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a collection of historic bonds and shares
(Very) Decorative shares / (Heel) decoratieve aandelen

(update 23-2-20025)

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The Netherlands

azem aandeel met schitterend Art-Deco ontwerp

Algemeene Zeeuwsche Electriciteits Maatschappij A.Z.E.M., NV
gev. te Middelburg
Bewijs van aandeel f 500 aan toonder in een Kapitaal van f 500.000, Middelburg, 1918; schitterend art-deco ontwerp met 2 elegante dames die naar een lamp wijzen; Een van de mooiste Nederlandse aandelen ! typografie: G.W. den Boer-Middelburg; afm. ca. 21,5 x 34 cm, los couponblad, waarvan 2 geknip; conditie VF: div. vouwen en enkele nietjes-sporen; Verkocht / sold.

De Bary Netto Rentefonds N.V.
gev. te Amsterdam; zeldzame SPECIMEN uit het archief van drukkery De Bussy Ellerman Harms te Amsterdam (er zijn hooguit 5 ex. van elk type voor verzamelaars beschikbaar gekomen); afm. 21 bij 30 cm en 12 bij 4 cm afbeelding van het kantoor van De Bary aan de Herengracht in Amsterdam, waar nu de Deutsche Bank zetelt.
---------- Bewijs van 1 gewoon aandeel aan toonder groot 1 gulden geel-groene sierrand, UNC; prijs 50 Euro (zonder SPECIMEN opdrukken: € 95).
---------- Bewijs van 10 gewone aandelen aan toonder, elk groot 1 gulden, donker groene sierrand, UNC; prijs 50 Euro (zonder SPECIMEN opdrukken: € 95).
---------- Bewijs van 100 gewone aandelen aan toonder, elk groot 1 gulden, blauwe sierrand; UNC, prijs 50 Euro.
---------- Bewijs van 1000 gewone aandelen aan toonder, elk groot 1 gulden, paarse sierrand; UNC, prijs 50 Euro (zonder SPECIMEN opdrukken: € 95).
set van alle 4 typen (met SPECIMEN opdrukken): € 175.
set van 3 typen zonder SPECIMEN opdrukken: € 250.

Bredasche Manege, aandeel uit 1911  

Bredasche Manège, N.V.
Gev. te Breda,

24-1-1911, Aandeel f 50 in kapitaal van f 5.000 (oplage dus slechts100);

afm. 18 x 26 cm, rode sierrand en afbeelding van paardehoofd en hoefijzer,

Druk: H. Engelbrecht, Breda.

prachtig om in te lijsten !

conditie VF+, ongevouwen, geen randgebreken, prijs € 250.

NV "De Nederlandsche", Maatschappij van Levensverzekering en Lijfrente.
in 1916 opgericht te Utrecht; Oprichtersaandeel, Utrecht 1916; 21 bij 17 cm., met gedrukt oranje belastingzegel en 2 bij 3 cm wapperende NL vlag in rood, wit en blauw; bruine sierrand en teksten,
----- no. 184, ongevouwen, maar in elke hoek 2 minieme nietjesgaatjes; los voll. couponblad; prijs € 185.
----- no. 116, 1 verticale middenvouw, die onderin die vouw iets aan inkt ontbreekt door het vouwen, voll. aanh. couponblad, achterkant van het hele stuk is rond de middenvouw sterk verweerd, wat vanwege de dikte van het papier echter niet aan de voorzijde zichtbaar is; prijs: € 95.

NV "De Nederlandsche", Maatschappij van Verzekeringen.
in 1918 opgericht te Utrecht, Bewijs van Aandeel f 1000, no 33 t.n.v. dhr.P. Humfeld te Den Haag, waarop aanvankelijk 10% gestort, maar later tot 95 %. afm. ca. 18 x 26 cm., groene sierrand en afb. van de Nederlandse vlag, conditie VF: ongevouwen maar bovenrand gekreukt, aanhangend voll. couponblad, prijs 185 €.

(maatschappij tot exploitatie van de) Drukkerij "Plantijn"
Leiden, opgericht 1918,
English: exploitation of  Plantijn Printers in Leiden; the company  (formerly called G.F. Théonville) was named after the very famous and ancient printing house Plantijn, originated in Antwerp and considered to be the follow up of  the early Gutenberg printers; (In Antwerp one can visit the Plantijn Museum); this is an extraordinary decorative piece in blue, gold and red, one of the nicest Duch stocks !  all pieces are signed by the director B.P.F.M. Geijer.
Bewijs van aandeel groot f 250; (certificate of one share of 250 Guilders).
-----------  reservestuk (zgn. blankette) van een bewijs van aandeel (unused piece), schitterende uitvoering in Blauw, Rood en Goud , EF, 50 Euro.
---------- gelopen stukken (used pieces), t.n.v. J.H.M. Spruijt, Den Haag,
---- conditie VF: middenvouw bruin geworden (midfold is brownish), alle coupons aanhangend, prijs 75 Euro.
---- condition EF: only one clean mid fold, with coupon sheet attached: price 125 €.

Eerste Haagsche Hulpbank (De),
's Gravenhage, 1908 , Bewijs van aandeel groot f 250, no 400 in een kapitaal van f 100.000; dus oplage # is 400; 18 bij 27 cm; 5 bij 7 cm gravure met een afbeelding van een gevleugeld engel, er omheen staande jonge en oude mensen en rokende fabrieken; 2 grote en 3 kleine liquidatiestempels; los couponblad; belastingstempel ad f 50 Noord Holland; prijs 225 Euro
English: First Aid Bank of The Hague; 1908, share of 250 Guilders in a capital of 100.000 Guilders; 400 shares issued; 18 bij 27 cm; engraving of winged angel surrounded by young and old people; price 225 Euro.

Gemeentelening 's Gravenhage 1954 II


Gemeente 's Gravenhage

3,5% obligatielening 1954-II, groot 10 miljoen

obligatie van f 1000, no. 000000 (SPECIMEN), 1-10-1954; afm. 21 x 30 cm, groene rand op geel patroon met Haagse wapentjes (ooievaartjes), links bovenin het wapen, midden boven een 7 bij 4,5 cm. vignet met stadswijk, conditie UNC (bijna drukfris), ongevouwen, voll. aanh. couponblad, druk: Kon. Drukkerij Linkhout-imming, Den Haag, prijs 75 Euro.

Hoornsche Crediet- en Effectenbank
gev. te Hoorn, opgericht in 1903; Lith. Lankhout, Den Haag; bruine sierrand, tekst en afbeeldingen (17 bij 6 cm) van een oud stadsgezicht en van landbouwmachines; originele handtekeningen. 19 bij 33 cm.
English: Credit and Stock Bank of the city of Hoorn (North Holland), one of the famous sea ports that formed one "Chamber" of the famous Dutch East Indies Company - VOC, in the 17th century. Decorated with beautiful picture of the old city of Hoorn and of agricultural equipment,size19 by 33 cm.
---------- 1920, Maatsch. Kapitaal f 600.000; Bewijs van aandeel aantoonder groot f 1000, met stempelopdruk f 600; 3e serie no. 552; links boven 2 kleine roestsporen, prijs 75 Euro.
Share to bearer, 1920, 1000 Guilders in capital of 600.000 Guilders. VF, some rusttraces, but a beauty to frame: price  75 Euro.
---------- 1944, Maatsch. kapitaal 1 miljoen (doorgestreept), nieuwdruk: f 1.200.000; Bewijs van aandeel aan toonder groot Duizend gulden (doorgestreept), nieuwdruk: f 600; 4e serie no. 784, Hoorn, 1944; , VF: div. nietjessporen en beschadigde rechter bovenhoek, prijs 75 Euro.
Share to bearer, 1944, 1000 Guilders,  VF, some minor staple and rust traces, but a beauty to frame, original signatures, price 75 Euro.

"Lijempf" NV, Leeuwarder Ijs- en Melkproductenfabrieken
gev. te Leeuwarden

----- Zeldzame SPECIMEN, afkomstig uit de archieven van drukkerij de Bussy te Amsterdam, alle met een ronde afbeelding (8 cm. in doorsnee) in de onderdruk, van een vrouw in klederdracht. afm. A4 = ca. 21 x 30 cm.; gekleurde sierranden.

Lyempf logo op aandelen uit 1948 e.v.

---------- 1948, Obligatie f 1000, rood, prijs € 50
---------- 1948, Bewijs van aandeel f 1000, blauw, prijs € 50
---------- 1951, Bewijs van aandeel f 1000, blauw, prijs €50
---------- 1953, Obligatie f 1000, bruin, prijs € 50

----- Zeldzame SPECIMEN afkomstig uit de archieven van drukkerij de Bussy te Amsterdam, alle met een ronde afbeelding (2,5 cm. in doorsnee), van een vrouw in klederdracht. afm. A4 = ca. 21 x 30 cm.; gekleurde sierranden en afbeelding.

aandelen Leeuwarder ijs- en melkproductenfabrieken-logo

---------- 1966, Bewijs van aandeel groot f 25, groen, prijs €75
---------- 1966, Bewijs van 4 aandelen, elk groot f 25, rood, prijs €75
---------- 1966, Bewijs van aandeel van f 1000, blauw, prijs €75

Maatschappij voor Landontginning
gev. te Apeldoorn; goedgekeurd bij Kon. Besl. in 1873; Obligatie van f 5 in een Premieleening groot f 300.000, de zgn. tweede jaarlijkse Loterij-Negotiatie krachtens Art. 7 der satuten; Apledoorn, 1 mei 1874; afm. 22 bij 17 cm.; 3 prachtige gravures met landbouwtaferelen (o.a. een stoomgedreven machine), boerderijen en een molen; 2 blauwe bel. stempels; de voorwaarden zijn afgedrukt op de achterzijde; conditie EF: practisch ongevouwen; prijs 150 €.

