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De Grote Atlas van Nederlands Oost-Indi�, 2e uitgebreide editie, geeft naast het indrukwekkend�aantal van 530 topografische kaarten tevens de namen en korte beschrijvingen van 2400 cultuurondernemingen, met van elk een korte beschrijving. Dit 8 kg. zware boek telt 480 pagina's, meet 33 bij 46 cm. en is 6 cm. dik. ISBN:�90 74861 24 5; prijs 265 € excl. verzend kosten. Uitgeverij Asia Maior / KNAG, 2004; email: www.asiamaior.nl en fax: 0111 417 281. Warm aanbevolen !! Wij hebben hier 1 exemplaar te koop.
English Translation: The large Atlas (Map) of Dutch East India, 2nd extended edition, gives, besides the impressive number of 530 topographic maps, also the names and short descriptions of 2400 cultivation companies, with a short description from each. This book weighs an impressive 8 kilo (ca. 18 pounds) and has 480 pages, measuring 33 by 46 cm (13 by 24 inches) and is 6 cm (2.4 inches) thick. This 2nd edition was sold out quickly in 2004 and can only be bought through antique book shops. It costed € 265 originally. Publisher: Asia Maior / KNAG, 2004; email: www.asiamaior.nl and fax: +31 (0)111 417 281. 1 copy is here for sale for € 265 + shipment costs.
Borneo Exploratie- en Mijnbouw-Maatschappij "Pasangan", N.V.
Established in Amsterdam in 1898; Director was Jhr. W.C. de Geer; Commissaris (board member): C.W.R. van Renesse van Duivenbode.
---------- Oprichtersbewijs (founder share), Amsterdam 1898, blue decorative border, measures: 24,5 x 18 cm; originally undersigned by forenamed director and board member; condition VF: 1 vertical fold, border and fold somewhat brown colouring, complete coupon sheet attached; RARE ! Price € 95.
---------- Oprichtersbewijs (founder share), Amsterdam, March 1898, blue decorative border, measures: 24,5 x 18 cm., Rare SPECIMEN from the archives of the famous printer De Bussy in Amsterdam (probably less than 5 specimen pieces known);condition EF, price € 50.
---------- Bewijs van Preferent Aandeel van f 500 (Preferred Share of DGL 500); 26 x 38 cm., brown decorative border, complete coupon sheet attached, condition VF: folded 4 times, light brownish colouring on the edges and the mid fold. Rare, price € 60.
---------- Bewijs van Preferent Aandeel van f 500 (Preferred Share of DGL 500); 26 x 38 cm., brown decorative border, complete coupon sheet attached. Rare SPECIMEN from the archives of the famous printer De Bussy in Amsterdam (probably less than 5 specimen pieces known);condition EF: 3 horizontal folds and 4 horizontal perforation lines as canceling; price € 50.
Celebes Mijnbouw Maatschappij "Balotji", N.V.
Established in 1897 in Amsterdam, liquidated in 1902; Bewijs van aandeel f 200 (share certificate of DGL 200); Amsterdam Nov. 15th 1897; rare SPECIMEN from the famous printer De bussy, Amsterdam; 23 x 17 cm., black decorative border, price € 50.
Director was A. Chaplin; purpose of the company was the mining of precious metals in the sub-division Bergregentschappen of the department of Noorder-districten in the gouvernement Celebes and dependencies belonging to the Balotji regency.
Exploratie- en Mijnbouw-Maatschappij "Gorontalo", N.V.
Established in Amsterdam on Nov. 1st 1897; Bewijs van aandeel f 1000 (share certificate DGL 1000); rare SPECIMEN from the famous printer De Bussy, Amsterdam, 1897; brown decorative border and print; 23 x 17 cm.; condition EF; price € 50.
VVOF catalogus no. NI C 0049; purpose of the company was to search for precious metal grounds in the districts of Kotta, Bone, Kabila and Batoe Daä in the department of Gorontalo in the residence of Menado, Northern Celebes; The company was liquidated in 1904.
Exploratie- en Mijnbouw Maatschappij "Limba Kabila"
Founded in 1898 in Amsterdam, liquidated in 1904; Aandeel f 250 (share of DGL 250), Druk (printer): De Bussy-Amst.; green decorative border and texts; ca. 15 x 23 cm., original signature of board member (commissaris) C.R.T. Kraaijenhoff and facs. signature of director F.H. de Kock van Leeuwen; condition EF à UNC = almost print fresh, price € 20.
