrodite (Gr.) / Venus (L.)
Goddess of beauty and love; one of the 12 Olympic Gods.
Literature: see especially C. Scott Littleton (2002, 2003) for  the two main  histories of her birth and consequently different symbols she stands for: sacred as well as earthly love.

Venus van Bpoticelli

Venus , geschilderd door Boticelli: klik op de foto voor een vergroting

Coty was an innovative French perfume maker.
See text about his career and the world wide extend of his perfume empire.

Coty Incorporated
---------- 1930, 100 shares, blue border, unfolded, hole punched characters, price 50 Euro.
---------- 1937, < 100 shares, brown border, hole punched characters and other cancellation holes, price € 50.
---------- 1938, < 100 shares, brown border,  hole punched characters and other cancellation holes, black overprint regarding a change in nominal value, price 50 Euro.
---------- 1949, < 100 shares, purple border, seal indicating Incorporation in Delaware in 1939. I am puzzled why it can be that similar shares (see above) date from before 1939; hole punched characters and several staple holes, price 50 Euro.


Click on the engraving for an enlargement -------------------------------------->


Aphrodite engraving on Coty share certificateCoty Incorporated

Coty International Corporation,
See Beautiful Vignette of semi-nude women sitting in a Turkish bath-garden with flowers, waited upon by a lady with a stone bottle. As there is also a white dove drinking from the water, the bathing women can be considered to be the Greek goddess Aphrodite (L: Venus), goddess of beauty and love, who has 2 white doves as common attribute. She is waited upon by one of the three Graces (NL: Gratiën), her loyal servants, who raised her in Cyprus after she was born from the sea. Print: ABNC
---------- 1940-er / 50-er, brown border, certificates of < 100 shares, hole cancelled, price 34 Euro.
---------- 1950-ies, 100 shares, red border,  company perforations, price 50 Euro.



Click on the engraving for an enlargement --------------------------------------------->

Aphrodite bathing on Coty share certificate

Argo & Argonauts
Famous ship on which Iason made a long and adventurous journey in search of the Golden Fleece, accompanied by his famous and heroic crew members, called the Argonauts. See the story and a map of their journey

Argonaut Mill & Mining Co., incorporated, june 18th 1879 in San Francisco;Capital stock 2 million $ (20.000 shares of 100$); certificate nr 129 (in blue figures) of x = 100 shares, dated January 7th 1880, in the name of John Sproston Jr., who endorsed the certificate on the back in order to have it registered in the companies book after handing over this certificate. Small size (10 by 24 cm) and on pink paper. Original signatures of secretary (Fields ?) and director (Davenput ?); Litography by Britton & Rey S.F.; Above the lower border it reads Eldorado Co., Cal.; price 250 Euro.

Iason's ship the Argo

See this certificate and it's Beautiful 6 by 4 cm vignette of the mythological ship the ARGO, the famous and heroic crew of which were called the ARGNAUTS. See the story of this famous journey led by Iason, who went out to get the Golden Fleece, and also have a look at a map of their journey.   Now, the videorelease can be hired of the beautiful 1999 film (172 minutes !) "Jason and the Argonauts".  It covers only half the journey described here, but is an adventure film worth seeing !
Adventurers who went to California in search of gold soon after its discovery there in 1848, were called Argonauts, so I take it that the Argonaut Mill and Mining Co. was a gold mining and processing company.

Artemis (Gr.) / Diana (L)

Goddess of the hunt and the moon/ Godin van de jacht en de maan.

One of the 12 Olympic gods, she was the Goddess of the hunt and of the moon. She was the daughter of Zeus and Leto and twin sister of the God Apollo. She protected the hunters and the innocent. She is the well known virgin huntress of the Greek, the personification of chastity (NL: kuisheid). She is the earth goddess, with the task to protect the game, not it's destruction. Later she would stand for the lunar goddess LUNA (Selene), who was not so pure. Her attribute with respect to the latter is the moon sickle, which she wears on her forehead (see picture above). She is often depicted with her dogs chasing an animal together and with her bow and arrows (see picture above)
(Source: Hall, 1993)

Anglo United Development Corp., Ltd, 1986, 1 share in the name of the Bond and Share Collectables ltd., vignette of an almost nude lady ( the Goddess of  hunting Artemis (Gr) / Diana (L)) running with 3 greyhounds and holding a bow, blue and black, EF, except for 2 tiny rust staines in the white of the right upper border, price 495 Euro

Click here for picture postcards of famous paintings of Diana (Gr. Artemis).

Athene (Gr.) / Minerva (L.) / Athena (Engl.)

Read about the contest that gave the city of Athens it's name.

4,5% Russia 1917, Kerenski bond (?).
20 by 19,5 cm with 10 by 5,5 cm engraving of the armed goddess Athens (L: Minerva), protecting a baby,; print: American Banknote Company; these bonds have only texts in Russian.
---------- 1917-1927, orange, 200 Roebel (?), EF, ubfolded, price 45 Euro.
---------- 1917-1927, green, 200 Roebel (?), EF, unfolded, price 50 Euro.

Banque d'Athènes (Trapeza Athenon)

Banque d'Atènes, share certificate, engraved by Henri Brauer

Established in 1893; latest change of statutes: 6-6-1919. Titre d'une action de 100 Drachmes (certificate of one share of 100 Drachmes), brown on light green field on beige; beautifully decorated piece, size 23 by 30 cm, with illustrations of god Hermes (Eng: Mercury) and 3 goddesses. Standing is Athena, the goddess of the city of Athens, dressed in armour and wearing a helmet. At her feet  a woman with on her lap a scale model of the world famous Parthenon, the temple on the Acropolis complex, dedicated to Athena. The Acropolis is also depicted. At the left a semi nude goddess holds a blindfold. In the top border is a small vignette of Athena in armour, holding a spear. Athena's owl, symbol of wisdom, is also depicted. Also depicted is an olive branch, symbol for the olive tree, Athena's gift to the city, that named itself after her in gratitude for that. Design by Henri Brauer; printed at Imprimerie Richard, Paris. A beauty to frame !