Meelfabrieken der Nederlansche Bakkerij-aandeel met gravure der fabrieken

Meelfabrieken der Nederlandsche Bakkerij,
---------- Bewijs van aandeel f 1000 (proefdruk = blankette), 1916
het stuk is in de rechterbovenhoek genummerd "1" en in rechteronderhoek "143", komend uit 1 van 5 proefdrukboeken (rechterbovenhoek) met minstens 143 verschillende proeven van Drukkerij Geuze te Dordrecht; grote bruin-paarse sierrand met in bovenrand een rond vignet van een bakker die brood uit de oven haalt; VF-EF: ongevouwen, maar rechter-onderrand iets omgekruld geweest; volledig couponblad, zeer zeldzaam, mooi om in te lijsten, 250 Euro.

---------- 5% obligatie, groot f 1000 (proefdruk = blankette), 1916
het stuk is in de rechterbovenhoek genummerd "1" en in rechteronderhoek "142", komend uit 1 van 5 proefdrukboeken (rechterbovenhoek) met minstens 143 verschillende proeven van Drukkerij Geuze te Dordrecht; grote groene sierrand met in bovenrand een rond vignet van een bakker die brood uit de oven haalt; VF-EF: ongevouwen, maarkleine randgebreken, volledig couponblad, zeer zeldzaam, mooi om in te lijsten, prijs 250 Euro.

---------- bewijs van aandeel, f 50,-, Rotterdam, 31-1-1939,
ondertekend door o.a. directeur J.K.P. Kraan; Druk: Geuze en Co's Drukkerij, Dordrecht.
Illustratie: grote afbeelding van de nu nog bestaande meelfabriek MENEBA aan de Rotterdamsche Maashaven.
Illustration: large picture of the still existing flour factory MENEBA on the Maas harbour in Rotterdam.

---------- 3½% obligatie, f 1000, 7-1-1947, F, onderste 7 cm zijn van het stuk afgesneden ter ontwaarding, couponblad aangeniet, oranje belastingstempel, 23 Euro.

---------- firmabrief (dus geen aandeel !) uit 1957 met fraai vignet van de fabriek, de Maas en schepen, EF, 34 Euro.

Mijnbouw Maatschappij "Suriname"
This gold mining company was founded in 's Gravenhage (The Hague) in 1903; Bewijs van aandeel f 100 (share certificate for DGL 100); 's Gravenhage, 1904; very decorative piece with beautiful red border, complete coupon sheet attached, embossed tax seal (gepreegd belastingstempel), condition EF: 3 neat folds and further printer fresh without any defects; price € 135.

Molens voor Milieu BV
Gev. te Groningen; Niet overdraagbaar bewijs van inschrijving voor x converteerbare obligatie(s) (elk) groot vijfhonderd gulden, ten name van dhr. W. Muntinga. Genoemde obligatie(s) is / zijn d.d. 1 mei 1991 overeenkomstig het bepaalde in artikel II van de Trusteeovereenkomst in het register van op naam gestelde converteerbare obligaties Molens voor Milieu B.V. ingeschreven. Het betreft de 5% in niet royeerbare certificaten van gewone aandelen converteerbare obligatielening 1991 / 2006 groot nominaal f 5 miljoen. Rente en aflossing zijn gegarandeerd door N.V. Energiebedrijf voor Groningen en Drenthe. Druk: Joh. Enschede en zonen, Haarlem, A4-formaat, groene sierrand en blauwe afbeelding van een windmolen. Niet te koop.


klik 1 of 2 x op afbeelding voor vergroting -------->

Molens voor Milieu

Nederlandsche Houtimport Maatschappij NEHIM, bewijs van f 1000

Nederlandsche Houtimport Maatschappij "NEHIM" , N.V.
Amsterdam, 1951; Bewijs van Aandeel f 1000; niet gelopen zgn. reservestuk (blankette); Lith. Lankhout, Den Haag; 4 prachtige gravures (2 op afgebeelde achterzijde) van een schip in de haven, die hout lost, en van een Caduceus, een attribuut van Hermes, de God van de handel; zwart-groen, 2 archiefgaten, afm. 21 x 32 cm (alleen voorblad); zeer zeldzaam, verkocht / sold.

De oprichting van de "NEHIM" werd op 23 september 1940 aangekondigd in deze brief. Hierin staan de namen van de oprichters, het doel van de maatschappij en het maatschappel;ijk kapitaal van 1 miljoen gulden, waarvan volgestort f 311.000. De "Nehim" is op enig moment "overgenomen" door SCA, Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolag, uit Sundsvall, een zagerijconcern waarvan de Nehim de importeur voor Nederland was. De statuten zijn opgenomen als bijvoegsel tot de Staatscourant van 26 mei 1941 no 100 ( zie "Het Vaderland" van 27 mei 1941). De Nehim is lange tijd een leidende importeur van gezaagd naaldhout in Nederland geweest. Het werd geleid door leden van de familie Rote, (vroeger Rot geheten), eigenaren van Houthandel Rote ,Westzaan. SCA heeft het bedrijf gesloten en de activiteiten zijn voortgezet door SCA Nederland (bron: J.N. Wilkens, persoonlijke communicatie d.d. 24-2-2013). Wij vonden op internet het volgende adres: Entrada 161, 1096EC Amsterdam; Telefoon: (+31) 0206905881..verkocht / sold,

NTM aandeel uit 1880 met afb. paardentram  

Nederlandsche Tramwegmaatschappij, te Utrecht
----- 1880, Utrecht, bewijs van aandeel f 250 (blankette) in maatsch. kapitaal van f 300.000, rood, geel, groenen sierrand, in de onderdruk een 12 bij 5 cm. afbeelding van een door 1 paard getrokken tram, volledig couponblad, UNC, see picture, 100 Euro.

----- 1880, Utrecht, bewijs van aandeel f 1000 (blankette), in maatsch. kapitaal van f 300.000, rood/beige/blauwe sierrand,12 bij 5 cm. afbeelding van een door 1 paard getrokken tram, volledig couponblad, UNC, see picture, slechts 1 ex. beschikbaar, 500 Euro.

----- 1881, Utrecht, bewijs van aandeel f 250 (blankette) in maatsch. kapitaal van f 1.500.000, rood/geel/groene sierrand, afbeelding van een door 1 paard getrokken tram, volledig couponblad, UNC, see picture, 68 Euro.

----- 1881, Utrecht, bewijs van aandeel f 250 (no. 952c, wel gelopen) in maatsch. kapitaal van f 1.500.000, rood/geel/groene sierrand, afbeelding van een door 1 paard getrokken tram, los couponblad, VF, maar 2 cm scheur midden boven, ontwaarding door 2 kolommen gaatjes,  see picture, 250 Euro.

----- 1881, Utrecht, bewijs van aandeel f 1000 (no. 820, wel gelopen) in maatsch. kapitaal van f 1.500.000, rood/beuge/blauwe sierrand, afbeelding van een door 1 paard getrokken tram, los couponblad, conditie VF-: met 2 cm scheur midden boven en onderen klein gat op de vouwen in het midden, ontwaarding door 2 kolommen gaatjes,  see picture, 150 Euro.


Nederlandsche Trust-Maatschappij voor Goud-en andere Mijnwaarden "Wilhelmina", Aandeel van F 12

Niederländische Trust-Gesellschaft für Gold- und Minenwerke "Wilhelmine", Anteilschein Mk 20

Trust Néerlandais de Valeurs aurifieres et autres Valeurs Minieres "Wilhelmine", Action de Frs 25

Netherlands Trust-company for Gold- and other Mining Securities "Wilhelmina", Share of £ 1

Amsterdam, April 1902
Afm. 15,5 x 19 cm, met aanhangend couponblad en uittreksel der statuten.
Met o.a. een afbeelding van Koningin Wilhelmina met tulpen, Prijs € 100.

Wilhelmina van Oranje (1880-1962)

Dit fraaie aandeel leek destijds veelbelovend. Toch was de beleggingsmaatschappij niets meer dan een brutale zwendel. De inschrijving stond open bij 39 bankiers en effectenhuizen in Nederland, 23 in België en bij huizen in Parijs, Londen, Berlijn en Wenen. De financiëel journalist en uitgever S.F.van Oss rook onraad en ontdekte dat de banken een vergoeding van tussen de 6,5% en 10% zouden opstrijken. In zijn blad De Nieuwe Financier en Kapitalist trok hij stevig van leer tegen de emissie. In de pennenstrijd die daarop volgde beschuldigde hij een van de betrokkenen, een man van naam en faam in de financiële wereld, ervan een leugenaar te zijn. Dit kwam van Oss op een geldboete van dreihonderd gulden te staan. De emissie flopte niettemin volledig. (bron Financieele Dagblad kalender augustus 2002, ontleend aan: S.F. van Oss, Vijftig jaren journalist, Den Haag, 1946).

Nederlandsch-Indische Spoorweg-Maatschappij (Dutch Indies Railroad Company).
aandeel van f 1000, 's Gravenhage / share of DGL 1000, The Hague.
Zie afbeelding van een enorme locomotief met tenderwagen./ see picture of large loc with tender wagon
Zie tekst over deze maatschappij / see text about this company
We have 4 types available in some quantity, all in condition VF or a little better, mostly with one fold which is more or less visible.

--- 1920, without imprinted orange tax seal, with coupons and attached by a staple is a declaration of "Besluit Herstel rechtsverkeer", price: € 50.

---- 1920, with imprinted orange tax seal, with coupons and attached by a staple is a declaration of "Besluit Herstel rechtsverkeer", price: € 50

---- 1922 without imprinted orange tax seal, with coupons and attached by a staple is a declaration of "Besluit Herstel rechtsverkeer", price € 50 for the best condition, € 25 for one with a more pronounced mid fold and several tiny staple holes.

