Scripophily site
a collection of historic bonds
and shares
Dr. Hugo H. van der Molen -
Wederikweg 114 - 9753 AE Haren, The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)50 534 8795; email: [email protected]
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On this web page you find the following Categories:
Ballet, Fine art, Furniture, Galeries, Writers, Sculptors, Exhibitions,
Art Houses, Exploitation, Promotion, Printers & Publishers;
of USA certificates
We also have separate web pages on Architecture , Art-Deco , Art Nouveau / Jugendstil , Chinese style , and Ottoman-Turkish / Balkan style .
See also web pages on the following artists:
Gustav Klimt,
Liliane Vertessen
Unknown artists
Bischofsheimer Volksbank eG
Jubilaeum Emission (# issued = 3000) 3,5% Inhaber-Schuldverschreibung
1999-2004 ueber Zehn Euro. Beautiful
watercolour painting (12 by 15 cm) of the local Water Tower.
Beautiful separate coupon sheet (still valid) with 11 pictures of historic
buildings in the region. Bischofsheim, February 1999, 95 Euro.
Ökologik A.G., Beteiligungen im Interesse de Natur, Erlangen,
Germany, Dec.1997, Aktie zu 5 DM, with valid coupon sheet, f 95 = 43
Beautiful 13 cm by 18 cm painting of a graceful young woman
planting a tree under a radiant sun: see
Verreries de Vertou S.A. (Societe Nouvelle des), 76 Rue de la
Bastille, Nantes, established April 18th 1919, Action de 500 Fr. au
porteur (bearer share), imprimerie Moderne, Nantes; f 495 = 225 Euro.
Beautiful black and white drawing (13 by 18 cm) of two half nude men
shoving a glass bottle into an oven with a stick, see picture.
Brauer, Henri (engraver, 1858-1936), engraved many stocks and bonds: see separate page
Casas, Ramon
La Hispano Suiza Fabrica de Automobiles S.A., Barcelona, 12-9-1940, 8th
emission, share of 500 Pesetas, VF-EF, f 660 = 300 Euro
See beautiful illustration of the
Italian actress teresa Mariani, favourite model of the famous Spanish
and portraitist Ramon Casas (1866 - 1932).
Read more about this very famous
automobile company !
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Cocteau, Jean
Beautifully drawn woman's head (see picture) by Jean Cocteau, probably his version of France's national symbol, Marianne. (Waarschijnlijk Cocteau's versie van Frankrijk's nationale symbool Marianne: zie hier en hier bij Wikipedia) condition EF, but some tiny staple holes, price: 75 Euro. The Parisian Jean Cocteau (1889 -1963) was the first true multi-media artist. He was not only well known as a film director (e.g. in 1946 La Belle et Le Bête = The Beauty and The Beast, after Madame Le Prince de Beaumont's book in 1757), but is also widely known in poetry, fiction, ballet, opera, painting and illustration. See further: |
Oddron, C.
Filatures et Tissages Reunis à Gand, SA, Gand (Gent), Belgium,
incorporated in 1910,
beautiful Art-Deco border and in underprint (very faint) a ship in
harbour with cotton or wool bags being (un)loaded. Design by C. Oddron: see picture.
---------- blue border and lettering, Action de Capital, 1930, red
stamp concerning statute change, EF, unfolded, 95 Euro
---------- brown border and lettering, Action de Dividende, VF, 65 Euro
Dali, Salvador
Agricultura y Ganadería S.A.
Vilanova de la Muga, Gerona,
share of 50 Pesetas, 1929, Yellow paper with brown print; measures without coupons: ca. 20 cm high and 34 cm wide; with 6 rows of dividend coupons (only 3 of which are shown here): ca. 37 cm. high; The share is unfolded, but the coupon sheet is; Price:
495 Euro.
This company was established on February 6th 1929 in Figueras before
notary public D. Salvador Dalí y Cusí, father of the famous surrealistic painter Salvador Dali,
who spent his youth in Figueras and went to school there with the
Maristen brothers.
Loir Luici
B.Sirven, Toulouse, 5% obligation de 500 Fr, 1901, au porteur; I
they were a printing and publishing firm in art; beautiful design by
Luici of lady with child, painting, painting and printing equipment,
decorations and beautiful border; a beauty to frame. Not the
but a faksimile copy produced by WWA Suppes, old stock auctioneer
see top half of this beautiful piece; 45
Malvaux, Jean
Trust Colonial, S.A.