VVOF catalogue no. NIC 0068; H. van Son was the 2nd director; Goal was to acquire and utilise mining concessions in Dutch East Indies. Brought in were 2 licences from the resident of Menado from 1897, to operate in the districts of Telaga, Kota, Tapa, Kabila and Bone and a terrainin the district Pagoejama in the assistent residence of Gorontalo.
Exploratie Syndicaat "Pagoeat", N.V.
Founded in Amsterdam in 1897; Bewijs van Winstaandeel (certificate of profit share), Amsterdam 1898; Typ. & Lith. J.H. de Bussy, A'dam; complete coupon sheet attached, blue border and texts,
---------- condition EF ~UNC = almost print fresh, price € 35.
---------- condition EF: 1 neat fold, no traces of wear, price € 20.
het aanvragen of overnemen van vergunningen tot het doen van mijnbouwkundige opsporingen en onderzoekingen, het aanvragen of overnemen van concessies tot mijnontginning voor alle soorten delfstoffen en het exploiteren daarvan etc. De N.V. bezat twee concessies, genaamd Pagoeat en Ilota, gelegen in het district Pagoeat op Celebes. Er werd goud en kopererts gevonden, maar in te geringe mate en in 1915 (of al in 1909 ?) werd de N.V. geliquideerd. (bron: website Stadsarchief Amsterdam)
English: Goal of the company was to acquire, explore and exploit mining concessions in the Marissa River mining area at Pagoeat and Ilota in the district of Pagoeat in Northern-Celebes (Sulawezi). A limited amount of gold- and copper ore was found which was not enough. The Exploration phase was finished by mining geologist F. van Dijk jr. in 1903. The necessary equipment to start the exploitation of the concession was purchased in 1908-1909. The mining concession and equipment were subsequently sold to the 'Mount Pani Mining Company Limited in 1909. The company was liquidated in 1909 (source: website of the Amsterdam Stadsarchives).
Mijnbouw Maatschappij "Barisan"
Founded in Amsterdam, January 25th 1929; Restantbewijs (Remainder certificate), Amsterdam 1935; measure: ca. 19 x 28 cm.; printed by De Bussy in Amsterdam;
---------- used piece, coupon sheet attached, 3 coupons of which were cut; condition EF: one light fold, price € 50.
rare SPECIMEN from the archives of the famous printer (probably less than 5 pieces known); condition UNC = print fresh; price € 50.
Mijnbouw Maatschappij "Bendisberg", N.V.
Founded in Amsterdam in 1898; Oprichtersbewijs (Founder certificate); 2 original signatures from the board members A.J. Labouchère and Jhr. H. M. Huijdecoper; 25 x 17 cm.; Typ. and Lith. J.H. de Bussy, A'dam; black decorative border, condition VF-: burning stains on borders, but these are mainly visible on the back side; price € 50.
VVOF-catalogue no. NL H 0076b: Goal of the company was the exploitation of zinc, lead, and copper mines in Germany; they started with taking over the exploitation of the mines in Adenay and Mayen in the Eifel mountains, named Gute Hoffnung (Good Hope) Bernardi et Suzanne and also the consolidated mine Sanct Joster Ertsbergwerk Bendisberg. The company was liquidated in 1913.
Mijnbouwmaatschappij "Boeton", N.V.
This mine company, operating in former Dutch East India, was founded in 's Gravanhage (The Hague) in 1926. Bewijs van aandeel aan toonder f 100 (share certificate to bearer of DGL 100) Printed by Joh. Enschede en Zonen, Haarlem; 24 x 35 cm and orange decorative border:
condition VF, separate coupon sheet and Verklaring van Rechtsherstel; price € 20.
Mijnbouw Maatschappij "Bwool"
gev. te Amsterdam, opgericht 29-11-1897, Pref.
aandeel f 500, Amsterdam 1898, firmazegel en bel. zegel in wit
reliëf, fraaie blauwe sierrand, Read more about this company !
---------- no. 0920, voll. los couponblad, conditie EF: 3 lichte vouwen en minieme kreukeltjes aan de randen, price 75 Euro.
---------- no 0485, voll. aanhangend couponblad, conditie VF +: 3 horizontale en 1 verticale vouw, Price € 50.
---------- no. 0000, zeldzaam Specimen, voll. aanhangend couponblad, conditie EF: vers van de pers maar 3 maal gevouwen en 3 perforatiestrepen horizontaal, Price € 75.
Mijnbouw-Maatschappij Hawaun, N.V.
Founded in
Amsterdam on October 20th 1897; Bewijs van aandeel aan toonder f 100 (share certificate to bearer DGL 100); Semarang, Dec. 1897; 2 original signatures, red decorative border, embossed seal (gepreegd stempel), brown paper; complete coupon sheet attached, 15 x 23 cm; condition EF: unfolded; rare, price € 125.