----- no. 22,017, condition VF, Greek blue paper tax stamp + red wet stamp over it.; issued in year ?; in right upper corner some figures were noted in red and blue pencil; 2 coupons left attached; price: € 95.

----- no. 132.015, condition VF, black French wet tax stamp from 1930, coupons 67-77 left attached; price € 150.

Canadian Javelin Ltd., 1974 (green border); price: 23 Euro
Vignette of armoured Goddess Athena (Gr.) / Minerva (L.) with helmet, spear (avelin) and shield.

Credit Athenien S.A.,  / Trapeza Athinaikes Pisteos, Athens, 1925
Titre d'une action de 100 Drachme / titlos mias metoches 100 Dr.
one or more green paper tax stamps, 10 by 10 cm engraving of an ancient coin "tetradrachme" (= four Drachmes), with head of goddess Athena wearing the well known Attic helmet with plume, issued in Athens, probably in the second century B.C., similar, but not exactly the same, coins from that period are depicted in Hill, 1967, Pl. XII and in Szaivert et. al., 1980, p. 316; Blue/ocre borders with dancing figures. Also a large olive branch, symbolic of Athena's gift to humanity - the olive tree - with which gift she won a godly contest (read all about it !), the price of which was that the city was named after her: Athens. Very decorative and a beauty to frame !; see picture, ; minor border defects, some have very small border repairs with professional acid free tape, VF+, 195 Euro.

Grand Union Company (The)
This food retailing company was established in 1928 under Delaware law. The company went broke early 2001 and was taken over by the Dutch multinational AHOLD. Ahold's daughter Stop & Shop in massachusets took over 36 stores and 8 locations; Ahold daughter Tops Markets in New York State took over 20 stores.
---------- Vignette: goddess Demeter (L.Ceres) of  agriculture, one breast uncovered, holding an olive branch and goddess Athene (L. Minerva) holding a sword and a palm branch, wearing a helmet:
--------------------green border, 1950ies and 1960ies, VF, f 50 = 23 Euro
--------------------blue border, 150ies and 1960ies, VF, f 50 = 23 Euro

Wolford A.G.
Bregenz, Austria (Österreich / Oostenrijk), 1995; Lady Aktie über 100 Shilling; with multicoloured and gold printed painting by the famous Austrian Jugendstil painter Gustav Klimt; without coupons: 21 x 15 cm.; with coupons no. 7-19: 21 x 35 cm. The bonds are listed on the bourses of Vienna (Wien) and Paris. Condition: UNC = printer fresh; a beauty to frame ! Uncancelled, Price € 150.
The women in armour depicted on the left is the Greek Goddess Palas Athene.

click to enlarge

Wolford AG was established in 1949 in Bregenz am Bodensee, Austria.
The Company is a marketer and manufacturer of hosiery, lingerie and women's fashion.
It operates a large number of fashion shops world wide: read more !

Look also under: Minerva, the Latin equivalent of Athena.

Atlantis (the lost continent)

Atlantis (Luftverkehrsunternehmen Atlantis), Frankfurt am Main, 1972, with coupons, price 34 Euro.
Vignette of airoplane.

Atlas, N.V
Athene, 1962

Aandelen-certificaten met volledige aanhangende couponvellen, met een gravure van de God Atlas, die tot het einde der tijden het hemelgewelf op zijn schouders moest torsen als straf nadat hij als aanvoerder van de Titanen de strijd tegen Zeus en zijn Olympiërs verloor.

----- certificaat van 50 aandelen, groene druk, prijs € 50
----- certificaat van 5 aandelen, bruine druk, prijs € 50.
  Atlas die het hemelgewelf tost tot het einde der tijden.
klik op de gravure voor een vergroting







(ook wel genoemd: Hermesstaf of Mercuriusstaf) / (also called Hermes staff or Mercury staff)
Zie tekst in het Nederlands

Hospital Corporation of America,
Nashville, Tennessee, USA,
Vignette of Hippocrates and a woman flanking a shield with a Caduceus (Hermes staff, having 2 snakes around a staff). Surprisingly it is not the Aesculapius sign, used by doctors, which has only one snake around a staff. On the other hand the 2 snakes of the caduceus are associated with healing powers as well, see text about the CADUCEUS (in Dutch) or the web page on Mythology on stocks. On the other hand, HCA means big business as well, see a text page in English on this company.
----- certificate of 100 shares, green, 1972, condition VF: very nice, but a very small tear in the upper border white, price: € 25.
----- certificate of 100 shares, green, 1972, VF, but small staple tear right through the face of Hippocrates, price: € 10.

Hippocrates   Hospital Corporation of America, engraving on their share certificate










Schering Corp., red, 1969, no folds (EF), 23 Euro.
Vignette: allegorical man and woman sitting , with chemical glassware and with Caduceus (Hermes staff, symbol of healing power). The caduceus stands on a globe, which again stands on what could be a "Herme", a pillar, marking a road. (Zie Nederlandse tekst over Mercurius)

Demeter (Gr.) / Ceres (L.) goddess of fertility and agriculture

Caseinefabriek "Ceres", NV
(Ceres, in het Grieks Demeter, was de godin van de landbouw)
Gev. te Rotterdam, goedgek. bij Kon. besl. van 21-1-1926; M. Kapitaal f 100.000, verdeeld in 100 aandelen van f 1000 (# = 100); Bewijs van aandeel groot f 1000 met getypte tekst: "Bij statutenwijziging volgens acte van 14 December 1937 ten overstaan van............., de naam gewijzigd in: N.V.Rotterdamsche Margarine Industrie J.M. Zwerver, gevestigd te Vlaardingen"; bruine sierrand en orig. ondertekend door directeur J.M. Zwerver.
Stukken uit 1926 ondertekend door commissaris ..... (van den Bergh ?); stukken uit 1930 (1926 is overschreven) door commissaris .........; EF, ongevouwen, prijs der aandelen: 95 Euro. Prijs van de rekening uit 1952: € 25
Lees meer over caseïne.

