Dr. Hugo H. van der Molen -
Wederikweg 114 - 9753 AE Haren, The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)50 534
8795; email: [email protected]
Algeria / Algerie
Bulgaria / Bulgarije
Cameroun (nothing available right now)
Chile / Chili
Cochin-China: see under Viet-Nam
Denmark / Denemarken
French Guyana
Indo China: see under Viet-Nam
Ireland / Eire
Ivory Coast / Côte d'Ivoire
Turkey / Turkije
Viet-Nam (also Cochin-China & Indo-China)
Compagnie Vignobles de la Méditerranée, Monville, par
Duzenville prês Bône (Algeria), share of 50 fr to bearer,
19... ?? , price 23 Euro.
Basic Resources International (Bahamas) Ltd
green, 1985, certificate of x
shares,price: 12
Vignette: beautiful lady running with river and woods in the
Value Capital Limited
Incorporated in the commonwealth of the Bahama Islands under the
Companies act in 1971; bearer Warrant no. V 1813 for 5 shares
of 1 c (US currency); see 5 by 5
cm vignette, blue border; facsimile signature of vice president
Marvin H. Hoffman; coupon sheet attached, price: 50 Euro
South-East Borneo Rubber Plantations, Ltd.
1912; Certificate no 101 of
Option rights for 50 shares of 1 Pound each, valid until Dec. 31st
1916; size: 23,5 by 21 cm; 3 original signatures; UNC/EF, embossed
seal, price 45 Euro.
RODOPI, beautifull share of wood company, 100 Leva, Sofia, 1917, ,
price 25 Euro.
Yellow and black, with Balcan style border. A
beauty to frame !; EF: no folds and as new.
View picture
The company is named after the Rhodope
Mountains, which run across southern Bulgaria. The saw mills and
were in the town of Belovo, by the railway station on the
Sofia-Plovdiv-Istanbul line.The 5 vignettes show the foothills of the
Rhodope Mountains, as well as scenes of production (saw mills) and
preparation, up to the finished products: chariots, cupboards etc.
Source: Braun (1996a), p. 92.
Rouaume de Bulgarie, Emprunt de l''Etat Bulgare 5% Or, 1902
Recu de coupon fractionnaire, 18,5 by 13 cm.
---------- sur 2 coupons no 62, Florins de Pays Bas 5,04; Sofia
September 1933, red border on green field (rouge bordre sur vert),
price 15 Euro.
---------- sur 1 coupon no. 63, Florins de Pays Bas 2,52; Sofia March
1934, red brder on red (rouge
sur rouge), price 10 Euro.
---------- sur 5 coupons no 63, Florins de Pays Bas 12,60, red on
blue (rouge sur bleue), Sofia, March 1934, price 15 Euro.
Sucrerie et Raffinerie de Roustchouk S.A., Bulgaria, established in
1912 in Brussels, part sociale, price 7 Euro.
Bulgaria, 1948,
beautiful decorative share (30 by
42 cm), with in the border ears of corn, blue corn flowers and red corn
poppies, and 2 birds; brown paper stamp, 1 cm tear both in fold
of upper border and of left border; one tiny hole in the centre
of the 2 folds., price 145 Euro.
Who can give me a translation or tell me the name of the company ?
Ferrocariles Consolidados de Cuba
Consolidated Railroads of Cuba
1936, 100 shares of 100 $, 6% cumulative preferred stock, issued in the
USA; original signatures cancelled by small holes, 3 vignettes, one of
a steam lock and 2 of agricultural scenes of harvesting tobacco and
cane sugar, see picture,
condition EF, price 35 Euro.
Ceskoslovenske drvarske aktiove spolcnosti na 440 Korun,
yellow / black, nr. 6578, Brne 1 zari 1919, small vignette: 2 horses
in front of cart with tree logs in a wood; small tear in upper border;
some stains in borders, f 85 = Euro 39
Comptoirs Réunis de l'Ouest Africain S.A., share to bearer,
1929, (condition as new), price f 15
Dairy products: butter, cheese, milk / Zuivelproducten: boter, kaas en melk
Copenhagen Handelsbank A/S, Inhaber-Optionsschein voor aandelen,
nominaal Dkr 100, rood, Kopenhagen, december 1985, UNC, price 9 Euro
Copenhagen Handelsbank A/S, Inhaber-Optionsschein voor aandelen,
nominaal Dkr 1000, lilabruin, Kopenhagen, december 1985, UNC, price 23
Compagnie Impériale des Chemins de Fer Éthiopiens
established in 1896; Action de 500 Francs,
Paris, 1899; size: 32 by 42 cm.; 23 by 15 cm engraving by the famous
military painter and illustrator Louis Charles Bombled (1862-1927) of
the Ethiopian emperor Menelik II awaiting an oncoming train
on his horse, accompanied by merchants with camels. Imprimerie Chaise,
Paris; coupons on the back, condition
EF: unfolded, price 135 Euro.