---- 20-7-1953; Typed in red characters on top of the share: "Dit aandeel strekt ter vervanging van het gelijk genummerde oorspronkelijke aandeel, 's Gravenhage, 20 Juli 1953, N.V. Nederlands-Indische Spoorweg Maatschappij", "duplicate" stamps on share and coupons, attached by staple is the declaration of Besluit Herstel Rechtsverkeer., orange tax seal imprinted. The typed date 9-maart 1920 (not printed as on the other shares !) has been cancelled and replaced underneath by 20 Juli 1953, price € 50.

Paleis voor Volksvlijt te Amsterdam,
opgericht in 1856, gebouwd op het Frederiksplein tussen 1858 en 1861 door de beroemde bouwmeester Cornelis Outshoorn (de belangrijkste architect van het eclectisisme en  architect van o.a. het Amstelhotel) voor de  door Dr. Samuel Sarphati opgerichte Vereeniging voor Volksvlijt. Het gebouw werd gezien als de apotheose van de Nederlandse ijzerarchitectuur. In 1856 werden 5000 aandelen uitgegeven van f 200, waarvan jaarlijks 100 aandelen zouden worden uitgeloot à f 250 met bovendien een kans op een extra premie. Nadien werden in 1867 en 1869 premieleningen uitgegeven van beide f 1 miloen, verdeeld in  aandelen van respectievelijk  f 10 en f 2,50. Aan de houders van hypothecaire schuldbrieven werden ook nog 2774 actions de jouissance verstrekt. Het gebouw brandde  in 1929 volledig af.
Literatuur: Wennekes, Emile (1999), Het Paleis voor Volksvlijt, Den Haag, Sdu Uitgevers, ca. 400 blzn, met personenregister en zakenregister, ISBN 90 12 08813 5, prijs ca. 20 Euro. Niet bij mij te koop.
Wennekes geeft o.a. een beknopte biografie (p. 25-33) over de beroemde Dr. S. Sarphati, oprichter van de Vereeniging voor Volksvlijt. Hij beschrijft in detail de diverse functies van het Paleis, zoals de nijverheids- en kunsttentoonstellingen (vergelijkbaar met de huidige RAI) en legt als musicoloog in deze dissertatie vooral nadruk op de programmering van muziek-, ballet-, theater-, revue-, opera- en operettevoorstellingen.
See picture of a sieve print (NL zeefdruk) of the palace by Joost Veerkamp. (niet hier te koop).

Momenteel heb ik de volgende stukken beschikbaar:
-----  accurate opgave van den afloop der gedane trekkingen van 1-5-1867 tot 2-5-1910, geen aandeel !, 14 bij 2,5 cm., 4 blzn,  prijs € 10,-
-----  mededelingen d.d. 31-12-1917 inzake premieleningen 1867 (f 10,- loten) en 1869 (f 2,50 loten) met een (wegens onvoldoende geldelijke middelen) herzien  uitlotingsschema tot 1-6-1977, geen aandeel !, groot formaat, 4 blzn., prijs € 25.
------ koperen reliefafbeelding van het Palijs van Volksvlijt, vooraanzicht (op karton met ophanghaakje), 23 bij 23 cm., prijs € 45.
----- Aandeel à f 10 in premiegeldleening groot f 1 miljoen, A'dam 1867, met 6 bij 3 cm. afbeelding van het Paleis en met paarse sierrand met alle provinciewapens, alsmede de wapens van A'dam en Nederland. Groot uitkeringsstempel, deels door de afbeelding van het  paleis; gepreegd bel.stempel 15 c.; conditie F+: div. randscheuren en paperclip roestspoor, en het paars van de rand is deels vervaagd, prijs € 50.
----- Aandeel à f 2,50 in premielening groot f 1 miljoen, A'dam 1869; afmeting: 14 bij 19,5 cm; met gravure van het Paleis, 4 engelen en een dame, met div. nijverheidsproducten, waaronder een bijenkorf met bijen. zeer zwaar gestempeld door de afbeeldingen; conditie F: op de middenvouw zwaar ingescheurd; tropisch en kleine randgebreken; blauw bel. stempel; prijs € 25.

Papierindustrie Nestelroij-Trompenburg, N.V.
Opgericht op 27-4-1921 te Amsterdam als voortzetting van de in 1893 te Ede door H.J. Nestelroij opgerichte papierfabrieken; Bewijs van gewoon aandeel aan toonder groot f 1000, Amsterdam, 1931; 1 hor. vouw en voll. aanh. couponblad; afm. ca. 26 x 39 cm.; druk: Orell Füssli, papiers-valeurs, Zürich; grote afbeelding van de fabriek (vroeger de fabrieken van Spyker auto's; lees hier meer over !), van de oprichter dhr. Nestelroij, graan oogstende boeren voor het dorp Ede, alsmede de wapens van de gemeenten Amsterdam en Ede; niet gelopen reservestuk (blankette), ZELDZAAM !; prijs € 995.
Zie ook briefhoofden met illustratie van deze fabrieken. Ze zijn te koop voor € 25 à € 50, afhankelijk van conditie.

Paper Industry Nestelroij-Trompenburg, N.V.
Established on April 27th 1921 in Amsterdam as a continuation of the paper industry that was established in the small town of Ede in 1893 by mr. H.J. Nestelroy; Share certificate for 1000 Dutch Guilders, Amsterdam 1931; 1 horizontal fold, complete couipon sheet attached; printed by Orell Füssli, papiersvaleurs, Zürich; large picture of the factory (formerly the factory of Spyker cars ! read the story !), of the founder, mr. Nestelroij, harvesting farmers near the town of Ede and the coat of arms of Amsterdam and Ede. Non issued reserve piece (blankette), RARE !, price: 995,- Euro.
See also letter heads with illustrations of the premises ! They can be bought for € 25 à € 50, depending on quality.
Papierindustrie Nestelroij-Trompenburg

Postbank obligatie
klik op foto voor vergroting

Postbank logo  

Postbank N.V.
Amsterdam; 6,25% obligatielening 1987 per 1994, groot f 400 miljoen; Bewijs van 50 obligaties aan toonder, elk groot f 1000, dus totaal f 50.000; CF-stuk, zeldzaam SPECIMEN uit de archieven van de beroemde Amsterdamse drukkerij DeBussy Ellerman Harms; met 2 x het logo met de blauwe leeuw èn nog een grote afbeelding van die leeuw, conditie UNC (drukfris); afm. ca. 18,5 x 17 cm.; prijs €50.

Postbank Beleggingsfonds N.V.
Amsterdam, 1990, Bewijs van 10.000 gewone aandelen van f 10 aan toonder, CF-stuk nr. FE0000. Zeldzaam SPECIMEN van drukkerij De Bussy Ellerman Harms te A'dam, afm. ca. 18,5 x 17 cm., keurig geplakt op wit glad karton, afm. 29,9 x 24,0 cm. met daarop een (los) roodbruin passe partout met dezelfde afmeting. (NB: op de scan is de onderrand deels weggevallen op de A4-scanner, maar alle randen zijn symmetrisch). Het stuk kan dus zo worden ingelijst naar eigen smaak. 2 kleine afb. van een blauwe leeuw alsmede een grote afbeelding., Prijs € 25.

De beroemde Britse komiek John Cleese trad op in de commercials om 'giroblauw" te promoten. Even lachen !

Swart Zuivelfabrieken, Leeuwarden, aandeeluit 1905

Swart's Zuivelfabrieken, NV
Gev. te Leeuwarden, opgericht in 1905.
Zeer zeldzame Specimen uit de archieven van drukkerij de Bussy, Amsterdam; met foto van de voorkant der fabriek en een foto van de zijkant, genomen van achter een weiland met koeien; prachtige sierrand; afm. ca. 20 bij 34 cm. Er bestaan slechts enkele exemplaren van deze Specimen aandelen, wellicht nog geen 5 stuks per type. Gelopen stukken (maximaal 100 uitgegeven) zijn niet bekend bij verzamelaars;
English: Very decorative Specimen share of Swart's Dairy works in Leeuwarden, capital of Friesland, The Netherlands; very rare.
---------- Aandeel, Serie B, groot f 1000, blauwe sierrand; Leeuwarden, 1909, conditie UNC = drukfris, prijs € 450.
---------- Gewoon Aandeel groot f 1000, bruine sierrand; Leeuwarden 1905, conditie VF -, eigenlijk UNC, maar met in de rechter rand een 3,5 cm. scheur, die, eenmaal ingelijst, niet erg stoort, prijs € 295.

Vereeniging tot bevordering van 's lands weerbaarheid.
De vereniging werd in 1866 opgericht door Abraham van Stolk onder het motto 'Alles voor het vaderland"
Het doel van de vereniging was Vrijwillige oefening in de wapenhandel ter bevordering van 's lands weerbaarheid.
In 1870 en 1871 werden loterij-geldleningen uitgegeven toen het er naar uitzag dat "Alles voor het vaderland" inderdaad leek te moeten worden ingezet toen Duitsland in 1870 Frankrijk binnen viel en de oorlogsdreiging groot was.|
In 1927 werden de nog niet uitgelote stukken voorzien van een heel groot stempel voor verdere uitkeringen. De stukken zonder stempel zijn dus uitgeloot geweest of nooit aangeleverd voor het stempel. Op deze stukken zijn de prachtige afbeeldingen natuurlijk veel beter te zien.

Vereeniging tot bevordering van 's lands weerbaarheid,
Loterij-Geldleening groot 1 .000.000,-, Rotterdam, 1870, Aandeel van € 2,50
---------- Zonder stempel, Zeer decoratief stuk van 17 x 25 cm, met afbeelding van een soldatenkamp, vaandels, een leeuw en de Nederlandse Maagd en de tekst " Alles voor het vaderland
Conditie F: vrij slecht met div. scheurtjes, sommige geplakt met selloptape, afgeronde hoeken , Prijs € 50.
---------- Met heel groot stempel "toegetreden tot de regeling vervat in de acte den 2 November 1927 voor Notaris F.W. Swane te Utrecht verleden" , conditie VF+, heel mooi, in de rechter bovenhoek ontbrrekt een stukje en kleine randgebreken, . Prijs € 25

Vereeniging tot bevordering van 's lands weerbaarheid,
Loterij-Geldleening groot 1 .000.000,-, Rotterdam, mei, 1871, Aandeel van € 2,50, nr. 7787-33
Zeer decoratief stuk van 17 *  25 cm, met bovenin het wapen van Nederland met vaandels en een rand met wapens van alle provincies, zwart-wit, heel fraaie conditie, VF, ongevouwen, Prijs € 25 (meerdere exemplaren beschikbaar).