General Foods,
Vignette: 2 goddesses holding GF logo, one of the the goddess Demetre (L: Ceres) of fertility and agriculture, with her attributes: grain sheaf and plow.
---------- brown, x shares,1960-ieth, Delaware law, 10 Euro.
---------- green, 100 shares, 1960ies / 1970ies, 12 Euro

Grand Union Company (The)
This food retailing company was established in 1928 under Delaware law. The company went broke early 2001 and was taken over by the Dutch multinational AHOLD. Ahold's daughter Stop & Shop in massachusets took over 36 stores and 8 locations; Ahold daughter Tops Markets in New York State took over 20 stores.
---------- Vignette: goddess Demeter (L.Ceres) of  agriculture, one breast uncovered, holding an olive branch and goddess Athene (L. Minerva) holding a sword and a palm branch, wearing a helmet:
--------------------green border, 1950ies and 1960ies, VF, f 50 = 23 Euro
--------------------blue border, 150ies and 1960ies, VF, f 50 = 23 Euro

Homoljska Privredna Banka (Homolje Investment Bank)
Homole is a region in Serbia, former Yugoslavia; the share certificates are beautifully decorated, also in gold print.
------ catalogue no. 341: 10 shares of 100 dinars in silver; catalogue indicative price: 75-100 Euro; our price: 75 Euro.
------ catalogue no. 340: 100 dinars in silver, catalogue indicative price: 75-100 Euro; our price: 75 Euro.

Leskovacka Stedionica (English: Leskovac Savings Bank)
share of 1000 ..., in a capital of 2 million, 30 by 19 cm, Serbia, 1929, catalog no. 475;  with pictures of god of the trade Hermes (=Mercury) and goddess of agriculture and fertility Demeter (+ Ceres), EF: unfolded, coupons attached, price 75 Euro.

Massey-Ferguson Ltd.
The company makes agriculture machinery.
Vignette: fertility Goddess Demeter (Gr.) / Ceres (L.), with her attributes: grain sheaf, scythe and plow; also roses and a globe;
---------- x shares, 1979, brown border, at the bottom border: no small vignette of a tractor;
See picture 23 Euro.
---------- 100 shares, 1976, green border,  at the bottom border: very small vignette of a tractor; See picture  23 Euro.

National Tea Company
Incorporated under Illinois laws,

National Tea co. share certificate

Vignette: sitting goddess Demetre (Gr.) / Ceres (L.) in front of tea fields and factory with trucks; she holds a sickle in one hand and grain in the other hand:
---------- 1950; 100 shares, ocre,  overprint on text: "par value of $ 5 per share", 16 Euro
---------- 1951/ '55; 100 shares, blue, 15 Euro
----------  1951; x shares, green, 15 Euro

Soko-Banjska Banka (English: Soko Banja Bank)
catalogue no. 710; 23 by 17 cm share certificate of 50 Dinars in silver (numbered between 747 and 964), Soko Banja, 1914; green with beautiful golden border lines and texts; 6 by 11 cm picture of 2 goddesses, one of them Demetre (L: Ceres), goddess of agriculture , holding a plough, a grain sheaf and a sickle, sitting under a small bee hive; a beauty to frame. 2001 Catalogue price indication: 40-50 Euro; our price 45 Euro.

United Stores Corporation, class A stock, < 100 shares, blue, 1930, cancelled by holes and punched letters, with or without attached warrant, 23 Euro
Vignette: Logo USC, flanked by a) goddess Fortuna  holding a horn of affluence, and b) goddess Demetre (Gr.) = Ceres (L.), holding a sheaf of grain and a scythe. They both have wings, what is not uncommon for Fortuna.

Hidroelectrica Iberica SA "Iberduero", Bilbao, 1974, ordinary share of 500 Ptas, Sold out / uitverkocht
Very large size stock, orange/black; very large vignette of woman (Electra ?) with electric cables, making contact and light; a cherub holds a light bulb; black border with many light bulbs. See picture.

Eros (Gr.) / Amor = Cupido (L.),
God of love, son of Aphrodite (Gr.) / Venus (L.) and the god of war, Ares (L) / Mars (L).
On the first engraving we see Eros reaching out for an arrow. When he hit someone with this, the person would fall in love.

Coty Incorporated
---------- 1930, 100 shares, blue border, unfolded, hole punched characters, price 50 Euro.
---------- 1937, < 100 shares, brown border, hole punched characters and other cancellation holes, price € 50.
---------- 1938, < 100 shares, brown border,  hole punched characters and other cancellation holes, black overprint regarding a change in nominal value, price 50 Euro.
---------- 1949, < 100 shares, purple border, seal indicating Incorporation in Delaware in 1939. I am puzzled why it can be that similar shares (see above) date from before 1939; hole punched characters and several staple holes, price 50 Euro.


Click on the engraving for an enlargement ---------------------------------->

On the first engraving we see Eros reaching out for an arrow. When he hit someone with this, the person would fall in love.


Aphrodite engraving on Coty share certificateCoty Incorporated

Coty International Corporation,
See Beautiful Vignette of semi-nude women sitting in a Turkish bath-garden with flowers, waited upon by a lady with a stone bottle. As there is also a white dove drinking from the water, the bathing women can be considered to be the Greek goddess Aphrodite (L: Venus), goddess of beauty and love, who has 2 white doves as common attribute. She is waited upon by one of the three Graces (NL: Gratiën), her loyal servants, who raised her in Cyprus after she was born from the sea. Print: ABNC
---------- 1940-er / 50-er, brown border, certificates of < 100 shares, hole cancelled, price 34 Euro.
---------- 1950-ies, 100 shares, red border,  company perforations, price 50 Euro.



Click on the engraving for an enlargement --------------------------------------------->

Aphrodite bathing on Coty share certificate

Algemeene Verzekering Maatschappij "Europa", established in 1918 in Amsterdam, Bewijs van aandeel f 5000, July 22nd 1918, in the name of  Dr. Ir. G.L. Frederik Philips (1858-1942, who established in 1891 with his father Gerard the now famous Multinational electronics firm Philips), printed by J.H. De Bussy, Amsterdam, brown border, # = 200, EF, unfolded and in beautiful condition, f 295 = 134 Euro.
Vignette: 10 by 10 cm, in underprint the god Zeus, disguised as a white bull, abducting the goddess Europa to Crete. See picture

Europa S.A., Compania Espanola de capitalization, Madrid, green/black (blankette), 19.., .f 75 = 34 Euro.
Vignette: map of Europe and Goddess with wings, without any attribute , however. See picture.