Bruxelles 1899, Large illustrations of 2
elegant ladies, Mercurius attributes, world map and Jugendstil border decoration. Nice
to frame.
---------- Action de Capital, red design and text, VF/EF: 35 Euro; VF
25 Euro
---------- Action de Dividende, blue design and text, VF, 35 Euro
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Woningbouw, NV, te 's Gravenhage, wordt wel "De Mondriaan" van de Nederlandse aandelen genoemd, alhoewel de kunstenaar onbekend is. VVOF cat. no. NL H 475 a-b. afm. 21,2 x 34,1 cm. Alle stukken zijn ongevouwen, met aanhangend volledig couponblad. ----------van type 475 a zijn 100 aandelen gedrukt, waarvan alleen de nrs. 1-41 geplaatst. Deze hebben 4 handtekeningen en betreffen Serie A; --- no 10, ongevouwen, licht roestspoor van paperclip in rechter rand, prijs € 150. ---------- van serie A bestaan nog 59 stukken, de nrs. 42-100, die niet zijn geplaatst en slechts 1 handtekening hebben, die van commissaris G.J. van der Well. prijs: € 50. ---------- Tevens zijn er blankettes bekend met serieletter B, genummerd 101-200, prijs: € 25. |
English: Building of houses corporation.
the Hague
Called the Mondriaan of Dutch Scripophily although in fact the designer is unknown.
share certificate,
series A, yellow, see picture The Hague 1921, measures: 21,2 x 34,1 cm,
---------- # actually issued = only 41, with complete coupon
sheet, condition VF+, unfolded, complete coupon sheet attached:
--- no. 10, with paperclip mark on right border, price € 150.
---------- only one signature, not being the
director, therefore partial a reserve piece, condition VF+, price
---------- reserve pieces, series B, without signatures, condition EF-UNC, with coupon sheet, price € 25.
Rembrandt van Rijn (1606-1669)![]() |
Nederlandsche Staatslening-1943
Renders, Emile
Tramway & Chemin de Fer Électriques
Rome-Civita-Castellana-Viterbe, SA Belge, established in 1904,
Brussels, Action de Capital de 100 Fr. au
porteur, 1907, Imp. de la Cote Libre, Br.; purple border on green, beautiful Jugendstil design by Emile
Renders , showing St Peters Church and a market place, also a
tramway and a woman with a pitcher , flowers and fruit; coupons
attached, EF, price: 98 Euro.
Tramway Électriques dde Rome à Civita-Castellana, Action de Capital de 100 Fr., 1904, dark blue border on light blue field, similar design as above, with coupons attached, VF, price: 98 Euro.
Bank), Split, Yugoslavia, 1922, 1 share (= 1 Dionica), 400 Kr., large
size (38 by 30 cm), brown on yellow with red and dark brown characters.
2 beautiful drawings by Tommaseo, of a
woman and a man, see picture,
4 wet stamps, also over part of the drawing. VF, unfolded, but a few
wrinkles at outer edge of
upper border, 625 Euro.
Velasquez, Diego (Spain,
Banco de Cartagena
Cartagena, Spain, 1900; Accion al
Portador De Quinientas Pesetas (bearer share of 50 (?)
Pesetas); Print
by Arnoud - Lyon / Paris; 20 by
cm black engraving of the famous painting Mercurio y Argo (Mercury and
Argus) by D. Velasquez; VF+: one faint middle fold with a 1 cm tear
in left border
(on the fold, but hardly visible; a few small wrinkles in left upper
125 Euro.
The picture shows the god Hermes (L: Mercury) drawing his sword in
order to decapitate the shepard who guarded princes Io, who had been
transformed into a white cow by Zeus (L: Jupiter). Read more about this fascinating
myth !
When Velasquez was commissioned to do the interior decoration of the
famous Alcazar palace, he made 4 paintings with mythological subjects.
this painting was preserved, now hanging in the Prado museum in Madrid.
Vertessen, Liliane Distriart N.V., nr. 1 in a series of (16) art-design stocks, this one showing a photo by Liliane Vertessen, displaying a woman, seductively lying down and holding a whip. Border and field are light green, see certificate, or detailed photo, 22 x 32 cm, with attached coupon sheet 44 x 32cm., price 35 Euro. Distriart is an art galery, art shop and art publisher, established in 1987 as Gode Beheer. It's name was changed to Distriart in 1992. |
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In his extensive index-list and accompanying illustrated catalogue, "HWP-Künstler", of stocks illustrated by artists, Jürgen Weritz ([email protected]) shows illustrations of hundreds of stocks, illustrated by some 200 artists.