Mijnbouw Maatschappij Siloengkang, N.V.
Founded in Amsterdam in 1909; Aandeel f 100 (share of DGL 100); printed by Mouton & Co., Den Haag; green decorative border and texts; orange tax stamp; ca. 24 x 18 cm.;
---------- share from 1909,
condition VF, attached or separate coupon sheet, price € 15.
---------- share from 1924, condition VF, no coupon sheet, price € 25.
Mijnbouw-Maatschappij Tambang Salida
Founded in Amsterdam on May 8th 1887; Bewijs van half aandeel f 500, waarop gestort is 20% t.n.v. Broekmans & Honders, Amsterdam Dec. 12th 1887 (certificate for half a share, DGL 500 in the name of...); original signature of board member R. van Rees (commisssaris) and director G.A.C. Fraser; complete coupon sheet attached; Stoomdrukkerij Holdert & Co., A'dam; 26 x 21 cm., black decorative border on green field; embossed tax stamp (gepreegd belastingstempel). condition VF: unfolded but one brown stain, price € 50.
VVOF catalogue no. NI C 0089; goal of the company was to acquire the, by Mining Co. Salida acquired, concession for exploitation of gold, silver, copper and lead containing mineral grounds in the assistant-residence Painan, Gouvernement Sumatra's Westkust and taking over all works, roads, buildings and inventory of the Salida Mining Company. The company was liquidated in 1892 and a 14,5% liquidation payment was made.
Nederlandsche Exploitatie- en Exploratiemaatschappij "Oost-Sumatra",
gev. te 's Gravenhage,
opgericht 10-1-1898, Bewijs van aandeel f 100, 's Gravenhage 12-2-1898;
blauwe sierrand, blauw bel. stempel; Typ. en Lith. J.H. de Bussy,
Amsterdam, 23 Euro.
![]() |
Nederlandsche Trust-Maatschappij voor Goud-en andere Mijnwaarden "Wilhelmina", Aandeel van F 12 |
Dit fraaie aandeel leek destijds veelbelovend. Toch was de beleggingsmaatschappij niets meer dan een brutale zwendel. De inschrijving stond open bij 39 bankiers en effectenhuizen in Nederland, 23 in België en bij huizen in Parijs, Londen, Berlijn en Wenen. De financiëel journalist en uitgever S.F.van Oss rook onraad en ontdekte dat de banken een vergoeding van tussen de 6,5% en 10% zouden opstrijken. In zijn blad De Nieuwe Financier en Kapitalist trok hij stevig van leer tegen de emissie. In de pennenstrijd die daarop volgde beschuldigde hij een van de betrokkenen, een man van naam en faam in de financiële wereld, ervan een leugenaar te zijn. Dit kwam van Oss op een geldboete van dreihonderd gulden te staan. De emissie flopte niettemin volledig. (bron Financieele Dagblad kalender augustus 2002, ontleend aan: S.F. van Oss, Vijftig jaren journalist, Den Haag, 1946).
Noord-Celebes Mijnbouw Maatschappij, N.V.
Established in Amsterdam in 1897; Bewijs van aandeel f 1000 (Share certificate of DGL 1000); rare SPECIMEN from the archives of the famous printer De Bussy in Amsterdam (probably less than 5 pieces known); brown decorative border, 17 x 23 cm.; condition UNC = print fresh, Price € 50.
VVOF Catalogue no. NI C 0014; director was Jhr. P.H. Bicker. Goal of the company was to acquire mining rights for mining precious metals in Dutch East India, sale of the ore or metal and trade in these matters. The company was liquidated in 1909.
Société Minière (Mijnbouw-Maatschappij) "Hermina" S.A., 14-10-1902 opgericht te Amsterdam, gevestigd te Den Haag, Kapitaal 2 miljoen Fr, verdeeld in 80.000 aandelen van Fr 25, Titre de Huit Actions de Fr. 25 / 1£ / Fl 12,50; Den Haag 20-1-1903; groen, div. rode teksten, voll. aanh. couponblad, 3 vignetten van een "baggerboot", 2 blauwe belastingstempels Zuid Holland, ongevouwen, see picture, price 125 Euro.