The North Saskatchewan Land Company, Montreal, Dominion of Canada, 10 shares, 1911, blue border no. C 1160, print: Burrup Mathieson & Sprague, Ltd. London, vignette: sitting before grain field and forest with train: 3 Greek Gods: Hermes (of the trade), Demeter (of agriculture) and Euterpe, one of the 9 Muses, playing the flute.Unfolded, VF +, price: 120 Euro.

According to Hall, p. 109, One must discern 2 Fortunas,
1st, Fortuna, the fickle (= wispelturig, NL) ancient goddess handing out her favours randomly, reappearing in renaissance art. She is naked and sometimes blindfolded (p 48), as a sign of  arbitrariness (NL: willekeur), The certificate of the Banque d'Athènes (Trapeza Athenon) shows her both naked and blindfolded.
Sometimes she has wings (see for the latter the certificate of the United stores Corporation).
The horn of affluence (see same certificate) is a less common attribute, she shares with many other gods.
According to Hall, p 109 and 306, she was associated with the sea and therefor she sometimes rides a shell, as seen on the certificate of the Associated Gas and Electric Company.
2nd, the midieval Fortune Lady (Vrouwe Fortuna, NL) with her Wheel of Fortune (Rad van Fortuin, NL). Through this wheel, the fallen are lifted and the proud are thrown down.
See also below under "Wheel of Fortune"

Associated Gas and Electric Comp., 1 share, green, class A stock, 1931, state of New York, f 50 = Euro 23
Vignette of Goddess Fortuna with 2 angels,
Established in 1906; failed in 1940; restart in 1946 as General Public Utilities Corp (Source: van Oss, 1954).

Banque d'Athènes (Trapeza Athenon), 6-6-1919, titre d'une action de 100 Drachmes (certificate of one share of 100 Drachmes), brown on light green field on beige; beautifully decorated piece, size 23 by 30 cm, with illustrations of god Hermes (Eng: Mercury) and 3 goddesses. Standing is Goddess Athena, the goddess of the city of Athens, dressed in armour and wearing a helmet. At her feet  a woman with on her lap a scale model of the world famous Parthenon, the temple on the Acropolis complex, dedicated to Athena. The Acropolis is also depicted. At the left a semi nude goddess (probably Fortuna) holds a blindfold. In the top border is a small vignette of Athena in armour, holding a spear. Athena's owl, symbol of wisdom, is also depicted. A beauty to frame !, see picture, ; VF, no folds, blue tax stamp + red wet stamp over it., design: Henri Brauer, Imprimerie Richard, Paris, 250 Euro .

United Stores Corporation, class A stock, < 100 shares, blue, 1930, cancelled by holes and punched letters, with or without attached warrant, price 23 Euro
Vignette: Logo USC, flanked by a) goddess Fortuna  holding a horn of affluence, and b) goddess Demetre (Gr.) = Ceres (L.), holding a sheaf of grain and a scythe. They both have wings, what is not uncommon for Fortuna.

German symbol, especially popular after the French / German war in 1870, comaparble to Frances Marianne, but more decently dressed. She is mostly holding a sword and shield.

Deutsches Reich, (Engl.: German Empire)
Anleihe (bond) 200 Mark, 21,5 by 30 cm., brown border andca. 10 by 5 cm.  engraving of Germania with sword and shield (for picture scan see below), figures and characters "200 Mark" in red print,
------ 1891, 200 Mark,  VF-: rust traces and 2 half cm. tears near embossed seal, see picture, separate coupon sheet, price 50 Euro.

Chantiers Navals "L'escaut"
à Rupelmonde-Steendorp-lez-Anvers, Belgium, established 3-2-1923.
Beautiful stock with a 15 cm by 15cm picture of a ship being built in a ship yard. Also a beautiful border with in the top a small pictures of the Greek god of the trade Hermes and the god-blacksmith Hephaestus. A beauty to frame !
Seee picture. Small red and small black tax stamp, but not through picture.
1) Action de capital de 500 Fr., dark blue, EF/UNC, 68 Euro.
2) Part de fondateur, light blue, EF/UNC, 68 Euro.

Nederlandsche Ijzergieterij "Vulcanus", NV.
Vaassen (Gld.), The Netherlands, opgericht in 1920; Bewijs van Aandeel f 250 aan toonder. Vaassen, 1930; met getypte text: "Ongeldig per 2-2-1982 omdat inschrijving in het register van aandeelhouders heeft plaatsgevonden onder nummer 63827 t/m 63831, Nederlandse Ijzergieterij Vulcanus B.V. ". Blauwe sierrand op grijs patroon; los blad met restantcoupons en bewijs van rechtsherstel; VF+: ontwaardingsgat door het nummer; prijs € 95.

Hercules Films S.A., Madrid, 30-4-1941, acciones al portador serie A, de 500 Ptas, black and white, # = 4.010, EF, price 43 Euro.
Small vignette of globe with film twisted around it.

Hercules Incorporated
Inc. under Delaware law, USA, in 1912; head quarters in Wilmington, Delaware, now a world wide operating chemical company ( with also a facility in Zwijndrecht, The Netherlands;  8,75 % odd $ note, 1976, due 1983; olive border, print: Security-Columbia Banknote Co.; 9 by 5 cm engraving of the Greek hero Hercules, wearing a lion's had as a head cap and a club on his shoulder; facsimile signatures by S.R. Clarke (treasurer) and Werner C. Brown (?) (president), price € 95.