Arts Decoratifs sur Bois (Societe des), Paris, 19??, Part de
Fondateur, # = 500, original signatures,
but date not
filled in, EF / UNC, unfolded, produced by Les procedes Bassani, Paris,
210 = 95 Euro. (full colour postcard 15 by 10,5 cm., f 7,50 = 3,5
Beautiful decorative piece, completely in the form of inlaid wood, with
complete coupon sheet in the same design, see picture.
Kingdom of Greece / Basileion tes Ellados
6,5% loan, 1922; certificate of 1 bond of 100 Drachmes; print: Bradbury
Wilkinson & Co., U.K.; blue print, 1 coupon still attached, see picture of front and backside,
The frontside
shows a crowned coat of arms, flanked by 2 men with a club, probably
The backside shows a 6 by 4 cm statue
Nike, the goddess of Victory (daughter of Styx, who was a daughter
the Titan Oceanus). The famous American sport shoe company NIKE, was
named after this goddess; The statue depicted on the back is a replica
of the famous sculpture of Nike made in 421 B.C. by the Greek sculptor
Paionios. As can be seen on this
photograph, the original sculpture is badly damaged, but the (very
replica that is depicted on this bond can be seen in the right lower
of the photo. The goddess is landing on a triangular pillar: the rucks
her cloths suggest the speed with which she lands. (source: Zadoks,
p. 65), condition VF-EF, 25 Euro.
Distriart N.V.,
nr. 1 in a series of (16) art-design stocks, this one showing a photo by Liliane Vertessen, displaying a woman, seductively lying down and holding a whip. Border and field are light green, see certificate, or detailed photo, 22 x 32 cm, with attached coupon sheet 44 x 32cm., price 35 Euro. Distriart is an art galery, art shop and art publisher, established in 1987 as Gode Beheer. It's name was changed to Distriart in 1992. |
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Paleis voor Volksvlijt te Amsterdam,
Het paleis had jarenlang een kunstgalerie en zelfs een tijdje een
kunstmuseum. Er werden ook veel verkooptentoonstellingen gehouden.
----- loterijlening van f 2,50 loten, 1869, zeer decoratief: statige
dame naast bijenkorf, 4 engelen en afbeelding (7 bij 4 cm) van het
paleis voor volksvlijt, see
picture (of similar piece), VF, prijs f 50 = 23 Euro
----- loterijlening van f 10,- loten, 1867, F (2 grote scheuren
in het midden geplakt met vet sellotape) en 2 kleine scheuren in
zeer decoratief: 6 bij 3 cm afbeelding van het paleis voor volksvlijt,
paarse rand met alle provinciewapens, see picture, prijs f 25 = 12
----- accurate opgave van den afloop der gedane trekkingen van
1-5-1867 tot 2-5-1910, geen aandeel / no stock, prijs f 10,-
----- mededelingen d.d. 31-12-1917 inzake premieleningen 1867
(10,- loten) en 1869 (2,5 gulden loten) met een uitlotingsschema
(herzien) tot 1-6-1977,
geen aandeel / no stock, prijs f 15,-
See picture of a sieve print (NL
zeefdruk) of the palace by Joost Veerkamp.
The Netherlands
Gebouw voor Kunsten en Wetenschappen te Amsterdam,
---------- 1921, premie-obligatie van f 10, colour green, , prijs . 23
see picture
Zeer fraaie illustratie van de plattegrond van de
schouwburg en het gebouw zelf / beautiful illustration of the building
and a plan of the theathre, no coupons cut off
---------- 1921, premie-obligatie van f 10, colour green, , prijs . 11
Zeer fraaie illustratie van het gebouw en plattegrond
ervan / beautiful illustration of the building and it's plan, 2 coupons
cut off. Same picture as above.
---------- 1921, premie-obligatie van f 5, geen illustratie, rood,
prijs f 40
Zeer fraaie illustratie van de plattegrond van de
schouwburg en het gebouw zelf / beautiful illustration of the building
and a plan of the theathre, no coupons cut off, see picture above, but
now in red.
---------- 1923, premie-obligatie van f 5, colour red, no illustration,
but beautiful Jugendstil border, price 50 Euro
---------- 1923, aandeel nr 56 van f 1000, # = 1250, zwart, conditie:
EF, 75 Euro.