NV Woningbouw, de Mondriaan onder de Nederlandse aandelen  
Woningbouw, NV, te 's Gravenhage,
wordt wel "De Mondriaan" van de Nederlandse aandelen genoemd, alhoewel de kunstenaar onbekend is.
VVOF cat. no. NL H 475 a-b. afm. 21,2 x 34,1 cm. Alle stukken zijn ongevouwen, met aanhangend volledig couponblad.

----------van type 475 a zijn 100 aandelen gedrukt, waarvan alleen de nrs. 1-41 geplaatst. Deze hebben 4 handtekeningen en betreffen Serie A;
--- no 10, ongevouwen, licht roestspoor van paperclip in rechter rand, prijs € 150.

---------- van serie A bestaan nog 59 stukken, de nrs. 42-100, die niet zijn geplaatst en slechts 1 handtekening hebben, die van commissaris G.J. van der Well. prijs: € 50.

---------- Tevens zijn er blankettes bekend met serieletter B, genummerd 101-200, prijs: € 25.










English: Building of houses corporation.
the Hague
Called the Mondriaan of Dutch Scripophily although in fact the designer is unknown.
share certificate, series A, yellow, see picture The Hague 1921, measures: 21,2 x 34,1 cm,
---------- # actually issued = only 41, with complete coupon sheet, condition VF+, unfolded, complete coupon sheet attached:
--- no. 10, with paperclip mark on right border, price € 150.

---------- only one signature, not being the director, therefore partial a reserve piece, condition VF+, price 50

---------- reserve pieces, series B, without signatures, condition EF-UNC, with coupon sheet, price € 25.

Wolford A.G.
Bregenz, Austria (Österreich / Oostenrijk), 1995; Lady Aktie über 100 Shilling; with multicoloured and gold printed painting by the famous Austrian Jugendstil painter Gustav Klimt; without coupons: 21 x 15 cm.; with coupons no. 7-19: 21 x 35 cm. The bonds are listed on the bourses of Vienna (Wien) and Paris. Condition: UNC = printer fresh; a beauty to frame ! Uncancelled, Price € 150.
The women in armour depicted on the left is the Greek Goddess Palas Athene. Read more about her in our Mythology Section under "Athene" .

click to enlarge

Wolford AG was established in 1949 in Bregenz am Bodensee, Austria.
The Company is a marketer and manufacturer of hosiery, lingerie and women's fashion.
It operates a large number of fashion shops world wide: read more !



L'Africaine, Banque d'Etudes et d'Entreprises Coloniales, SA,

Bruxelles, established in 1898,

Action de Capital de 100 Fr au porteur,

Extraordinary beautiful Jugendstil design: in blue colour,
graceful woman standing on globe, waving Belgian flag,
god Mercury of the trade as a young black man,
elephant teeth lying around,
landscape and sea.

VF/EF, no folds, few wrinkles, a beauty to frame !, price 98 Euro.

Chantiers Navals "L'escaut" a Rupelmonde-Steendorp-lez-Anvers, established 3-2-1923. Beautiful stock with a 15 cm by 15cm picture of a ship being built in a ship yard. Also a beautiful border with in the top a small pictures of the Greek god of the trade Hermes and the god-blacksmith Hephaestus. A beauty to frame !
Seee picture. Small red and small black tax stamp, but not through picture.
1) Action de capital de 500 Fr., dark blue, EF/UNC, 68 Euro.
2) Part de fondateur, light blue, EF/UNC, 68 Euro.

Compagnie des Eaux d'Utrecht, S.A.
constitue en 1881; Action au porteur de 250 Fr; Liege, Belgium, 1934; Impr. Industr. et Fin., Bruxelles; brown pictures and texts; Very decorative share, 25 by 39 cm. with beautiful views of Utrecht (als of the famous Dom towr), with 2 borders with statues and waterfalls, see top half, see bottom half, a beauty to frame !, VF, 250 Euro.

Compagnie des Installations Maritimes de Bruges, Action privilegie de 500 Fr au porteur (= preferred share to bearer), Bruges 1904, multicolored / veelkleurig, # = 9000.
The tiny shield above the bear can be blue or brown. Brown shields I have seen on series beginning with 1000, 2000, 4000, 5000 and 6000; blue shields on series beginning with 7000 and 8000. Therefore I presume that the colour of the shield changed from brown to blue at a number near 7000, making the shares with blue shields the rarer type of the two.
According to the text on the shares, another 9000 ordinary shares must also have been issued, but I have never come across one of those.
----- Uncancalled, but with approprite signatures, brown shield above the bear, condition UNC and impeccable, complete coupon sheet still attached, 295 Euro
-----  same as above, blue shield, but some minor and superficial wrinkles at outer edge, 250 Euro
-----  same as above, but brown shield, but some minor and superficial wrinkles at outer edge, 250 Euro
----- Hole cancelled (only through signatures), blue shield above the bear, EF, complete coupon sheet still attached, 204 Euro
----- same as above, blue shield, EF, complete coupon sheet, few wrinkles in left lower corner, upper border less clean, 159 Euro.
Have a look at one of the most beautiful stocks in the world !,  It depicts an elegant lady (figure-head) holding a light torch, a bird's eye view of the inland port of Bruges, and 3 sights of the city of Bruges:
left: The old harbour = The Minerva Water (het Minerva water) with defence tower ""de Poermolen"
right: Basilica of the Holy Blood (Basiliek van het Heilige Bloed)
middle: The Peerdenbrug (Horse bridge; in front) and the Meebrug (in the back).
Bruges was a port in the Middle Ages, but the Gulf of  Zwijn, giving it access to the sea, silted up and cut it off from the sea.
The company was founded in 1895, with the approval of the Government of Flanders and the city of Bruges, to construct the port installations of Heyst-sur-Mer (today - Zeebrugge) and the inland port of Bruges. It was also required to build a canal, to link the two towns. This Baldwin Canal (Boudewijn kanaal), first planned in 1545, was dug from 1895 to 1907. It was 10 km long, 70m wide and 8m deep. It ran in a straight line across the Flanders plain. The new harbour was inaugurated by King Leopold on July 23rd 1907. The company's concession also gave the right to operate the port installations for a period of 75 years. At the expiry of this period, the term was extended, and the operating company still exists today.
Bruges is nowadays one of the most beautiful and  excellently preserved historic cities in Europe.
Sources: Braun, H. (1996a) and several guide to Bruges.

----- Compagnie des Installations Maritimes de Bruges, 4,5 % obligation de 500 Fr, 1909, # = 6000, only 2 colors; blue and brown but further the same beautiful design as the multicolored one above, some stains in upper border (not or hardly visible when framed), price f 195 = 89 Euro.
This obligation is rarer, in terms of numbers issued, than the more colourful share.

Compagnie Financière Belgo-Chinoise (Belgo-Chinese Investment Company) S.A.
Established 7-1-1926, Brussels, Belgium, Action de Capital de 50 $ Chinois au porteur; Brussels, 31-3-1926; print: Joh. Enschede en Zonen, Haarlem, NL, orange Dutch tax stamp and 2 black Belgian tax stamps; very decorative piece in green, red and blue; border with bugs, fish and cocks as ornaments as well as Jing/Yang symbol, see picture, rare piece, never put at auction according to the GET catalogue. coupons attached, 2 of which were cut, EF. almost UNC, 250 Euro.

Compagnie Générale Coloniale pour le Développement du Commerce & de l'Industrie au Congo, S.A.
Constituée en 1898; Siège Social: Bruxelles;  capital Social 7.500.000 Francs, augmenté en 1899 à 1.500.000.
Size: 32 by 42 cm; 4 vignettes, see 100 kb. picture: 1) freigh train in mountain (9 by 3,5 cm), ship in port (9 by 3,5 cm), local harbour with steam-sail ship and many local  proahs (14 by 7 cm), 2 elegant women, one western and one African, with 2 coats of arms, before a western and an African harbour (23 by 6,5 cm);Lith.: de la Cote Libre; design: Ch. Posch;
----------, 1898, blue border, Part de Fondateur au porteur; condition F: several folds (somewhat irregular and less clean), border wrinkles, minor stains and 3 cm tear in lower border, but still suitable for framing and displaying, 50 Euro.
----------, brown border, Action de Capital au porteur, condition VF: several folds and a faint stain, but a beauty to frame !, 125 Euro.

Distriart N.V.,
Oostende, 1992, kapitaalsaandeel zonder nom. waarde (capital share without nominal value),

nr. 1 in a series of (16) art-design stocks, this one showing a photo by Liliane Vertessen, displaying a woman, seductively lying down and holding a whip. This photo she also used in one of her installations: bed with mirror.

Border and field are light green, see certificate, or detailed photo, price 35 Euro.

Distriart is an art galery, art shop and art publisher, established in 1987 as Gode Beheer. It's name was changed to Distriart in 1992.

  Liliane Vertessen: woman with whip







Gilliot & Co., Hemixem, part sociale  

Manufactures Ceramiques d' Hemixem Gilliot & Co.
Beautiful Art Deco border in dark red and dark green, beautiful piece !
Hemixem, 1950, capital social 80.000.000 fr, part social, 1950, price 60 Euro.