Kingdom of Greece / Basileion tes Ellados
6,5% loan, 1922; certificate of 1 bond of 100 Drachmes; print: Bradbury Wilkinson & Co., U.K.; blue print, 1 coupon still attached, see picture of  front and backside, The frontside shows a crowned coat of arms, flanked by 2 men with a club, probably Hercules. The backside shows a 6 by 4 cm statue of Nike, the goddess of Victory (daughter of Styx, who was a daughter of the Titan Oceanus). The famous American sport shoe company NIKE, was named after this goddess; The statue depicted on the back is a replica of the famous sculpture of Nike made in 421 B.C. by the Greek sculptor Paionios. As can be seen on this photograph, the original sculpture is badly damaged, but the (very small) replica that is depicted on this bond can be seen in the right lower corner of the photo. The goddess is landing on a triangular pillar: the rucks of her cloths suggest the speed with which she lands. (source: Zadoks, 1954, p. 65), condition VF-EF, 25 Euro.

Hermes (Gr.) / Mercurius (L.); Mercury (Engl.)
God of the merchants and the trade; also messenger of the gods; zie tekst in het Nederlands

Admiral Corporation, USA, x shares, orange, 1967,
trhee small tears in upper white border, f 50 = 23 Euro
tear through left white and orange border, f 25 = 11 Euro
Vignette: God Hermes (L: Mercurius) and a goddess sitting before a control panel. looking at a symphony orchestra and it's director.Hermes is handling the control panel, an interesting mixture of ancient and modern times !

Admiral Corporation,USA , 100 shares, green, 1967, f 75 = 34 Euro
Vignette: God Hermes (L: Mercurius) and a goddess sitting before a control panel. looking at a symphony orchestra and it's director. Hermes is handling the control panel, an interesting mixture of ancient and modern times !

Banque Centrale de Grèce / Kentrike Trapeza tes Ellados
established in 1918; Titre de 25 actions de 200 Drachmes / Titulos 25 metoxon; Athens, 1918; green / black; 4 by 5 cm vignette of  Zeus, holding staff and thunderbolt, 6 by 2 vignette of Hermes (Eng: Mercury) and 2 by 6 vignette of Justitia, holding sword and balance; see picture, 5 green tax stamps (paper), condition VF +, but small 1cm tear in upper border, 250 Euro.

L'Africaine, Banque d'Etudes et d'Entreprises Coloniales, SA, Bruxelles, Belgium, established in 1898, Action de Capital de 100 Fr au porteur, Extraordinary beautiful Jugendstil design: in blue colour, graceful woman standing on globe, waving Belgian flag, god Mercury of the trade as a young black man, elephant teeth lying around, landscape and sea. VF/EF, no folds, few wrinkles, a beauty to frame !, price 98 Euro.

Columbus and Southern Ohio Electric Comp., Ohio, USA.
vignette: God of the trade Hermes (L:Mercurius, Eng: Mercury), almost nude, sitting on a rock in front of a city skyline, His sandals have no wings
---------- 9,25% first mortgage bond, due 1982 (issued 1975), red border, 15 Euro.
---------- certificate of < 100 shares, 1970, brown border, 15 Euro
---------- certificate of < 100.000 shares, 1981, green border, hole and letter cancelled, but unfolded, 25 Euro.
---------- certificate of 100 shares, orange border, 1970, 15 Euro.

Comptometer Corporation
under Illinois law; print: ABNC, 1960's; ca. 5 by 11 cm. engraving of God Mercury and a goddess,  a factory and calculating machine;
---------- certificate of 100 shares, purple border; VF+; price 50 Euro.
---------- certificate of < 100 shares, green border, VF+, price 50 Euro.

Crédit Foncier du Brésil et de l'Amérique du Sud, S.A.
Paris, 1928, action de 500 Fr; 33 by 21 cm; print: Richard, Paris; engraving: Henri Brauer; depicted are the almost nude god(des) Hermes (L.: Mercurius; Engl.: Mercury)a cherub with horn of affluence and Medusa, her hair  full of snakes; Very decorative and a beauty to frame !; price 25 Euro.
From the former collection of beautiful women on stocks of Marc-Edouard Emay (nrs. 11 - 18) it becomes apparent that this design by Henri Brauer was used by at least 4 other companies.

Etablissements Ceramiques & Carrieres de Gres de Moustier, siege social a Bruxelles, siege d'exploitation: Mornimont-les-Moustier sur Sambre, 6% obligation hypothecaire de cinq cents francs (500 fr), # = 1200, black/red/ocre, blankette, Euro 57
Very decorative: large vignette with photo of the factory and a large vignette of the god Mercure (= Hermes) and a goddess with beeheeve and horn of affluence with money.

Fuszerkereskedok Aruforgalmi Reszvenytarsasaga, Budapest, Hungary, july 1925, ot Reszvenye Egyenkent Tiz (100 pengorol osszesen 50 pengorol, trading company, condition EF, price 43 Euro.
Large stock with large vignette of the God of the trade, standing before piles of merchandise, holding an anchor and a Hermes staff (Caduceus). In the middle an orange vignette of a sail ship.

Hidroelectrica Espanola SA, Madrid
share of 500 Ptas, Madrid 29-7-1965, price 75 Euro.
Beautiful large vignette (23 * 12 cm) in black and white of the God mercure (L.) / Hermes (Gr.) holding 7 horses on a chain before a waterfall with factory. At his feet a horn of affluence. May be the horses refer to "horsepower" ?. The border is yellow with a red printed seal.

Homoljska Privredna Banka (Homolje Investment Bank)
Homole is a region in Serbia, former Yugoslavia; the share certificates are beautifully decorated, also in gold print.
------ catalogue no. 341: 10 shares of 100 dinars in silver; catalogue indicative price: 75-100 Euro; our price: 75 Euro.
------ catalogue no. 340: 100 dinars in silver, catalogue indicative price: 75-100 Euro; our price: 75 Euro.

Leskovacka Stedionica (English: Leskovac Savings Bank)
share of 1000 ..., in a capital of 2 million, 30 by 19 cm, Serbia, 1929, catalog no. 475;  with pictures of god of the trade Hermes (=Mercury) and goddess of agriculture and fertility Demeter (+ Ceres), EF: unfolded, coupons attached, price 75 Euro.

lockheed Aircraft Corp. debenditure with engraving of female Mercury  in the nude  

Lockheed Aircraft Corporation,
4,25% convertible, subordinated debenditure, 1967, due 1992,

Vignette: female goddess Hermes (L: Mercury), in the nude, binding under her shoe with wings;

condition UNC (print fresh, with hole cancellation, SPECIMEN, price; 195 Euro.