The Netherlands: Coal mines
Domaniale Mijn Maatschappij, NV
gev. te Kerkrade;Opgericht in 1925; Bewijs van aandeel groot f 1000 in Kapitaal van 6 miljoen; In 1937 afgestempeld tot f 400 na een uitkering van f 600; afm. 27 bij 40 cm.; groene sierrand met 3 afb. van mijnbouwwerktuigen; conditie VF: 1 randscheurtje van 2 cm, 2 van 1 cm en 1 van 0,5 cm.; los couponblad en bewijs van rechtsherstel; voor zover wij weten nog nooit geveild en enig bekende exemplaar in verzamelaarshanden; prijs € 495.
De boeiende geschiedenis van deze mijn en haar juridische voorgangers, wordt - teruggaand tot ca. het jaar 1100 ! - prachtig beschreven in 14 blzn. met illustraties op de web site https://www.domanialemijn.nl/frame2.php.
De onderhavige NV werd in 1925 opgericht als een der weinige particuliere mijnen in Limburg, met een pachtcontract met de Staat der Nederlanden voor 75 jaren. Maar al in 1966 nam de Nederlandse Staat de aandelen over (waarbij dit aandeel no. 726 kennelijk niet is ingeleverd) en in 1969 werd de productie gestaakt. In 1996 diende de regering een faillissementsaanvraag in: er was toen al met al ca. 38 miljoen ton kolen gedorven.
Andere, zeer informatieve, websites over deze mijn en haar boeiende geschiedenis zijn:
Tjenako Steenkolen-maatschappij, (Engl.: Tjenako Coal Company)
Amsterdam , established in 1898.
---------- oprichtersbewijs (Engl. founder share), 1898,
VVOF catalogusnr. NIC 0010b, bruine sierrand (brown border), # = 1000 (number issued), druk: de Bussy;
VF, maar wat bruine vage vlekken (several vague stains), price 50 Euro.
---------- bewijs van aandeel (share certificate), 1898,
VVOF catalogusnr. NIC 0010a, # =750 geplaatst van de 1000 (750 out of 1000 have been placed), blauwe sierrand (blue border),
druk (print): de Bussy; condition VF, maar in rand 2 perforatiegaten en middenvouw wat gekreukeld (2 archive holes and some wrinkles in the middle),
prijs 50 Euro.
Goal of the company, located near the Tjenako river, on Sumatra, was the winning of coal and other minerals in
Dutch East Indies, trade in the products won and the exploitation of concessions for wood cutting. There existed a rail road for coal transport to the coast for trans-shipment to Singapore.
Mijnmuseum De Beukel in Meerssen (L), privé aan huis bij Roy Siemons
De Nederlandse Mijnspoorwegen, geïllustreerd rondschrijven (4 p.) over een gelijknamig boek in voorbereiding, door Gerard de Graaf, oktober 2012.
The Netherlands: Diamond Mines
Doornlaagte Diamant Maatschappij
gev. te Amsterdam; opgericht in 1907; Maatsch. kap. f 600.000; 600
van f 1000; Bewijs van aandel aan
f 1000; Amsterdam, 1907; ca. 22 bij 28 cm.; zwarte sierrand; druk:
& Co., A'dam; volledig couponblad, gepreegd bel. zegel 2 Gulden;
ongevouwen; onderrand scheurtjes amper zichtbaar indien ingelijst.
---------- 0,5 cm scheur in onderrand, prijs: 95 Euro.
The Netherlands: gold mines
Aandelen in Zes Zuid-Afrikaansche Goudmijnen
Certificaat groot 10
Zuid-Afrikaansche Ponden Sterling,
overeenkomstig de voorwaarden vermeld in de acte op den 30sten November
1932 voor de Notaris E.Th. Koopman te Amsterdam verleden, uitgegeven
door het Administratie-Kantoor van Aandelen in Vennootschappen en in
Binnen- en Buitenlandsche Leeningen N.V., gev. te A'dam., Amsterdam
1956 (193. overschreven); druk: Drukkerij J.R. Vrolijk, A'dam; groene
sierrand, 26 bij 19 cm., gedrukt oranje bel. szegel;
conditie VF: 1
zeer lichte vouw, maar veel ontwaardingsgaten door de originele
handtekeningen, prijs 50 €.
Associated Gold Mines of Western Australia, Ltd, London, U.K.
Certificaat aan toonder, no. 137, gerechtigd tot een bedrag van Een Aandeel van Een Pond, onder meerdere ingeschreven ten name van het Nieuw Amsterdamsch Administratiekantoor, uitgegeven in Amsterdam, 1908; afm. 22x16 cm., blauwe sierranden en tekst, druk: J.H. De Bussy, Amst., conditie: VF, zeldzaam, Prijs € 50.