Manufactures Ceramiques d' Hemixem et de la Dye
Beautiful Art Deco border in light red and yellow green, beautiful piece ! (similar design as above).
Hemixem, 1958, capital social 100.000.000 fr., part sociale, 1958, , price 60 Euro

Mayumbe, societe agricole, part sociale de 1927  

Société Agricole du Mayumbe, S.A.

Siège Social à Bruxelles, Mayumbe lies in former Belgian Congo.

Part Sociale sans désignation de valeur, Bruxelles, 1927;

Imp. Côte Libre, Bruxelles; 37,5 x 23,5 cm., blue print; engraving of an african worrior, not a Masai, but probably a brother tribe that lived in Congo at the time (pers. comm. W. Nieboer, nov. 2015); in underprint: a farmer ploughing with oxen and a court scene with the Justice Lady.

condition VF, coupon sheet attached by a staple in upper border, price € 25.

Tramway & Chemin de Fer Électriques Rome-Civita-Castellana-Viterbe, SA Belge, established in 1904, Brussels, Action de Capital de 100 Fr. au porteur, 1907, Imp. de la Cote Libre, Br.; purple border on green, beautiful Jugendstil design by Emile Renders , showing St Peters Church and a market place, also a tramway and a woman with a pitcher , flowers and fruit; coupons attached, EF, price: 98 Euro.

Tramway Électriques dde Rome à Civita-Castellana, Action de Capital de 100 Fr., 1904, dark blue border on light blue field, similar design as above, with coupons attached, VF, price: 98 Euro.

Tramways de Taschkent SA, established Jan. 21st 1897, siege social: Bruxelles, Action privilegiee de 100 Fr, 1911, beautifully designed in brown and green, see picture, armour of Belgium and Russia, 1 red and 1 black wet tax stamp, EF, unfolded but 1 cm tear in L upper corner (unvisible once framed), 89 Euro.

Trust Colonial, S.A.
Bruxelles 1899, Large illustrations of 2 elegant ladies, Mercurius attributes, world map and Jugendstil border decoration. Nice to frame.
---------- Action de Capital, red design and text, VF/EF: 35 Euro; VF 25 Euro
---------- Action de Dividende, blue design and text, VF, 35 Euro

Union Cinematographique, SA Belge, Unici, Bruxelles 24-1-1920, part de fondateur, yellow/green, EF, a beauty to frame !, price 34 Euro.
Jugendstil design with lamps, four women with long hair, 4 globes, stars, ornaments and 2 oil lamps, yellow/green, EF, unfolded and in nice condition. See picture

Union Cinematographique, SA Belge, Unici, Bruxelles 24-1-1920, action de capital de 100 Fr, Red/blue, EF, a beauty to frame !, price  64 Euro.
Jugendstil design with lamps, four women with long hair, 4 globes, stars, ornaments and 2 oil lamps, blue/red, EF, unfolded and in nice condition. See picture

Belgian Congo

L'Ikelemba SA, established 29-10-1898, Action de dividende, issued 1898, siege social: Congo Belge; siege administratif: Bruxelles, Capital Social 500.000 Fr., didvided in 5000 actions de capital de 100 Fr and 5000 actions de dividende (with similar certificate designs), # = 5000 + 5000 = 10.000; action de dividende, UNC, 26 * 35 cm, exceptionally decorative and a beauty to frame ! Designed by V. de Coen; f 375 = 170 Euro.

Illustrations: in the top: armour, flags and text "travail et progres"; bottom: Mercury helmet and staff and some spears; left: African womancarrying a basket with fruit on her head and a man, squatting with another basket,; right: palm tree; lower half: freight train and steam/sail ship in harbour. See lower part / see top part
The company owned an estate of 1000 hectares in the Ikelemba valley and planted rubber, cocoa and coffee. A collapse in rubber prices in 1908/9 appears to have killed the company. Facsimile signature of the Comte de la Barre d'Erquelinnes (Source: Boone, auction catalogue June 1998).



RODOPI, beautifull share of wood company, 100 Leva, Sofia, 1917, , price 23 Euro.
Yellow and black, with JUGENDSTIL border with 5 vignettes of woods, wood saw mill, chariot, cupboard etc; a beauty to frame !; EF: no folds and as new. View picture

Bulgaria, 1948,
beautiful decorative diploma (30 by 42 cm), with in the border ears of corn, blue corn flowers and red corn poppies,  and 2 birds; brown paper stamp, 1 cm tear both in fold of upper border and of left border;  one tiny hole in the centre of the 2 folds., price 145 Euro.

Capital Growth Company share certificate





<---- click on picture for large scan

Capital Growth Company vignette

Capital Growth Company S.A.,
Certificates (ca. 20 x 30 cm) of preferred shares with a 3 by 6 cm Vignette in gold relief print of a 3-master sail ship.
This investment company may be the successor of Capital Growth Fund, registered  in the Bahamas under New providence Securities Ltd.

I sometimes receive questions of persons who inherited or bought shares in this company and want to know if they still have any economic value. I don't think they have and that mr. Mc. Alpin, who signed the certificates as president, has deceived his investors.

Anyone who knows more about this company is requested to inform me, in order that that I can answer those who wrote to me. See our separate page for more information on this company and related ones.

I take it that these certificates are now just collector's items, especially because of their beautiful sailship, printed in gold relief. The following certificates are for sale, all in unfolded and perfect condition. They all have the golden vignette; only the border colour and number of shares differ. Price differences reflect availability.
------- 1 share, green, July 19th1971, price 20 Euro
------- 5 shares, ocre, July 19th 1971. price 25 Euro
------- 10 shares, brown, July 19th 1971, price 25 Euro
-------  25 shares, blue, July  19th 1971, price 25 Euro
----- 100 shares, purple, July 19th 1971, sold out

Kato aromatic, Egypt, 19.., 1000 pounds, perfume company, all written in Egyptian, blankette, a beauty to frame, UNC, f 110 = 50 Euro.
Beautifukky decorated piece, multicoloured, on thick relief type paper, with men and women depicted as in ancient times, carrying perfume bottles, flowers, and many other items; also a bull and a bird. See picture.

Societe des Usines CHOURBAGUI pour la Filature, le Tissage et le Tricot, aandelencertificaat, Cairo 1958  

Societe des Usines CHOURBAGUI pour la Filature, le Tissage et le Tricot, SA Egyptienne, established i 1947,

---------- 5 Actions de 10 Livre Egyptienne, Cairo, 1958, Very colourful border in red, green and yelllow pattern on yellow pattern, large illustration of factory, price: 23 Euro.
---------- 25 Actions, similar pattern, but with more black and less yellow, price: 23 Euro

Societe Viticole & Vinicole d'Egypte, Cairo, established in 1936:
Very large (30 by 37 cm) and decorative wine stock. See picture.
both certificates have 2 stamps, but not over the illustations.
The illustrations show remarkable similarity with illustrations (see picture) found in the "tomb of the Night" near Thebe, dated somewhat after 1400 BC !
- 25 actions, purple, 1938, a few small border tears, 75 Euro
- 5 actions, 1938, brown, EF, 75 Euro

Landbank, Egypt, engraving with cattle  

The Land Bank of Egypt,

Established in 1905,

Une Action Ordinaire, (blankette),

very decorative share in green and dark blue; 5 by 12 cm illustration of city and shepard with cattle; beautiful border full Egyptian symbols and abstract flowers, see picture , a beauty to frame !, EF +, unfolded, but 4 share-book pinholes in edge of upper border, 1 of which is torn (absolutely invisible when framed), 34 Euro.



Marja O.Y.
(in English: Berry Company); the company produced currant juices and jellies.
Certificate of 1 share of 400 Marka, Series A, in the name of Ingrid Roering; issued in the village of Parola in 1952 (hand written) in stead of the printed 1944; size 23 by 30 cm., with coupons; green, beige and red berries; very decorative design  with pictures of strings of red currants; 3 original signatures,  condition EF: no folds, price 250 €

Arts Decoratifs sur Bois (Societe des), Paris, 19??, Part de Fondateur, # = 500, original signatures, but date not filled in, EF / UNC, unfolded, 95 Euro.
(full colour postcard 15 by 10,5 cm., f 7,50 = 3,5 Euro).
Beautiful decorative piece, completely in the form of inlaid wood, with complete coupon sheet in the same design, see picture.

Chargeurs Réunies, S.A., Compagnie Francaise de Navigation a Vapeur,
A beauty to frame ! Harbours of Rio de Janeiro, Montevideo, Le Havre; Engraving by Stern.
---------- Paris, 1930, 4,5 % obligation de 1000 fr au porteur, rose and black, no coupon sheet, 27 x 32 cm. (coupons included, not included is the white upper and lower border); price Euro 23
---------- Paris, 1939, 5,5 % obligation de 1000 fr au porteur, yellow and brown, 34 cm (without upper and lower white border) x 27,5 cm.; price Euro 23.

compagnie du Port de Rio de Janeiro, Action, Paris, 1912

Compagnie du Port de Rio de Janeiro SA
established in 1910 in Paris, France; Action Ordinaire de Cinq Cents Francs au porteur, Paris 1912; Imprimerie Chaix, Paris; ca. 36 by 24 cm + coupons; red and green; very decorative share and a beauty to frame !, engraved  by G. Fraiport ships in harbour and at sea; 2 lighthouses; wrinkles on the scan are hardly or not visible when the share is normally looked at; EF: unfolded, but for the coupon sheet; price 45 Euro.

Compagnie Forestiere Sangha Oubagui C.F.S.O., Paris 15-4-1928, action de 100 Fr., beautiful piece, picture of half nude woman in sarong with spear, brown border full of flowers and elephant tusks, size: 21 by 31 cm; complete coupon sheet; price 250 Euro.

Compagnie Francaise du Haut & du Bas Congo, S.A. Agricole Industrielle Commerciale de l'Afrique Equatoriale, Siege social a Paris; Action ordinaire de 5000 Fr au porteur; Morax Impr., Paris, coupon sheet attached, , blue, red company wet stamp; beautifully decorated: 2 elephant heads, 4 views of agricultural scenes, a factory, a ship and 2 views of palm trees; see picture, 43 Euro.