The Swiss engineer Alfred Ilg, minister under emperor Menelik II,
convinced him to build this railway from the coast inland bound, ca. 78
km. over mountans 2.424 m. high. It was a small size track from
Djibouti, along Harare, Antotto and Kaffa to the White Nile and Addis
Abeba. The money was raised in France that had a strategic interest in
the area after the Abessinian war with Italy. The track was completed
in 1917, one year aftter the death of Alfred
Ilg. (source: Benecke & Rehse, 2004).
CAFRA, compagnie de l'Afrique Francaise, action de 250 Fr.,
Siège Social: Pointe-Noire, Afrique Equatoriale Francaise,
bureau administrative, Paris, 1937 (opgericht 20-3-1924), price f 15
Guyana Goud-Exploitatie Maatschappij
's Gravenhage 1890, bewijs van 1 aandeel, groen / zwart, met volledig couponblad, VVOF catalogue no. NL H 0166a, Original signature of director T.H.A.Tromp and commissaris F.J.T.N. Beukman van der Wijck, printer: Mouton & Co., Den Haag; size, inclusive coupon sheet: 21 by 30 cm., white embossed tax stamp, condition VF, almost EF: uncancelled, no folds except at the coupon sheet, very faint tropical stains, 50 Euro.
Translation into English: Guyana Gold Exploitation Company, The Hague, 1890, one share, green/black, uncancelled.
Purpose of the company: exploring and exploitation of gold fields in French Guyana, especially those that are known until now as Placer National, located in French Guyana, Quartier Kourou, along the rivers Kourou and Sinnamary, measuring 32.000 hectares. See for more details on this firm.
Indo China: see Viet-Nam
Ireland / Eire
(click for enlargement)
Porsche International Financing plc
Dublin, Ireland; 4 7/8%
Inhaber-Schuldverschreibung über DM 10.000, der Anleihe
1997-2002, verteilt in 60.000
Schuldverschreibungen von je DM 1.000,- und 14.000
zu je DM 10.000,-; Dublin, 1997; garantiert vom Dr. Ing. h.c.F. Porsche
Aktiengesellschaft; facsimile Unterschrift von Dr. Wendelin Wiedeking
und Holger P. Härter; Druck: Gieseke & Devrient; 21 bbei 30
cm.; grün, mit 17 bei 7 cm. Abbildung einer silberen Porsche
2 Archieflöcher und Loch-entwertung, EF+: unfolded, price 100 Euro.
English: bond of DM 10.000 in
1997-2002 loan, guaranteed by Porsche AG, Germany. large picture
of silver Porsche front, hole cancelled and 2 archive holes.
Bank van Tavolière te Napels
Renversaal, Amsterdam, 1839; 17,5 by
25 cm.; black decorative border, on the front 3 payment stamps; on the
back 3 Dutch tax wet stamps; condition EF: unfolded; price 135 €.
Montecatini Edison S.p.A., seated in Milano (Italy), Fuoro Bonaparte
31; established January 6th 1884. certificate of
10 shares (wordings in French and Dutch) of 1000 Lire each, 1967,
issued in Belgium by Banque Lambert Kredietbank., blue decorative
border, coupons attached.
This is the famous Italian establishment of the Edison Conglomerate. f
25 = 12 Euro.
Societa Veneziana per l'Industria delle Conterie, Venezia february
1st 1933, share of 350 Lira; black on yellow, unfolded, hole cancelled,
EF, f 595 = 270 Euro.
Very decorative: a beauty to frame ! see
picture. (150 Kb !)
This glass bead industry on the isle of Murano was established at
instigation of the discoverer Marco Polo who exchange-traded the beads
with the people he met at foreign shores.
- View on Venice, probably Murano
- Cock with snake, the armour symbol of the isle of Murano, which
became part of Venice at the late 1930ies.