English: Bearer certificate for one share no. 137, giving right to one share of one Pound in the Associated Gold Mines of Western Australia, inscribed in the register of the New Amsterdam Administration Ofiice in Amsterdam, issued in 1908, measures: ca. 9x6 inch; blue border and text, rare piece, condition: Very Fine, Price € 50.
Guyana Goud-Exploitatie Maatschappij
's Gravenhage 1890, bewijs van 1 aandeel, groen / zwart, met volledig couponblad, VVOF catalogue no. NL H 0166a, Original signature of director T.H.A.Tromp and commissaris F.J.T.N. Beukman van der Wijck, printer: Mouton & Co., Den Haag; size, inclusive coupon sheet: 21 by 30 cm., white embossed tax stamp, condition VF, almost EF: uncancelled, no folds except at the coupon sheet, very faint tropical stains, 50 Euro.
Translation into English: Guyana Gold Exploitation Company, The Hague, 1890, one share, green/black, uncancelled.
Purpose of the company: exploring and exploitation of gold fields in French Guyana, especially those that are known until now as Placer National, located in French Guyana, Quartier Kourou, along the rivers Kourou and Sinnamary, measuring 32.000 hectares. See for more details on this firm.
Guyna Goud Placer Maatschappij, gev. te 's Gravenhage:
(English: Gold mining and related
activities in Dutch Guyana = Suriname)
Typ: Belinfante-Schinkel; opgericht op 21-5-1898; Doel was het
exploiteren van de goudconcessie vroeger
op naam staande van de Mineraal-Maatschappij Suriname en het doen van
zaken op mijnbouwkundig gebied in
Suriname, zo ook het daar te lande in cultuur
brengen van gronden, aanleggen en exploiteren van telephoon- en tramlijnen,
her exploiteren van stoombootdiensten en
laboratoria en verder het verrichten van alles wat met een en ander in
verband staat.
Maatsch. Kap. in 1906 vergroot naar f 3.100.000 waarvan 1 mln. in
gewone aandelen, in coupures van f 100 tot f 500; Het faillissement
2-9-1926 uitgesproken. Originele handtekening van directeur M.C.
----------Bewijs van gewoon
aandeel f 250; VVOF cat. no. 167 b , groene fraaie sierrand,
groene en rode letters, 's Gravenhage, aug. 1906; aan de
binenkant een stempel "D.J. Spaans, Kastanjelaan 1, Purmerend", 95 Euro.
---------- Bewijs van preferent aandeel f 1000, VVOF cat. no. NLH 0167
d; 's Gravenhage 1906, fraaie bruine sierrand, zwarte, rode en
gele teksten; VF-, maar geen wezenlijke beschadegingen. Div. bruine
vouwen en vlekjes, gepreegd bel. stempel; 75 Euro.
Mijnbouw-Maatschappij "Highland"
VVOF-Catalogue no. NL H 0176; founded in 1910;
's Gravenhage, 1910, bewijs van
aandeel f 250 (share of DGL 250) with original signatures of director A. Hulshoff Pol and board member (NL: commissaris) H.J. Hoogeveen; blue border, orange tax stamp; complete coupon sheet attached:
---------- Conditie VF: onbeschadigd maar wel div. malen gevouwen, prijs € 50.
---------- conditie VF-: bovenrand heeft diverse beschadigingen, € 10.
Goal of the company was acquiring and exploiting the gold fields in the county Siskiyou (California) known under the name "Highland Ninety nine group of gold quarts mining claims", and marketing and selling the produce of these fields. In 1918 the Company became insolvent and it gradually (?) disappeared later on (?).
Mijnbouw Maatschappij "Odin"
Founded in Amsterdam in 1890; Bewijs van 1/20e aandeel groot f 60 (certificate of 1/20th
share, in the amount of DGL 60), Amsterdam 1890; blue decorative border, 25 x 37 cm.; complete coupon sheet attached; 3 original signatures: from board members (commissarissen) P. Lycklema à Nyeholt en P.F. Baron van Heerdt en van director Mr. P.H. Scholten;
---------- condition VF: 3 horizontal folds and in right border a light stain, price € 75.
---------- condition VF: 3 horizontal folds and in right border 3 stains, price € 45.
VVOF Catalogue no. NL H 0209d; Goal of this gold mining co. was to take over the Odin ownership in the quarter Vensterkroon of the gold fields of Potchefstroom at the bank of the river Vaal in South Afrika, as well as exploitation and sale of the products and also the purchase of other mining rights.
Odin, or Wodan is the Nordic upper God, a fierce warrier frequently riding of into battles with his Walküre, beautiful woman worriers (his servants or daughters) on horses.
Mijnbouw Maatschappij "Soemalata", N.V.
