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The Land Bank of Egypt, Established in 1905, Une Action Ordinaire, (blankette), very decorative share in green and dark blue; 5 by 12 cm illustration of city and shepard with cattle; beautiful border full Egyptian symbols and abstract flowers, see picture , a beauty to frame !, EF +, unfolded, but 4 share-book pinholes in edge of upper border, 1 of which is torn (absolutely invisible when framed), 34 Euro. |
Crédit Foncier Argentin, S.A.
Paris, 1920; action de 500
Fr au porteur; 33 by 26 cm.; brown decorative border and 22 by 4
cm. engraving of catle grazing and the harvesting of grain; coupon
rests attached, EF+, unfolded, price 15 Euro
The Netherlands:
Coöperatieve Vereniging Slachtveecentrale voor Limburg "Limco"
G.A., gevestigd te Weert
4% obligatie f 1000 in lening f 1.200.000, Weert 15-11-1954; 2
originele handt. van voorz. Loonen en secr. Biemans, groene sierrand op
geel; druk: NV Lecturis-Eindhoven, oranje bel. stempel, EF, prijs 25
Eierenhandel en Pluimveebedrijf Luctor, Landsmeer, gev. te
Landsmeer (N.H.)
opgericht 22-11-1960; kapitaal: 200 aandelen van f 1000; Bewijs van
gewoon aandeel t.n.v. de NV Beleggingsmaatschappij van Schaik, gev. te
Landsmeer (vroeger genaamd: NV Eierenhandel en Pluimveebedrijf voorheen
K. van Schaik & Zonen).EF: bruine sierrand op geel, voll. aanh.
couponblad; 35 Euro.
E.P.U., Europesche Pluimvee Unie N.V., bewijs van gewoon aandeel, f 100, Hamersveld, 15-9-1964, klein logo "EPU"; druk: Kon Drukkerijen Lankhout-Immig, Den Haag; ongevouwen, met coupons, prijs 23 Euro.
Veehouderij in verschillende cultureel-economische systemen: voor wie van humor houdt
American Hide and Leather Company, New Jersey, print: Ineternational
Banknote Co., New York, vignette (7 by 5 cm.) of a bull in a meadow, see picture.
-------- orange border, x shares, blankette, hole cancelled, unfolded,
EF, price 50 Euro.
-------- brown border, 100 shares, blankette, hole cancelled, unfolded,
EF, price 50 Euro
-------- green border, 100 shares, blankette, hole cancelled, unfolded,
EF, price 50 Euro
(The) Co-operative Pure Milk association Inc., 2 vignettes, of a
farm house (4*3 cm) and of a meadow with cattle and a plowing
(7*3,5 cm), See picture,
------- class "A" preferred stock certificate, blankette, Ohio. blue,
EF / UNC, f 50 = 23 Euro
------- common stock certificate f x shares, green, blankette, Ohio, EF
/ UNC, f 75 = 34 Euro
Livestock Financial Corporation, State of New York, 100 shares, 1963, green border, small vignette (3 by 3 cm.) with picture of Noach's ark., see picture, hole cancelled, unfolded, very clean, f 75 = 34 Euro.
Pet Milk Company
Incorp. under Delaware law; 100 shares, blue border; beautiful 10 by 5
cm vignette of cow herd at riverside;
unfolded, 95 Euro.
Homoljska Privredna Banka (Homolje Investment Bank)
Homole is a region in Serbia; the share certificates are beautifully
decorated, also in gold print.
------ catalogue no. 341: 10 shares
of 100 dinars in silver; catalogue indicative price: 75-100 Euro;
our price: 75 Euro.
------ catalogue no. 340: 100 dinars
in silver, catalogue indicative price: 75-100 Euro; our price: 75
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