Compagnie Impériale des Chemins de Fer Éthiopiens
established in 1896; Action de 500 Francs, Paris, 1899; size: 32 by 42 cm.; 23 by 15 cm engraving by the famous military painter and illustrator Louis Charles Bombled (1862-1927) of  the Ethiopian emperor Menelik II  awaiting an oncoming train on his horse, accompanied by merchants with camels. Imprimerie Chaise, Paris; coupons on the back, condition EF: unfolded, price 135 Euro.
The Swiss engineer Alfred Ilg, minister under emperor Menelik II, convinced him to build this railway from the coast inland bound, ca. 78 km. over mountans 2.424 m. high. It was a small size track from Djibouti, along Harare, Antotto and Kaffa to the White Nile and Addis Abeba. The money was raised in France that had a strategic interest in the area after the Abessinian war with Italy. The track was completed in 1917, one year aftter the death of  Alfred Ilg. (source: Benecke & Rehse, 2004).

Panama Canal

Panama Kanaal Obligation 1888

Compagnie Universelle du Canal Interocéanique de Panama, S.A. au Capital de 300 millions de Francs
Societé Civile d'Amortissement des obligations du Canal de Panama Émission de Mars 1888, avec responsabilité limitée à la mise sociale

(with facsimile signature of Ferdinant de Lesseps, famous builder of the Suez Canal. in Egypt).
---------- Paris, le 14 Mars 1888; Obligation Nouvelle au porteur Remboursable à Mille Francs dans une Emission de 350.000 obligations, authorisée par l'Assemblée Général du 29 Juillet 1985; size 19 by 14 cm., same engraving as above by Stern in Paris, brown, red stamp from the liquidator, red stamp or print indicating that this is a duplicate;, blue stamps "3e série", no coupons, VF: glue remains in left upper corner, some tiny staple holes; very rare !, price 125 Euro.

Design of the shares and bonds (based on the book by Grigore (1997), see below):
The 21 by 40 cm light blue stock certificate was engraved by A. Stern, Paris,and printed by Société Anonyme de Publications Periodique - Imprimerie P. Mouillot, 13 Quai Voltaire, Paris, Their names are centered below the portrait of the certificate. But it is not known who designed the stock certificate. This portrait measures 117 mm x 167 mm from border to border and its thematic vignette reveals the Western Hemisphere in a partial globe of the world; two reclining bare-busted maidens allegorically depicting North and South America, clasping hands across a sea-level Panama Canal, with a ship exiting from the Cut; and a steamship in the lower corners. n the left and right columns is a telegraph pole, partially screened by palm fronds, on which there are affixed three banners listing countries of the world that would benefit from uniting the Atlantic and Pacific Ocenans via the Isthmus of Panama. Clasping the base of the left pole is a white and Asian child, implying the West's trade with the east. Atv the right pole is a white and black child, implying the West's trade with Africa. Telegraph poles support a large, single banner on which is cited the legal authority for the bond's issue, its capitalization, its title, intent, type, and serial number.

History (based on the book by Grigore (1997), see below):
Although the issue of the shares in 1880 was probably all with good and honest intentions, the entire undertaking ended up in the greatest engineering and financial disaster, followed by the worst political scandal, the world had ever known. It was an embarrassment to France. But, at the beginning of this undertaking Ferdinand de Lesseps, builder of the Suez canal (finished in 1869), which halved the journey time from Europe to the Indies, was the world’s most decorated and honored personage. He was compared to Columbus. In 1879 France was a rich nation and hubristic overconfident in what it could achieve, with its colonies, technological developments, science and art, boasting of luminaries such as Victor Hugo, de Lesseps, Pasteur, Eiffel and Sarah Bernhardt. Unfortunately the world’s largest commercial enterprise was fatally destined to become the most disastrous financial failure the world had ever seen.

The issue of the blue shares in 1880 is the only issue of shares in the company actually placed (an 1879 share issue was cancelled). Beyond that many bonds were issued.

The march 1888 bond issue was placed only to the extend of 25,7 %, even worse than the june 1888 bond (40,1%), but not as bad as the july 1889 lottery bond (13,1%), but that was after the company had ceased its operations. Only 89.890 bonds were placed in march 1888, by far the smallest number placed of all bond issues. Much less are available for collectors these days. It are rare pieces, really.

The company ceased operations on December 14th 1888. On february 4th 1889 the companies’ bankruptcy plea was accepted. The canal was less than 40% dug at a cost of an estimated 22.000 deaths and an expenditure of about $ 1,400,000,000 in today’s (1997) currency. It has been repeatedly reported that one third of this vast amount was spent on canal work, one third was wasted and one third was stolen.

It was the worst financial catastrophe ever suffered by the French people. As a consequence, the French Government’s prestige throughout the world was shattered.

In 1904 the United States Government purchaased all the assets and rights necessary for it to complete the Panama Canal, what they finally achieved in 1914.

----- Grigore, Julius Jr. (1997), Stocks and Bonds Issued by the Compagnie Universelle du Canal Interocéanique de Panama, 1880-1889 and Compagnie Nouvelle du Canal de Panama, 1894, ISBN 0-9715805-1-0; W.G. Guy (publ.): Balboa, Panama, email: [email protected], price $70 + shipment., ca. 180 pages, ring bound, with many illusttrations in colour or black & white of stocks issued and a large variety of parafernalia. Warmly recommended !
----- Der Panamakanal wird 100, Technisches Weltwunder: BILDERSERIE:, 2014

Crédit Foncier Argentin, S.A.
Paris, 1920; action de 500 Fr au porteur; 33 by 26 cm.; brown decorative border and 22 by 4 cm. engraving of catle grazing and the harvesting of grain; coupon rests attached, EF+, unfolded, price 15 Euro

Crédit Foncier du Brésil et de l'Amérique du Sud, S.A.
Paris, 1928, action de 500 Fr; 33 by 21 cm; print: Richard, Paris; engraving: Henri Brauer; depicted are the almost nude god(des) Hermes (L.: Mercurius; Engl.: Mercury)a cherub with horn of affluence and Medusa, her hair  full of snakes; Very decorative and a beauty to frame !; price 25 Euro.
From the former collection of beautiful women on stocks of Marc-Edouard Emay (nrs. 11 - 18) it becomes apparent that this design by Henri Brauer was used by at least 4 other companies.

Etablissements Verminck
Established in 1899; Action de cent Francs au porteur (bearer share of 100 Francs), Marseille, June 12th 1912; beautiful decorative piece in blue and green, designed by Louis Poyet (see below), printed by Imprimerie et Usine Centrale des Etablissements Moullot Fils Aine, Avenue du Prado, Marseille; depicted are: 1) a ploughing farmer with handplough pulled by 2 horses; 2) bee hive with bees; 3) elegant woman sitting next to a press for Olive oil, decorative border with olive branches and olives; original signature, 5 wet stamps, not affecting the illustrations, coupons attached, unfolded, but minor defects in upper left corner; unfolded, but for the coupon sheet at the back, price 165 Euro.
Louis Poyet (1846-1913) was a engravor and illustrator of - mostly technical - magazines and owner of his own helio gravure firm in Paris (source: Petr Stembera, dept. of graphics, Museum of Decor. Arts, Prague, peronal communication Febr. 13th 2014).

La Foncière Passy Mont Blanc
Paris / Passy (Haute-Savoie), 1928; Action Privilégiée de 100 francs au porteur, blue/white, condition EF: unfolded, minor wrinkle in right upper border, coupon sheet attached and folded on the back. price 75 Euro.
Nowadays Passy Mont Blanc is a beautiful resort located very high up in the mountains near the Mont Blanc.

La Juranconne S.A.
(Producer of liqueur)
Action de 100 Francs au porteur; Paris 1928;  impr.: union des arts graphique, 41 rue riches; 2 origin. signatures, size ca. 24 by 33 cm, with 3 engravings:
1) 8 by 9 cm: baptism of Henry IV, with this liqueur  (see bottle on the table)!
2) 8 by 9 cm: noble man kneeling before bishop
3) round 4 cm: Henry IV and text "Henricus IV AVG Christianiss";
red company seal with swords and dagger; blue decorative border with French Lilly signs; price 150 Euro.

Maison  J.Hré Secrestat Aíné , SA, Distillerie, Fondé 1851, Action de 500 Fr (unissued blankette), very decorative share in orange / black, size 30 by 25 cm, with large illustration (23 by 7 cm) of the city of Boreaux, with river, boats and bridge and of a large botle of "Bitter Secrestat" (see picture), Bordeaux, 1918, UNC, 150 Euro = f 330.

Omnibus de Paris (Compagnie Generale des), established in 1855, Paris 1940, action de 500 Fr., red / brown, 2 green round tax and legal stamps, UNC (but very small, practically unvisible tear in left border), 115 Euro.
21 Vignettes of famous Paris monuments, buildings and horse drawn carriages, an absolute beauty to frame !!!

Treillage Ceramiques Francais, action au porteur
Treillage Ceramique Francais SA, action au porteur, 15-5-1928, orange/black, beautiful picture of the factory over half of the stock area, pice 12 Euro.


Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg 1991

Share of DM 50, blue, cancellation by stamp on the back, price € 50.

Certificate of 10 shares of DM 50 each = DM 500, grey, cancellation by stamp on the back, price € 50.

Certificate of 50 shares of DM 50 each = DM 2500, price € 50.