Usually the Greek god Hermes (the equivalent of Mercury in ancient Rome) is depicted as a male. But at times, like here, as a woman. (ancient gods were very powerful and could easily change gender, as G. Haayer from Styx Publications pointed out to me).

North American Edison Company,
----- 1925, temporary certificate, exchangable for an engraved certificate, no 1952, < 100 shares, preferred stock, when prepared; under laws of Delaware, 1925; olive border, origin. signature; price 23 Euro.
The following certificates have a large vignette of the god Hermes (Mercury), sitting in the nude on an electromotor, flanked by 2 world globes, drawn with great detail:
----- 1934, dark green, < 100 shares, VF, but company letter holes, price 68 Euro.       
----- 1934, orange, 100 shares, 20 cancellation holes, price: € 10.

Pfizer stock certificate with Mercury depicted

Pfizer Inc.

Certificate of 100 shares, Delaware, USA, 1972,
with engraving of the Roman god Mercury, (Gr. Hermes, NL, Mercurius) flying high; ca. 20,5 x 30,5 cm; condition VF, several folds and some wrinkles in the upper corners. Price € 50.
Pfizer is not only well know for it's Viagra erection pills, but als for being the first to produce an effective vaccin against the Covid-1 corona virusin november 2020.

United Air Lines, Inc. brown, 4½ % debenditure of $ 1000, 1974, , price 34 Euro.
Very nice vignette of the god Mercury (Greek: Hermes)

Ville de Paris, emprunt municipal de 1892, obligation au porteur, Paris 1-8-1896, brown on yellow, price 23 Euro.
Very decorative border with angels, a ship, twice the lady of justice, a working woman wit a hammer, the bare breasted goddess (sic !) Hermes (L: Mercurius) (should be a male figure from a mythological point of view I suppose), texts around pillars: "industry and commerce",

Ville de Paris, emprunt municipal a lots 4% de 1931, obligation de 1000 Fr, Paris 10-1-1932, violet on yellow,price 18 Euro.
very decorative border with angels, a ship, twice the lady of justice, a working woman wit a hammer, the bare breasted goddess (sic !) Hermes (L: Mercurius) (should be a male figure from a mythological point of view I suppose), texts around pillars: "industry and commerce".

Hermes & Argus / Mercurius & Argus (L) / Mercury & Argus (English) / Mercurio y Argo (Spanish)

Banco de Cartagena
Cartagena, Spain, 1900; Accion al Portador De Quinientas Pesetas (bearer share of  50 (?) Pesetas); Print by Arnoud - Lyon / Paris; 20 by 10 cm black engraving of the famous painting Mercurio y Argo (Mercury and Argus) by D. Velasquez; VF+: one faint middle fold with a 1 cm tear in left border (on the fold, but hardly visible; a few small wrinkles in left upper border); 125 Euro.
The picture shows the god Hermes (L: Mercury) drawing his sword in order to decapitate the shepard who guarded princes Io, who had been transformed into a white cow by Zeus (L: Jupiter). Read more about this fascinating myth !
When Velasquez (1599-1660) was commissioned to do the interior decoration of the famous Alcazar palace in Sevilla, he made 4 paintings with mythological subjects. Only this painting was preserved, now hanging in the Prado museum in Madrid.

The famous doctor who lived in ancient Greece and in whose name doctors nowadays take their professional oath.

Hospital Corporation of America,
Nashville, Tennessee, USA,
Vignette of Hippocrates and a woman flanking a shield with a Caduceus (Hermes staff, having 2 snakes around a staff). Surprisingly it is not the Aesculapius sign, used by doctors, which has only one snake around a staff. On the other hand the 2 snakes of the caduceus are associated with healing powers as well, see text about the CADUCEUS (in Dutch) or the web page on Mythology on stocks. On the other hand, HCA means big business as well, see a text page in English on this company.
----- certificate of 100 shares, green, 1972, condition VF: very nice, but a very small tear in the upper border white, price: € 25.
----- certificate of 100 shares, green, 1972, VF, but small staple tear right through the face of Hippocrates, price: € 10.

Hippocrates   Hospital Corporation of America, engraving on their share certificate










Daughter of the God of medicine Aesculapius (Gr.) = Asclepius (L.), who was worshipped along with him; from her stems the word Hygiene.

Maatschappij tot Exploitatie van de Handelszaak onder de firma SIMONIS SOFF & Co.
(goedgekeurd buj Kon. Besl. van 21 mei 1897)
Bewijs van aandeel groot f 1000, no 10; Amsterdam 1897; Typ.: Hollandsche uitgevers en Drukkersmaatschappij, A'dam; afm. 21 bij 34 cm.; 2 origin. handt. van Notaris en Directeur; blauwe sierrand; aanhangende couponresten; fraai blauw-rood firma logo met kleine afbeelding van Hygiéa, de ook veel aanbeden dochter van de god der geneeskunde Aesculapius (Gr.) = Asclepius (L.). Het woord Hygiëne stamt van haar naam. conditie F: gaatje middenin en in linker rand en verdere gebruikssporen, prijs 495 €.

English: "HYGIÉA", exploitation of the Trading Company Simonis Soff in Amsterdam, issued in 1897; share of 1000 Guilders. small picture of Hygiea, daughter of the God of medicine Aesculapius (Gr.) = Asclepius (L.). She was also worshipped with him and from her stems the word Hygiene; condition F: small holes in the middle and in left border as well as other traces of usage; price € 495.

Banque Centrale de Grèce / Kentrike Trapeza tes Ellados
established in 1918; Titre de 25 actions de 200 Drachmes / Titulos 25 metoxon; Athens, 1918; green / black; 4 by 5 cm vignette of  Zeus, holding staff and thunderbolt, 6 by 2 vignette of Hermes (Eng: Mercury) and 2 by 6 vignette of Justitia, holding sword and balance; see picture, 5 green tax stamps (paper), condition VF +, but small 1cm tear in upper border, 250 Euro.