Voormalig waarborgfonds van de premielening der Vereeniging:
Rotterdamsche Schouwburg, NV, Rotterdam, 1-12-1894,
Obligatie aan toonder van f 1,50;
druk: Wed. S. Benedictus, Rotterdam; 2 fraaie vignetten: 1e: 2 leeuwen
+ schild, 2e: masker, bijenkorf; donker groene rand op lichtgroen,
zwarte tekst en vignet,
wit gedrukt belastingstempel, :
---------- met Zwitsers
loterij-belasting-controlezegel , ongevouwen, prijs 50 Euro .
---------- zonder belastingzegel:, conditie VF+, op achterkant paperclip-roestspoor, voorop niet zichtbaar, prijs € 25
United Kingdom
The Victoria Palace Ltd.
Certificate of x shares, United
Kingdom, 1929; size: 28,5 by 25,5 cm.; 3 by 5 cm engraving of Victoria
Palace, Victoriastreet, London, with on top a statue of the famous
ballerina Pavlova: read the
story !; Victoria Palace was built by the great theatre architect
Frank Matcham.; red texts and decorations; price 75 Euro.
Drukkerij en Uitgeversmaatschappij Dante Alighieri, te Castricum
opgericht 15-7-1921, Maatsch. kapitaal f 100.000, bewijs van aandeel
groot f 200, t.n.v. Louis G. Winkeler te Castricum, d.d. 1-7-1921,
sierrand, Dante Alighieri en f 200 in rode druk, orig. handt. van comm.
en dir., # = 500 ?, 21 bij 35 cm.; 21 by 35 cm. aanh. couponblad, afbeelding: kop van Dante in gele druk: 12
bij 13 cm, prijs 250 Euro
Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) werd als schrijver en dichter uit
Florence vooral beroemd door zijn meesterwerk, de Divina Comedia
(Goddelijke Comedie), een beschrijving van zijn reis door de
onderwereld (hel en vagevuur) en de hemelsche sferen (ENSIE, II, p. 144-145).
English translation: Printing and
Publishing Co. Dante Alighieri, Castricum, The Netherlands, established
in 1921; share
no. 176; # issued probably 500 ?; pink decorative border,
head of Dante in yellow: 12 by 13 cm., see
picture, EF and unfolded, price 250 Euro.
Dante Alighieri
(1265-1321) from Florence, Italy, has become especially famous by his
masterpiece, the Divina Comedia (Divine Comedy), describing his voyage
through heaven and hell.
Exposition Internationale des Arts Décoratifs et Industrielles Paris 1925, Bon a Lot de 50 Fr, Paris 1923, The lotery ticket gave right to 20 entrance tickets and gave right to a host of extras, reductions for train, plane and theatres and also participated in 56 lotery drawings in 1923 and 1924; blue rose-decorated border, VF-, not damaged but brown folds nd some stains; 23 Euro.
Administratie- en Exploitatie Maatschappij "Kunsthoek" (NV), gev. te
Amsterdam, opger. 15-12-1909, Kapitaal f 25.000,
# = 25 aandelen van f 1000 aan toonder; mij alleen
blankettes bekend, mooie blauwe sierrand, EF/UNC, 250 euro = f 550.
Engl. transl.: Administration and
exploitation company "Art corner", Amsterdam, established in 1909,
Capital f 25.000,
divided in 25 shares of f 1000, EF/UNC, 250 Euro.
Exposition Internationale des Arts Décoratifs et Industrielles
Paris 1925, Bon a Lot de 50 Fr, Paris 1923, The lotery ticket gave
right to 20 entrance
tickets and gave right to a host of extras, reductions for train, plane
theatres and also participated in 56 lotery drawings in 1923 and 1924;
rose-decorated border, VF-, not damaged but brown folds nd some stains;
The Netherlands
De Internationale Kunstvereeniging, N.V.
gev. te Amsterdam op 2-8-1885; Oprichtersaandeel no. 10, rechtgevend op 1/100e aandeel in 15% van de overwinst, Amsterdam 1-9-1885, ondertekend door directeur L.B. Werttheim en commissarisStichter en de administrateur E. Rittner-Bos (?); druk: C.A. Spin en Zoon, Handelsdrukkerij, Amsterdam; afm. ca. 17 x 25 cm., voll. aanh. couponblad (waarin een scheurtje); fraaie sierrand, conditie VF+: 1 nette verticale vouw en 2 lichte kreukels, oplage = 100 st, zeldzaam !, prijs € 195.