- 2 gracious ladies with glass bead strings, the produce
of the factory
- orange trees
Ivory Coast / Côte
Compagnie Agricole Commerciale & Industrielle de BADIKAHA,
Côte d'Ivoire, blue/brown, action de 100 Fr, 1927, beautiful and
large vignette as underprint (10,5 by 22 cm) with 3 bare breasted
native women, carrying fruit, see
picture, red round company stamp inprinted and nice decorative
border. Size
of stock 15 by 27 cm., 125 euro.
nothing available right now
Société des Plantes à Parfums de Madagascar SA
established in 1927 in Madagascar (Africa), Action
de cent Francs au porteur, Madagascar 1927, imprimerie: E.
Defasses-Paris; 31 by 20 cm; nice border and texts in red and green,
voupons attached, price 50 Euro.
Forges et Acieres d'Ekaterinoslaw, Donetz,
Established in 1895, Vignette: factory before village; train with steel bars
in front, beautifully decorated border, rose
Capital Social 2.500.000 Fr, # = 25.000 actions de 100 Fr, Action de
100 Fr., fat print, 2 stamps of extension of the capital in 1897 and in
16 Euro.
---------- Capital Social 2.500.000 Fr, # = 25.000 actions de 100 Fr, normal
print, 2 stamps of extension of the capital in 1897 and in 1899,
imprimerie de la Côte libre, Bruxelles, 16 Euro.
---------- Capital Social 5.000.000 Fr, # = another 25.000 actions de 100 Fr (of
the new type), normal print, 1897, 16 Euro.
---------- Capital Social 7.500.000 Fr, # = another 25.000 actions de 100 Fr (of
the newest
type), normal print, 1899, 16 Euro.
---------- 4,5%
obligation (= bond) de 500 Fr, 1900-1930, au porteur (5.000 bonds issued),
Imprimerie de la Cote Libre, Bruxelles, 2 large vignettes (each 20 by 5
of factory sites and city, 25 Euro.
On the share the name of the city is written with a w at the end. Ekaterinoslav, also known as Katerinoslav, Catherinoslav, or Yekaterinoslav, means "the glory of Catherine", referring to Empress Catherine the Great. This - at one time - 3rd largest city in Russia, after Moskow and St. Persburg, was founded in 1776 in what is now Oekraïne. In 1926 the name was changed to Dnepropetrovsk. It is a major city along de Djnepper river, with heavy industry, in Oekraïne.
Dnepropetrovsk was named after communist leader Grigory Petrovsky. As communist propaganda is forbidden by law since May 2015, the name of the city will be changed soon as well as all other places and streets the names of which refer to communist leaders.
Donetz was one of the 14 districts of the "Province" of Ekaterinoslav and also the name of a large city. The Donetz is a river (= smaller river Don) that ran through Donetz, I don't know why the factory was called Donetz as Donetz and Ekaterinoslav are located far apart. Perhaps it was a way of acknowledging that the steel industry was made posiible by the finding -in the late 19th century - of the Donetsk coal deposits and the Krivoy Rog iron ore, in an area called the Donetsk Basin. Anno 2015 these areas seek independance from or within Oekraïne. Dnepropetrovsk was "the closed rocket city" , unaccessable for foreighners from 1959 until 1987: it was the city where the Sovjet Union's ballistic missiles, rocket engines and the space industry flourished in secrecy.
Compagnie Universelle du Canal Interocéanique
de Panama, S.A.
(with facsimile signature of Ferdinant de Lesseps, famous
builder of the Suez Canal. in Egypt).
---------- Paris 1880, with additional payments in 1885 and 1886 with
accompanying tax stamps, Action de 500
Fr, dans un Capital Social de 300 millions de Francs, bleue, 2e émission (i.e. certificate number is larger than 10.000), size:
18 by 20 cm. + attached coupons, with 2 French and 2 Dutch tax stamps;
beautiful design with two indians reaching out to each
other, coupon restst attached, engraving by Stern in Paris, EF,
75 Euro.
Compagnie Universelle du Canal Interocéanique de Panama,
S.A. au Capital de 300 millions de Francs
Societé Civile d'Amortissement des obligations du Canal de
Panama Émission de Mars 1888, avec responsabilité
limitée à la mise sociale
(with facsimile signature of Ferdinant de Lesseps, famous
builder of the Suez Canal. in Egypt).