Eaton & Howard Balanced Fund, Boston, 1960, green border and vignette: justice lady, flanked by 2 men; red over print text that par value is now $ 0,50 (in stead of 1 $),  43 Euro

Wisconsin Investment Corp.,

Wisconsin Investment Co. share certificate

Wisconsin Investment Corp., 1930, 100 shares, orange border, large vignette of Justice Lady between 2 detailed globe-halves.
Left border cut of, leaving less white than normally, hole cancelled through signature, punched character cancellation,

Price 25 Euro.

<----klik on pictures for enlargements --->

wisconsin Investment C0-egraving

Crédit Foncier du Brésil et de l'Amérique du Sud, S.A.
Paris, 1928, action de 500 Fr; 33 by 21 cm; print: Richard, Paris; engraving: Henri Brauer; depicted are the almost nude god(des) Hermes (L.: Mercurius; Engl.: Mercury)a cherub with horn of affluence and Medusa, her hair  full of snakes; Very decorative and a beauty to frame !; price 25 Euro.
From the former collection of beautiful women on stocks of Marc-Edouard Emay (nrs. 11 - 18) it becomes apparent that this design by Henri Brauer was used by at least 4 other companies.

Athene (Gr.) / Minerva (L.) / Athena (Engl.)
Minerva Motors S.A., Berchem-Anvers, Belgium,
---------------Part Social, 1920, Vignette: helmed head of the God Minerva with a dragon with wings on the helmet;  blue decorative border, price 25 Euro
--------------  coupure d'un 1/10e de la part sociale, Anvers 1929,
Blue border and in each corner a small vignette: helmed head of the God Minerva with a dragon with wings on the helmet. She is also depicted in the underprint.
---------- coupon sheet attached with tape: 16 Euro
---------- coupon sheet still normally attached: 35 Euro

Moira (Gr.) / Schikgodinnen (NL) / Fatal Sisters or Fates (Eng.)

Century Ribbon Mills, Inc , USA, orange border, 8-5-1946, x shares, vignette: Goddess, a fatal sister (one breast uncoverd) spinning or unwinding a life thread, 34 Euro.

Nike, daugter of  Styx, who was a daughter of the Titan Oceanus.

Kingdom of Greece / Basileion tes Ellados
6,5% loan, 1922; certificate of 1 bond of 100 Drachmes; print: Bradbury Wilkinson & Co., U.K.; blue print, 1 coupon still attached, see picture of  front and backside, The frontside shows a crowned coat of arms, flanked by 2 men with a club, probably Hercules. The backside shows a 6 by 4 cm statue of Nike, the goddess of Victory (daughter of Styx, who was a daughter of the Titan Oceanus). The famous American sport shoe company NIKE, was named after this goddess; The statue depicted on the back is a replica of the famous sculpture of Nike made in 421 B.C. by the Greek sculptor Paionios. As can be seen on this photograph, the original sculpture is badly damaged, but the (very small) replica that is depicted on this bond can be seen in the right lower corner of the photo. The goddess is landing on a triangular pillar: the rucks of her cloths suggest the speed with which she lands. (source: Zadoks, 1954, p. 65), condition VF-EF, 25 Euro.

Noah's Ark

Livestock Financial Corporation, State of New York, 100 shares, 1963, green border, small vignette (3 by 3 cm.) with picture of Noah's ark., see picture, hole cancelled, unfolded, very clean, 34 Euro.

Odin, or Wodan is the Nordic upper God, a fierce warrier frequently riding of into battles with his Walküre, beautiful woman worriers (his servants or daughters) on horses.

Mijnbouw Maatschappij "Odin"
Founded in Amsterdam in 1890; Bewijs van 1/20e aandeel groot f 60 (certificate of 1/20th share, in the amount of DGL 60), Amsterdam 1890; blue decorative border, 25 x 37 cm.; complete coupon sheet attached; 3 original signatures: from board members (commissarissen) P. Lycklema à Nyeholt en P.F. Baron van Heerdt en van director Mr. P.H. Scholten;
---------- condition VF: 3 horizontal folds and in right border a light stain, price € 75.
---------- condition VF: 3 horizontal folds and in right border 3 stains, price € 45.
VVOF Catalogue no. NL H 0209d; Goal of this gold mining co. was to take over the Odin ownership in the quarter Vensterkroon of the gold fields of Potchefstroom at the bank of the river Vaal in South Afrika, as well as exploitation and sale of the products and also the purchase of other mining rights.
Odin, or Wodan is the Nordic upper God, a fierce warrier frequently riding of into battles with his Walküre, beautiful woman worriers (his servants or daughters) on horses.

Phoenix Oil and Transport Company Ltd.
Nationale Trust Compagnie, certificaat van 25 aandelen, ieder groot 1 £ Sterling, in de Phoenix Oil and Transport Company Ltd., Londen, issued in Amsterdam, 1923, prijs 10 Euro.
Certificate of 25 shares of1 £, issued in Amsterdam by the Nationale Trust Compagnie in 1923.
The company was established on June 24th 1920 as a merger of the Anglo Continental Oil Company Ltd. and the Masterson Roumanian Oil Syndicate Ltd. In 1923 they got control over the Orion Petroeum Maatschappij and with that also over the Arnhemsche petroleum maatschappij, that was liquidated in that year. They also controlled "Unirea", S.A.R. de Petrol in Bukarest and with that the Roumanian Consolidated Oilfields Ltd. In 1946. They had 2 oil refineries in Ploesti, many other factories, pipe lines and  also storage facilities in the harbour of Constanza (source: Van Oss effectenboek 1945/'46).

Phoenix Rijwielenfabriek Alb. Schootstra, N.V.
gev. te Leeuwarden; Bewijs van aandeel, serie B, groot f 500 aan toonder; Leeuwarden, z.j., ongebruikt reservestuk (Blankette); Lith. B. van Mantgem, Hofl. Amst.; afm. ca. 21 x 32 cm.; olijkleurige sierrand, voll. aanh. couponblad; conditie UNC (drukfris); prijs € 50.