Lid waren o.a. de beroemde architect P.J.H. Cuijpers en dichter-schrijver en hoogleraar esthetica en kunstgeschiedenis J.A. Alberdingk Thijm.
Stichting Kunstcontact, gev. te Amsterdam, 4,5% obligatielening, 1963, groot f 200.000, obligatie f 1000, oplage # = 200; orig. handt., los couponblad met op alle coupons een kleine afbeelding van D'Oude.Sydts.Capel, 1648, Origineel ntwerp: 6 grote lichtblauwe letters K op grijs stippelpatroon, in 1964 bovenin getypt: Ter verificatie aangemeld door Mr.H.J. van lennep, Amsterdam, 24-111964; prijs € 95.
B.Sirven, Toulouse, France, 5% obligation de 500 Fr, 1901, au porteur; I suppose they were a printing and publishing firm in art; beautiful design by Loir Luici of lady with child, painting, painting and printing equipment, many decorations and beautiful border; a beauty to frame. Not the original, but a faksimile copy produced by WWA Suppes, old stock auctioneer inGermany, see top half of this beautiful piece; 45 Euro = f 99
Drukkerij en Uitgeversmaatschappij Dante Alighieri, te Castricum
opgericht 15-7-1921, Maatsch. kapitaal f 100.000, bewijs van aandeel
groot f 200, t.n.v. Louis G. Winkeler te Castricum, d.d. 1-7-1921,
sierrand, Dante Alighieri en f 200 in rode druk, orig. handt. van comm.
en dir., # = 500 ?, 21 bij 35 cm.; 21 by 35 cm. aanh. couponblad, afbeelding: kop van Dante in gele druk: 12
bij 13 cm, prijs 250 Euro
Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) werd als schrijver en dichter uit
Florence vooral beroemd door zijn meesterwerk, de Divina Comedia
(Goddelijke Comedie), een beschrijving van zijn reis door de
onderwereld (hel en vagevuur) en de hemelsche sferen (ENSIE, II, p. 144-145).
English translation: Printing and
Publishing Co. Dante Alighieri, Castricum, The Netherlands, established
in 1921; share
no. 176; # issued probably 500 ?; pink decorative border,
head of Dante in yellow: 12 by 13 cm., see
picture, EF and unfolded, price 250 Euro.
Dante Alighieri
(1265-1321) from Florence, Italy, has become especially famous by his
masterpiece, the Divina Comedia (Divine Comedy), describing his voyage
through heaven and hell.
Engravers of USA certificates
Tamarkin, B. and Krantz, L., The Art of the Market: Two centuries of American
business as seen through its stock certificates.
ISBN 1-55670-938-2; Published in 1999 by Stewart, Tabori & Chang,
U.S. Media Holdings, Inc., 115 West 18th street, New York, NY 10011
176 pages in colour with detailed illustrations of stocks and
engravings,; interesting texts about the USA company history and on the
history of the art of engraving in the USA, specifying many
engravers by name and the engravings they made when working at various
printing companies: a feast for the eyes !
Engravers of mythological figures
The artist Asher Durand, who started
business with his brother Cyrus, an engraver in New York in 1824, is
responsible for
the introduction of mythological figures, drawn in the Greek
manner which gave their distinctive style to the vignettes on the bonds
and share certificates engraved by the American Banknote Company
(ABNC). In later years, until his death in 1948, Alonzo
E. Foringer continued the tradition of portraying Greek gods
and godesses. Many of his allegorical figures grace the vignettes on
certificates issued during that period. Source:
Hendy, 1980, p. 5.
Engravers, alphabetically
Carlson, Sven Ohrvel
Painted between 1958 and 1961 the so called "space age"or
"electronics" paintings for ABNC.
No. 1 of this series, engraved by
ABNC's Kenneth Guy, is depicted on certificates of the
International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation
source: Tomasko (2002).
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We also have separate web sites on Architecture , Art-Deco , Art Nouveau / Jugendstil , Chinese style , and Ottoman-Turkish / Balkan style .
In his extensive index-list and accompanying illustrated catalogue, "HWP-Künstler", of stocks illustrated by artists, Jürgen Weritz ([email protected]) shows illustrations of hundreds of stocks, illustrated by some 200 artists.