Anonymus Maritime Company of  Naxos S.A.
head ofiice: until 31-12-'74 in Athens; afterwards on Naxos (one of the Cyclade Islands);
35 by by 26 cm certificates with complete coupon sheet; EF +, unfolded, except for couponsheet; very decorative border with classic Greek ships and grapes; 20 by 15 cm underprint of large ship and classic ruins; + 2,5 by 2,5 cm map of the Isle of Naxos; 4 by 4 cm wet stamp of the map of the Isle of Naxos;
------ certificate of one share of 1000 Drachme, blue / grey, see 40 Kb picture, 35 Euro.
------ certificate of 5 shares of 1000 Drachme, red/grey, see 70 Kb picture, 35Euro.
------ certificate of  10 shares of 1000 Drachme, green / grey, similar oicture as above, 45 Euro.
------ certificate of 50 shares of 1000 Drachme, purple / grey, similar picture as above, 60 Euro.

Banque d'Athènes (Trapeza Athenon)

Banque d'Atènes, share certificate, engraved by Henri Brauer

Established in 1893; latest change of statutes: 6-6-1919. Titre d'une action de 100 Drachmes (certificate of one share of 100 Drachmes), brown on light green field on beige; beautifully decorated piece, size 23 by 30 cm, with illustrations of god Hermes (Eng: Mercury) and 3 goddesses. Standing is Athena, the goddess of the city of Athens, dressed in armour and wearing a helmet. At her feet  a woman with on her lap a scale model of the world famous Parthenon, the temple on the Acropolis complex, dedicated to Athena. The Acropolis is also depicted. At the left a semi nude goddess holds a blindfold. In the top border is a small vignette of Athena in armour, holding a spear. Athena's owl, symbol of wisdom, is also depicted. Also depicted is an olive branch, symbol for the olive tree, Athena's gift to the city, that named itself after her in gratitude for that. Design by Henri Brauer; printed at Imprimerie Richard, Paris. A beauty to frame !

----- no. 22,017, condition VF, Greek blue paper tax stamp + red wet stamp over it.; issued in year ?; in right upper corner some figures were noted in red and blue pencil; 2 coupons left attached; price: € 95.

----- no. 132.015, condition VF, black French wet tax stamp from 1930, coupons 67-77 left attached; price € 150.

Credit Athenien S.A.,  / Trapeza Athinaikes Pisteos, Athens, 1925
Titre d'une action de 100 Drachme / titlos mias metoches 100 Dr.
one or more green paper tax stamps, 10 by 10 cm engraving of an ancient coin "tetradrachme" (= four Drachmes), with head of goddess Athena wearing the well known Attic helmet with plume, issued in Athens, probably in the second century B.C., similar, but not exactly the same, coins from that period are depicted in Hill, 1967, Pl. XII and in Szaivert et. al., 1980, p. 316; Blue/ocre borders with dancing figures. Also a large olive branch, symbolic of Athena's gift to humanity - the olive tree - with which gift she won a godly contest (read all about it !), the price of which was that the city was named after her: Athens. Very decorative and a beauty to frame !; see picture, ; minor border defects, some have very small border repairs with professional acid free tape, VF+, 195 Euro.

Olympias, S.A. des enterprises forestières, siège Salonique, Thessaloniki, 20-9-1935, price f 75 Beuatiful, very large (half the stock area) vignette in green and black of man cutting a log in the wood; beautiful blue border with ornaments around the letters; nice to frame. See picture

Tourist company of Lesbos, beautiful bond from 1956

Tourist Company of Lesbos, seated in Mitilini, Lesbos, Greece
Touristiki Etairi Lesbou, hedra: Mitilini, Lesbos, Hellas
32 by 20 cm certificate + coupon sheet, EF+, only one fold at coupon sheet; beautiful and detailed 9 by 7 cm picture of the map of the Isle of Lesbos + head and tail of a classic coin;
----- certificate of 10 shares, green, 50 Euro
----- certificate of 20 shares, dark green / yellow, 50 Euro.
----- certificate of 50 shares, red / yellow, 50 Euro.

S.A. de Vins et Alcools "Georges A. Issaias, Megaris, Athens, established January 1st 1918,
Cap. Social  8 million Drachmes: 80.000 shares of 100 Dr., Athens, November 8th 1924; similar illustrations as above, see picture, 20 by 25 cms large, blankette, F: 2 large cuts in right lower half, but still nice for framing. Large cncellation signature in pink ink through the middle, 75 Euro.

Praemien-Anleihe (= premium Bond), Budapest, 1886
Lot of  5 Gulden, with pink wet stamp "Stempel Amt Triest", for the expansion of the Budapest Leopoldstaedter Basilika and upkeeping of Church memorial buildings; with 4 engravings of churches in Budavar, Kassa, Budapest and Bartaa + 5 coats of arms; very decorative piece,VF+, one tiny tear in lower border; 95 Euro.

Ungarlandischer Verein "Gutes Herz", los ueber 2 Gulden O.W., 60 year loan, Budapest 31-7-1888 (text in Hungarian and in German),
Emitiert zu unterstutzung der durch ausserordentliche Elementar-Eregnisse Betroffenen (issued in order to sustain victims of unusual fundamental events).
Vignette; beautifully decorated bond, with illustrations of villages hit by floods, with an angel throwing something to two women. In the upper decorated border a rose heart and in the lower border a heart in deep print;
price: 75 Euro.

aandeel TUNGSRAM, Hongarije 1946

United incandescent lamps and elctricity company Ltd. (D: Vereinigte Glühlampen und Electricitäts Actiengesellschaft)
Ujpesten Hungary, 1946; beautifully decorated share certificate (no. 00637) for 1 share of 100 Pengos, measuring ca, 24,5 x 34 cm., with large picture of te factory and in each corner a light bulb, separate coupon sheet of which 3 have been cut. Condition EF: only one light vertical fold., price € 50.
English: Béla Egger, owner of a telegraph equipment factory in Vienna, founded a general partnership company with the name: First Austro-Hungarian Electric-lighting and Power Transmission Factory in 1882. They established an electro-technology factory in Huszár utca. Here they produced several hundred incandescent lamps every day. In 1896, the grown-up company was transformed into a joint stock company under the name of United Incandescent Lamp and Electrical Co. Ltd. (EIVRT) or in short form: TUNGSRAM Co. Ltd., the same as the brand name. The name and the form of company remained, even after nationalisation in order that the markets be kept. The American General Electric Company obtained a majority of shares in the company in 1990 and since then the company's name has been GE Lighting Tungsram Co. Ltd.
Nederlands: Béla Egger, eigenaar van een telegraaf apparatuur fabriek in Wenen, richtte in 1882 een bedrijf op met de naam: Eerste elektrische Oostenrijks-Hongaarse verlichting en Electriciteits-leiding fabriek. Ze stichtten een electro-technologie-fabriek in Huszár utca. Hier produceerden ze elke dag meerdere honderden gloeilampen In 1896werd het volwassen bedrijf omgevormd tot een naamloze vennootschap onder de naam Verenigde gloeilampen en elektronica Co. Ltd. (EIVRT) of in korte vorm: TUNGSRAM Co. Ltd., hetzelfde als de merknaam. De naam en de vorm van vennootschap bleef, ook na de nationalisatie, zodat de markten behouden bleven. De American General Electric Company verkreeg in 1990 een meerderheid van de aandelen in het bedrijf en de bedrijfsnaam is sindsdien GE verlichting Tungsram Co. Ltd.

Societa Veneziana per l'Industria delle Conterie, Venezia february 1st 1933, share of 350 Lira; black on yellow, unfolded, hole cancelled, EF, f 595 = 270 Euro.
Very decorative: a beauty to frame ! see picture. (150 Kb !)
This glass bead industry on the isle of Murano was established at instigation of the discoverer Marco Polo who exchange-traded the beads with the people he met at foreign shores.
- View on Venice, probably Murano
- Cock with snake, the armour symbol of the isle of Murano, which became part of Venice at the late 1930ies.
- 2 gracious ladies with glass bead strings, the produce of the factory
- orange trees


Forges et Acieries d'Ekaterinoslaw-Action au Porteu, 1899

Forges et Acieres d'Ekaterinoslaw, Donetz,
Established in 1895, Vignette: factory before village; train with steel bars in front, beautifully decorated border, rose
---------- Capital Social 2.500.000 Fr, # = 25.000 actions de 100 Fr, Action de 100 Fr., fat print, 2 stamps of extension of the capital in 1897 and in 1899, 16 Euro.
---------- Capital Social 2.500.000 Fr, # = 25.000 actions de 100 Fr, normal print, 2 stamps of extension of the capital in 1897 and in 1899, imprimerie de la Côte libre, Bruxelles, 16 Euro.
---------- Capital Social 5.000.000 Fr, # = another 25.000 actions de 100 Fr (of the new type), normal print, 1897, 16 Euro.
---------- Capital Social 7.500.000 Fr, # = another 25.000 actions de 100 Fr (of the newest type), normal print, 1899, 16 Euro.
---------- 4,5% obligation (= bond) de 500 Fr, 1900-1930, au porteur (5.000 bonds issued), print: Imprimerie de la Cote Libre, Bruxelles, 2 large vignettes (each 20 by 5 cm) of factory sites and city, 25 Euro.

On the share the name of the city is written with a w at the end. Ekaterinoslav, also known as Katerinoslav, Catherinoslav, or Yekaterinoslav, means "the glory of Catherine", referring to Empress Catherine the Great. This - at one time - 3rd largest city in Russia, after Moskow and St. Persburg, was founded in 1776 in what is now Oekraïne. In 1926 the name was changed to Dnepropetrovsk. It is a major city along de Djnepper river, with heavy industry, in Oekraïne.
Dnepropetrovsk was named after communist leader Grigory Petrovsky. As communist propaganda is forbidden by law since May 2015, the name of the city will be changed soon as well as all other places and streets the names of which refer to communist leaders.
Donetz was one of the 14 districts of the "Province" of Ekaterinoslav and also the name of a large city. The Donetz is a river (= smaller river Don) that ran through Donetz, I don't know why the factory was called Donetz as Donetz and Ekaterinoslav are located far apart. Perhaps it was a way of acknowledging that the steel industry was made posiible by the finding -in the late 19th century - of the Donetsk coal deposits and the Krivoy Rog iron ore, in an area called the Donetsk Basin. Anno 2015 these areas seek independance from or within Oekraïne. Dnepropetrovsk was "the closed rocket city" , unaccessable for foreighners from 1959 until 1987: it was the city where the Sovjet Union's ballistic missiles, rocket engines and the space industry flourished in secrecy.