Romulus & Remus (L)

Pro Familia, S.A., Bruxelles, 14-10-1911, part de fondateur no. 191 (# = 400), a beautifully decorated stock of an insurance company, in blue and ocre, designed by Jean Droit: Price 100 Euro
Vignette of Romulus and Remus drinking milk from the wolf who raised them. See picture

Lips' Brandkasten- en Slotenfabrieken
gev. te Dordrecht; opgericht 1910; Bewijs van aandeel f 1000 (blankette: uiterst zeldzame proefdruk of voorbeeldruk van Drukkerij Geuze te Dordrecht), Dordrecht, 1 febr. 1911; bruine sierrand met 2 kleine Sphinxen; groot formaat: afm. 26 bij 38 cm., ook een heel grote Sphinx in het watermerk, alsmede de woorden Hofleverancier en LIPS, Gedep. fabrieksmerk.; prijs 250 Euro.


Vandalia Railroad Company, incorporated by the states of Indiana and Illinois, 100 shares, orange, 1905 and 1911
Large vignette (20 by 8,5 cm) with at the centre a loc, at the right a lady and at the left a Vandal-warrior with sword and helmet. See picture.  and/or text with a short history of the infamous Vandal people,  who are still remembered by the word "vandalism".
All pieces are glued to the company book sheet with the same certificate no.
-- 1905, company book sheet glued under the share certificate no.4, therefore the only one where the complete certificate is visible, f 300 = 140 Euro.
From the other certificates the left border is (partly) covered by the company book sheet.
--  1905, very clean, f 200  90 Euro
--  1911, lower border less clean, 70 Euro

Virtus / Deugd (NL) / Virtue (Engl)
allegorical figure Virtue  

Interborough-Metropolitan Company, New York 1909, certificate of 10 shares,
in the name of Nederlandsch Administratie en Trust Kantoor, blue border, size 34 by 25 cms, not listed in Schabmayer 1998 catalogue.

Vignette of goddess with wings, pointing to a bright light and holding a train wheel with wings, one knee resting on a firm block. I suppose not goddess Fortuna, but the allegorical figure Virtue (Deugd), often depicted on a block as sign of steadfastness (standvastigheid),

EF, uncancelled, SOLD.

The Virginia Coal and Iron Company
Incorporated in 1882 in the state of Virginia, head quarter in Big Stone Gap; having land holdings in Lee and Wise counties, Virginia and in Harlan county, Kentucky. Certificate no. 2051 of X shares of 100 $ each, in a capital of 5 million $, 1924; orange border and white imprinted company seal; print: Security Banknote Co., Phila.; on the back: 2 red stock transfer stamps of 20 cents, and 1 of 4 cents, all with overprint  "'State Printery"', and 2 documentary stamps , of 4 and of 40 cents (red); price 50 Euro.
vignette: 5 by 5 cm. engraving of  the allegorical figure Virtus (Virtue) in harness, holding a sword and a spear in her hands and treading down  the allegorical Tyranny, his crown fallen from his head; a broken chain and sword lying next to him. Text: "SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS" (Engl.: Thus Always to Tyrants; NL.: Zo gaat het tirannen altijd), according to Bob Kerstein ( the motto of the state of Virginia, wheras this allegorical figure of Virtue is representing the spirit of the British Commonwealth, illustrting struggle that has ended in complete victory. Hall, (1993, p. 78) mentions that in Gothic sculpture a particular Virtue (there were quite a number) often treads down the vice belonging to it. I invite those who know more, to send me further comments on the correct interpretation of this engraving. And, is there any reason why the company would choose this vignette for it's stock ?

Wheel of Fortune / Rad van Fortuin (NL)

General American Investors Company Inc.
Incorporated in 1928 under Delaware law; 1979, x shares, blue border; 8 by 6 cm vignette of almost nude man turning the "wheel of fortune" and several gods, amongst whom Mercury, god of the trade, 45 Euro.

QCI Industries Ltd, formerly Quinte-Canlin Ltd
1975, orange, x shares, vignette of strong semi-nude man turning the wheel of fortune, The certificate is originally printed as a Quinte-Canlin piece, but later over printed in red with the text "QCI-industries, formerly" price 50 Euro. QCI Industries Ltd
1977, orange, x shares, vignette of strong semi-nude man turning the wheel of fortune, price 25 €. These certificates were sold in The Netherlands and Belgium in the 1970's, together with certificates of Equicorp Industries and Mircan Industries Ltd, at people's doors and through banks and brokers. It ended in a big scam. Read the story on Equicorp Industries !

Zeus (Gr.) / Jupiter (L.)

Algemeene Verzekering Maatschappij "Europa", established in 1918 in Amsterdam, Bewijs van aandeel f 5000, July 22nd 1918, in the name of  Dr. Ir. G.L. Frederik Philips (1858-1942, who established in 1891 with his father Gerard the now famous Multinational electronics firm Philips), printed by J.H. De Bussy, Amsterdam, brown border, # = 200, EF, unfolded and in beautiful condition, Price 134 Euro.
Vignette: 10 by 10 cm, in underprint the god Zeus, disguised as a white bull, abducting the goddess Europa to Crete. See picture

Banque Centrale de Grèce / Kentrike Trapeza tes Ellados
established in 1918; Titre de 25 actions de 200 Drachmes / Titulos 25 metoxon; Athens, Greece,1918; green / black; 4 by 5 cm vignette of  Zeus, holding staff and thunderbolt, 6 by 2 vignette of Hermes (Eng: Mercury) and 2 by 6 vignette of Justitia, holding sword and balance; see picture, 5 green tax stamps (paper), condition VF +, but small 1cm tear in upper border, 250 Euro. Sabre-Pinon Corporation, Delaware, USA, establ. 1954, 100 shares, brown border, 1957, price 11 Euro.
Vignette: modern Zeus, standing in the clouds, not only holding the traditional streak of lightning in one hand, but in the other one also a mushroom cloud from a nuclear explosion ! Sabre-Pinon Corporation, Delaware, USA, establ. 1954,  <100 shares, blue border, 1957, price 23 Euro.
Vignette: modern Zeus, standing in the clouds, not only holding the traditional streak of lightning in one hand, but in the other one also a mushroom cloud from a nuclear explosion !


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