This gold mining company was founded in Amsterdam in 1896 by director H. J. Bauermann. The original Capital of 1,5 million Guilders was raised several times later on. Bewijs van aandeel f 250 (Share certificate of DGL 250), Amsterdam 1901; 2 original signatures, one of board member (commissaris) C.J. van Schelle, the other of a director; 28 x 22 cm., brown decorative border and texts as well as green texts; separate complete coupon sheet; condition VF: 2 vertical folds, partly torn a bit at the edges; price € 50.
The Bauermann family were the first to apply for a gold mining concession in 1885 in Soemalata, in the region of Gorontalo on Northern Celebes, although already since 1865 some gold was dug here on a limited scale. This application became the start of a "gold rush". The Bauermanns received in 1890 an exploration license and only in 1894 an exploitation license. In 1896 this license was brought in into the N.V. Mijnbouw Maatschappij "Soemalata". H.J. Bauermann became director and his brother D.T. Bauermann became the agent in Gorontalo. However, already in 1898 a subagent of the NHM (Nederlandsche Handel Maatschappij) reported that North Celebes appeared to be far from the gold land one had figured. The company did not really flourish and dug up 1500 kilo's of gold since 1900. Apart from this company, the Bauermann brothers had stakes in another 5 mining companies. After 1906 the Gold Rush in Northern Celebes was over. Source: Het Indische Handelshuis Bauermann in de 19e eeuw.
Mijnbouw Maatschappij "Suriname"
This gold mining company was founded in 's Gravenhage (The Hague) in 1903; Bewijs van aandeel f 100 (share certificate for DGL 100); 's Gravenhage, 1904; very decorative piece with beautiful red border, complete coupon sheet attached, embossed tax seal (gepreegd belastingstempel), condition EF: 3 neat folds and further printer fresh without any defects; price € 135.
Sumatra's Goudmijn (NV), Sumatra's Goldmine / Mine d'Or de
gev. te 's Gravenhage, established in 7-8-1930, Capital f 1 mln., pink
stamp: "placed f 200.000"; Bewijs
Onderaandeel f 20 aan toonder, 's Gravenhage 1931, measures: ca. 22
by 35 cm., original
signature, ocre border on ocre pattern, uncancelled, on the back side a
map of the 2 concessions
Boelangsi, condition VF +: mid fold and some wrinkles in lower
part, complete coupon sheet, price 75 €.
Vereenigde Goudplacers "Concessies Gros" (Mij. tot Expl. der), gev.
te Amsterdam, opgericht 15-1-1900, wewijs van onderaandeel groot f 250,
Amsterdam, Febr. 1900, orig. handt. druk: Johan Enschede & Zn,
mooie zwarte sierrand op roze veld met deels muzieknotenschrift, wit
belastingstempel met voll. aanh. coupons, VF/EF, price 45 Euro.
Eng transl.: Exploitation company "United
Gold Placers "Concessies Gros", sub-share of f 250, Amsterdam 1900,
print by Johan Enschede, the decorative border partly in "music note script", white
imprinted dry tax stamp, VF/EF, 45 Euro.
The Netherlands: Mangan Erts mining
Mangan Erts Maatschappij "Nassau"
gev. te 's Gravenhage; opgericht in 1910; Maatsch. Kap. f 1.200.000
verdeeld in 20.000 aandelen van f 60; Bewijs van 10 aandelen van f 60 =
f 600, aan toonder, 's Gravenhage 1911; 2 originele handt.; 20 bij 29
bruine sierrand op groen, coupons aanhangend, oranje gedr. bel. zegel.,
----- iets tropisch, 1 lichte vouw:
prijs 95 Euro.
The Netherlands: Oil (see also our web page Oil- Gas & Pipelines, The Netherlands)
Fransch-Javaansche Exploitatie Maatschappij, N.V./ Société de Culture Franco-Javanaise S.A.
Founded in 1912 in The Hague (The Netherlands) and administrative seat in Paris / Siège social à La Haye et Siège Administratif à Paris. 16 x 24 cm., coupon sheet attached; they were in the oil business:
---------- 1/10e aandeel aan toonder van f 100 / 1/10e Action au porteur (1/10th share of DGL 100 to bearer); Blue border on green, red French printed tax stamp, condition VF: unfolded but many tiny needle holes, price € 50.
--------- 1/100e Oprichtersaandeel / 1/100e Part de Fondateur (1/100th Founder Share); brown border on beige; condition VF: many tiny needle holes and various traces of usage; price € 35
Petroleum-Maatschappij "Zuid Perlak", N.V.