---------- Paris, le 14 Mars 1888; Obligation
Nouvelle au porteur Remboursable à Mille Francs dans une
Emission de 350.000 obligations, authorisée par
l'Assemblée Général du
29 Juillet 1985; size 19 by 14 cm., same engraving as above by Stern in
Paris, brown, red stamp from the liquidator, red stamp or print
indicating that this is a duplicate;, blue stamps "3e série", no
coupons, VF: glue remains in left upper corner, some tiny staple holes;
price 250 Euro.
Transport Corporation Limited, Toronto,Canada.
Certificates emitted by the Algemeen Kantoor van Admnistratie te Amsterdam, April
4th 1956; print by De Bussy, Amsterdam.
Stamp from 1958: "naam gewijzigd in (name
changed into) Peruvian Investment and Finance Limited".
----- certificate of 10 shares of 1 US $ each, light green border and orange
Dutch Tax seal inprinted; separated coupon sheet, lower border clean and neat, condition EF,
price € 25.
----- certificate of 50 shares of 1 $ each, purple border and orange Dutch tax stamp:
---------- coupon sheet still attached, condition EF, price € 15.
---------- coupon sheet cut loose, lower border clean and neat (unlike the item shown on the scan), condition EF, price € 10.
The Peruvian Corporation, established in London in 1890, was Peru's major Rail Road company and also the major Guano company.
Lees de boeiende historie, die uiteindelijk leidde tot deze in Amsterdam uitgegeven certificaten !
3 pCts. Buitenlandsche Schuld van Portugal, 1853 - 1884,
Certificaat nr. 5787 voor £ 3 voor onbetaalde interest op
halfjaarlijkse coupon, vervallen 1 Juli 1893. Uitgegeven door
de Vereeniging voor den Effectenhandel te Amsterdam, originele
handtekeningen van de Voorzitter (P. .......Ogtrop) en de Secretaris
..........., Amsterdam, Juli 1893,
Blouwe belettering, blouw belastingstempel Noord Holland, VF, f 50 = 23
(The) Match and Tobacco Timber supply Co., Lisboa 1926, warrant to
bearer for 1 share of £ 1, 23 Euro.
Socidade Industrial de Chocolates SA
Lisboa (Portugal), 1921; Titulo de cinco Accoes (certificate of 5
shares); size: 25 by 38 cm; blue / yellow; vignette (20 by 14 cm) of a
beautiful semi nude woman throwing chocolate bars at a detailed globe
with maps of Europe and Africa; see 119
Kb picture; large red stamp "Privilegada"and some pink
stamps, "liquidada" and other ones; design: J. Valeriano Sevla, 1921;
AT.ART: Julio Amorim-Lisboa; VF: only 1 (hardly visible) fold, very
clean; 1 cm tear in left of Middle fold; a beauty to
frame !; 450 Euro.
Puerto Rico
San Juan Racing Association, Inc
Incorporated under laws of the commonwealth of Perto Rico, established
in 1954; certificate of < 100
shares, 1972; transferable in New York and Jersey City,
USA; 9 by 5 cm engravingof
a seated man and a jockey on a racing horse; orange border; print:
Security-Columbian Banknote Co.; price 50 Euro.
Primera Coöperativa Mutua Israelita S.A., established in 1929, una
accion de diez pesos, Serie E, no. 405, blue decorative border on red
underprint, Montevideo, Uruguay, July 10th 1930, brown tax stamp, on
the back 1 name transfer stamp and several dividend stamps until 1950,
25,5 by 27,5 cm, unfolded and uncancelled, EF, Price € 75.
Activities: transport, storage and harbour; see picture.
Viet-Nam (also Cochin-China
Compagnie Minière du Haut-Mekong
Siège social à Paris, établi en 1923; Action
ordinaire de cent Francs, 1928; grey border on cream; beautiful stock
with in each corner and in the middle pictures of three elephants ubder
an umbrella, size 32 by 24 cm + coupons; price 50 Euro.
Zambian Anglo American ltd., established in Great Britain, December 8th
------ certificat de 5 actions de 1 kwacha du capital, 1968, inscrite
dans le registre des actionnaires au nom de SOGES, SA, Bruxelles,
issued by Banque lambert, blue decorative border, couponsheet partly
attached, EF, f 25 = 12 Euro
------ idem, certificat de 25 actions, red decorative border, 12
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