Fabryka Porcelanyi Wyrobow Ceramicznychw, in W Cmielowie (Porcelain and Ceramic Products Factory, in W Cmielowiey) . Spocka Akcyjna, Lwow, 18 grusnnia 1920, Poland, Read more about this famous company ! Lithograpy: AKC.TOW.LWOW, founder share, Akcia na 1000 Tysiac. Marek.Polskich, (share of 1000 Polsish Marek, issued in 1920), beautiful piece, decorated over the full size (30 * 20 cm) of the stock, which measures 34 * 24 cm. including borders.  It depicts 3 differently decorated plates, a teapot + cup, being painted by a cherub, a statue of a ceramic soldier and lion: beige, white, brown and green. See picture, some pink stamps in right upper part and border, Price 375 Euro.

Socidade Industrial de Chocolates SA
Lisboa (Portugal), 1921; Titulo de cinco Accoes (certificate of 5 shares); size: 25 by 38 cm; blue / yellow; vignette (20 by 14 cm) of a beautiful semi nude woman throwing chocolate bars at a detailed globe with maps of Europe and Africa; see 119 Kb picture; large red stamp "Privilegada"and  some pink stamps, "liquidada" and other ones; design: J. Valeriano Sevla, 1921; AT.ART: Julio Amorim-Lisboa; VF: only 1 (hardly visible) fold, very clean; 1 cm tear in left of Middle fold; a beauty to frame !; 450 Euro.
Rumania / Roemenië

Creditul Minier

Zece actijni nominative representano suma de lei 5000, in the name of René Marcovici, Bucaresti, 1923; very decorative mining share certificate (ca. 20 x 35 cm + coupons attached) showing 2 work men and 4 engravings of industrial processes such as mining towers and an oil well spouting out oil into the air.

Price € 75.

  creditul Minier share certificate, Bucarest 1923


Grand Russian Railroad

Grand Russian Railway Company / Gross Russische Eisenbahn Gesellschaft (Lese die Geschichte !)
1881, 3% bond of 125 silver Roebles, Suppes cat. no. 1021a
----- no. 201096; condition VF+ , really nice piece with one midfold but no major defects; price € 45.
----- no. 180506; condition VF, minor dagmage in paper and a rust trace of a paperclip; price € 25.

Gross Russische Eisenbahn

Baños y Sports Maritimos
Barcelona, Spain, established in 1915; ca. 27 by 18 cm; ca. 23 by 9 cm. engraving of seaside resort, beach facilities and harbour and mountain of Barcelona; red / green / black; a beauty to frame ! all condition EF: unfolded, coupons attached;
---------- 1921; capital 600.000 pesetas; Accion (share) of 500 Pesetas; print: Tip. Editorial Perelló, Barcelona; 4 stamps regarding capital and name changes etc.; price 43 Euro.
---------- 1925; capital 1.500.000 Pesetas; Accion (share) of  500 Pesetas; print: Industrias Gráficas, Barcelona; only 2 stamps regarding name changes etc., price 43 Euro.


Companiá Transaerea Española "Colón"
Established in 1922; Bono de constucción al portador (founder share to bearer), Madrid, may 24th 1928; Lith.: Grijelmo S.A., Bilbao; ca. 23 x 33 cm + curved left security border + attached coupon sheet with 9 coupons, uncancelled; very nice large engraving of a ZEPPELIN; Colón = the Spanish name of Columbus, the captain who discovered America in 1492).
condition VF +: one or 2 light folds: You will buy a different serial number, but of similar condition as dispalayed here: price € 25.
Read more about the history of ZEPPELINS and see some nice postcards of Zeppelins.

Hidroelectrica Espanola SA, Madrid
share of 500 Ptas, Madrid 29-7-1965, price 75 Euro.
Beautiful large vignette (23 * 12 cm) in black and white of the God mercure (L.) / Hermes (Gr.) holding 7 horses on a chain before a waterfall with factory. At his feet a horn of affluence. May be the horses refer to "horsepower" ?. The border is yellow with a red printed seal.

Los Certales, Accion de Fundador, Madrid, 1947

Los Certales, S.A.,
Railroad construction firm, beautiful condition, no folds, thick paper with beautiful decorated border: very decorative piece (The darkness below left is just a shadow when making the photograph).
share of 1000 Psts, Madrid 1947, price 11 Euro.

Nuevo Madrid S.A
established in 1941; Accion (Engl.: share)  de 500 Pesetas, Madrid (Spain), 1946, size: 23 by 32 cm. + coupons; 22 by 31 airial view of the cituy as planned, in blue, see 128 Kb picture; coupons attached, unfolded, EF, price 45 Euro.

Sociedad Jareño de Constructiones Métalicas,
established in Madrid, 1913, share of 500 Pt,
On the front side a Beautiful 14 by 20 cm large pink picture of forger at work, and at the inner side of the share a 7 by 2 cm drawing in black of the factory; beautiful for framing; price 245 Euro.

Turkey / Turkije

Mines de Balia-Karaidin

Société Anonyme Turque de Mines de Balia-Karaidin,
Large illustration by Henri Brauer of a woman with an oil lamp, railroad, equipment and a view on Constantinople.
Action de 100 Fr, Constantinople 1926, brun sur vert, text in Roman and Arabic, price 50 Euro

United Kingdom of Great Britain
Cukra River Planting Co. Ltd.
London, 1914; share of 4 Pounds to bearer; size 36,5 cm by 25 cm.; 10 by 5 cm engraving of 4 persons picking bananas; border in green and yellow, full with yellow bananas and tree leaves; attached complete coupon sheet; 3 original signatures; Texts in French and English; very decorative and a beauty to frame !;  unfolded, condition EF: unsignificant tiny border defect; price 325 Euro.
The company owned plantations in Nicaragua.

Cukra River `planting Co. share certificate

Mattell Inc.:
largest toy producing company in the world and producer of the famous Barby Dolls.
vignette: ball playing children walking on clouds and a globe
---------- 1971 (rose); staple trace left of vignette: 35 Euro.
---------- 1971 (brown); (stamped figures through vignette), 25 Euro .
Vignette of allegorical man and woman around shield with M and crowned child:
------------------ 1968 (blue), condition VF: 2 hardly visible folds, minor staple traces,  number written in blue pen in right upper corner, price 25 €.
--------------- 1970 (brown), certificate of 100 shares,
----- watery blue signature shining through, as wel as blue and rose stamps on the back: 10 Euro
----- condition VF: unfolded, engraving unaffected, price 25 €
--------------- 1971 (green), < 100 shares,  condition VF, one fold and some staple traces, not through engraving, price 25 €.
print: ABNC; 8 by 6 cm vignette of girl with Barby doll in front of Mattel's office and  a 17 by 6 cm multicoloured picture of 4 children of different races at play with dolls, cars etc.; 2,5 by 2,5 cm red Mattel logo in blue field; a beauty to frame ! ; size: 30 by 20,5 cm;
---------- 2000 (multicoloured); 1 common share of 1 $; EF: very light, barable noticable folds; 50 Euro.

Southern California Edison Company , bond of 1966

Southern California Edison Company, 1966, large format, vignette (14 by 6,5 cm) of fully lighted building and city at night.
---------------- 6% mortgage bond, due 1991 of 1000$, olive green border, all qualities have only cancellation holes in the lower part of the certificate, thus hardly effecting the quality:
-------  34 Euro, very nice, no dividend cuts on right border, 18 coupons left, slightl wrinkles at right border
-------  12 Euro, right border irregular due to cutting of coupons.

--------------- 5,25% mortgage bond, due 1991 of 1000$, brown border, see above for picture of vignette, all qualities have more or less cancellation holes:
----  34 Euro: unfolded, no holes in vignette or in upper part of certificate
----  23 Euro: unfolded, same holes, but right lower edge irregular due to cutting of coupons.
----  12 Euro: also holes in right upper part, but not through vignette.

Belgrade Joint Stock Cooperative Market Vendors
Beautifully decorated stock in Balkan style and with gold print, see picture
Similar to catalogue no. 1073: price indication 40-50- Euro.
---------- Belgrade, 1921, certificate of 50 dinars in Silver, EF, unfolded, 95 Euro.
---------- Belgrade, 1929, certificate of 250 dinars in Silver, EF, unfolded, 75 Euro

Homoljska Privredna Banka (Homolje Investment Bank)
Homole is a region in Serbia, former Yugoslavia; the share certificates are beautifully decorated, also in gold print.
------ catalogue no. 341: 10 shares of 100 dinars in silver; catalogue indicative price: 75-100 Euro; our price: 75 Euro.
------ catalogue no. 340: 100 dinars in silver, catalogue indicative price: 75-100 Euro; our price: 75 Euro.

Soko-Banjska Banka (English: Soko Banja Bank)
catalogue no. 710; 23 by 17 cm share certificate of 50 Dinars in silver (numbered between 747 and 964), Soko Banja, 1914; green with beautiful golden border lines and texts; 6 by 11 cm picture of 2 goddesses, one of them Demetre (L: Ceres), goddess of agriculture , holding a plough, a grain sheaf and a sickle, sitting under a small bee hive; a beauty to frame. 2001 Catalogue price indication: 40-50 Euro; our price 45 Euro.

See page on explanations, sales conditions, costs of shipping and on how to order.

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In his extensive index-list and accompanying illustrated catalogue, "HWP-Künstler", of stocks illustrated by artists, Jürgen Weritz ([email protected]) shows illustrations of hundreds of stocks, illustrated by some 200 artists.