Founded in 1905 in Amsterdam; Preferent aandeel f 1000 (Preferred Share of DGL 1,000), Amsterdam 1905; printed by C.A. Spin & Zoon, Amsterdam, afm. 21 x 33 cm.; embossed tax seal (gepreegd belastingstempel); large blue company logo and 2 stamps indicating repaiment of DGL 200 and 800 respectively; separate coupon sheet; condition VF-: many traces of use, amongst which a large rust trace of a paperclip, rare piece, price € 50.
The Netherlands: silver mines
Maatschappij tot exploitatie van zilvermijnen (exploitation of silver
mines), Amsterdam, 1877, couponsheet still attached, one coupon used,
grey with beaautiful decorative border, EF, 50 price Euro.
Dutch East Indies / Nederlandsch Indie:
general mining
Exploratie- en Exploitatie.Maatschappij Bagelen-Kedoe, N.V.
Founded in 1904 in Magelang by a notary public in Poerworedjo; Bewijs van aandeel f 500 aan toonder (share certificate for DGL 500 to bearer); 15 x 23 cm.; coupon sheet attached; condition EF: unfolded, very minor traces of use, price € 95.
Exploratie- en Exploitatie.Maatschappij Banjoemas Preanger
Founded in Djokjakarta in 1903; Bewijs van aandeel f 500 aan toonder(share certificate to bearer of DGL 500); red decorative border with plants, 21 x 17 cm.; embossed tax seal (gepreegd belastingstempel); original signatures of director Roos and a board member (commissaris); condition EF: unfolded and clean; price € 95.
"Mijnbouw-Maatschappij Barma-Sawah", N.V.
Established in Batavia on May 18th 1898; Bewijs van aandeel aan toonder f 100 (share certificate to bearer DGL 100); Batavia, July 1st 1898; 2 original signatures; green decorative border and text, Typography: G. Kolff & Co., 21 x 34 cm.;
condition VF: unfolded with complete coupon sheet, but tropical: many small brown stains; price: € 25.
---------- condition VF: unfolded with complete coupon sheet, only minor stains, price € 50.
Mijnbouw Maatschappij Ketahoen
gev. te Batavia; opger. 1902; Bewijs van
niet-preferent aandeel aan toonder f 100; Batavia 1903; ca. 21
bij 34 cm.; green text and border; Typ.: G. Kolff & Co., Batavia;
condition VF, but heavy traces of use, price 15 Euro.
Mijnbouw-Maatschappij "Siak"
gev. te Batavia; opgericht in 1901; Bewijs
van aandeel f 100 , 21 bij 34 cm;
orange decorative border; print: H.M. van Dorp & Co., Batavia;
without coupons, condition EF: unfolded, price 50 Euro.
Mijnbouwmaatschappij SIMAU,
Opgericht in 1901, Batavia 1907, aandeel
van Ind. fl. 100, ca. 29 bij 22 cm;
blue border, VF, midfold is not so bad as it looks on the scan !, price
9 Euro.
Mijnbouw-Maatschappij "Sintoeroe"
gev. te Batavia; opger. in 1906; Bewijs
van aandeel Serie A, f 100, Batavia 1906; 2 original signatures; 21
by 35 cm.; coupons attached; condition EF: one mid fold; rare !; price
150 Euro.
Mijnbouwmaatschappij "Zuid Bantam" (Engl: Mining Co. South Bantam)
te Batavia, opgericht in 1934; 24 by 35 cm.; brown-green decorative
border; some with coupons and '"bewijs van rechtsherstel",
waardedruk Kolff;
---------- 1936, Maatsch. Kapitaal f 1.500.000; Bewijs van aandeel f 100, serie C,
of 100 Guilders, series C),
condition EF: price 20 Euro; VF+: 10 Euro
---------- 1938, Maatsch. Kapitaal f 3.000.000; Bewijs van aandeel f
100, serie C, same picture as above.VF+:, price: 45 Euro.
De Nederlandse Mijnspoorwegen, geïllustreerd rondschrijven (4 p.) over een gelijknamig boek in voorbereiding, door Gerard de Graaf, oktober 2012.
Dutch East Indies / Nederlandsch Indie: gold mining
Goud Exploitatie Maatschappij Boné
gev. te Soerabaia; Bewijs
van Deeelname voor een bedrag van Veertig Gulden Ned. Ind. Ct. aan toonder, no. 395 der tweede serie in de Tweede Obligatie-leening
groot f 200.000, verdeeld in tien seriën ieder groot f 20.000;
Soerabaia 1901; druk: H. van Ingen, Soerabaia; afm. 21 bij 28 cm.; rode
sierrand; 2 origin. handt.; geen coupons; conditie EF: ongevouwen, wel
2 minieme tropische stipjes; prijs 135 €.
Mijnbouw Maatschappij Ketahoen
This gold and silver mining company was founded in Batavia in 1902. The company Ketahoen was active in Lebong Soelit, Benkoelen, Sumatra. Bewijs van
niet-preferent aandeel aan toonder f 100 (Non-preferred share to bearer of DGL 100); Batavia 1903; ca. 21
bij 34 cm.; green text and border; Typ.: G. Kolff & Co., Batavia; 50 different Series were issued, indicated by Roman numbers I - L:
Series XIV: no 129, VF: € 7; no. 248, VF but less clean: € 7.
Series XV: no. 294, VF, less clean, € 7.; no. 238, pritty clean: € 10
Series XVI: no. 97, VF-: less clean and repairs with tape: € 5.
Series XVII: no. 137, VF, € 10
Series XVIII: no. 188, VF+: € 15; no. 438, VF: € 10; no. 433, VF: € 10;
Series XIX: no. 48, VF: € 10; no. 162, VF-: € 5.
Series XXVIII, no. 187, VF++: € 25.
Mijnbouw Maatschappij "Paleleh"
gev. te Batavia; founded in 1905, printed by: Stoomdr. Albrecht & Co., Batavia; afm. 22 x 35 cm., zwarte sierrand (black decorative border)all items issued in 1905:
---------- Bewijs
van preferent aandeel f 100 (preferred share); price: EF: unfolded, 45 Euro; price VF: 25 Euro;
---------- Bewijs van gewoon aandeel f 100 (ordinary share), condition F: many border irregularities and some stains, price € 15.
---------- Winstbewijs (Profit Certificate), condition VF+: 4 neat folds, clean and undamaged, price € 50.
The company was mining for gold in Boeal, probably near Tolitoli on Celebes (Sulawesi); see photo's.
Mijnbouw-Maatschappij Totok
gev. te Batavia; opger. 1897; Bewijs van
aandeel f 100 aan toonder; Batavia 1907; 2 original signatures;
blue and red text, brown border; According to Monen a gold mine; VF
à EF: price 25 Euro.
Charbonnages, Mines & Usines de Gossoudarieff-Baïrak SA, established july 8th 1899; Part de Fondateur, Brussels, December 9th 1899; brown decorative border on rose pattern, 2 red + 1 black wet stamp; print: Imp. Vanbuggenhoudt, Rue Isabelle 42, Bruxelles, 2 orig. signatures; VF, but 2 cm tear left on midfold and 2 cm tear in upper border (only in the white); 122 Euro = f 26.
Nouvelles Carrières & Fours à Chaux
d'Anton-sur-Meuse S.A., Luik / Liège, Belgium, 1919, #
500, 25 Euro.
Engl: New stone-pits & lime-kilns of
Anton-sur-Mer, Luik / Liège, Belgium.
Société des Mines d'Or de Kilo-Moto,
siège social: Kilo (Belgian Congo), siège administratif:
Brussel, na 1944, (beautiful vignette
of goldmine, bush hut, river, canoe and big boiling pan on a fire),
Read more about
the interesting history of these mines, dating back to 1903 and not
yet finished as these shares are still traded on the Brussels stock
market, despite the fact that the company was nationalised already
years ago
by the Zaire government. Apparantly some investors still hope to redeem
money from any future Zaire government: "a classic gold digger's dream
---------- Part Beneficiaire sans designation de valeur au porteur,
siège social: Kilo (Belgisch Congo), rood / red, price
f 25 = 11 Euro. See picture.
---------- 5 Parts Beneficiaires sans designation de valeur au
porteur, siège administratif: Brussel, na 1944, (beautiful
vignette of goldmine, bush hut, river, canoe and big boiling pan on a
fire), brown / bruin, price f 25 = 16 Euro (for picture see above).
The Diamond Jubilee Mineral Development Company of Ontario, Canada Ltd.
Compagnie Francaise de Matériel de Mines et de Traveaux Publics,
Fondeé le 10 Juin 1916 au capitale de 100.000 Francs, # = 1000; Action de 100 Francs au
porteur, bordre brun, sur Textes verts; Paris, 10 Juin 1916; avec
coupons, prix 25 Euro.
Compagnie Minière du Haut-Mekong
Siège social à Paris, établi en 1923; Action
ordinaire de cent Francs, 1928; grey border on cream; beautiful stock
in each corner and in the middle pictures of three elephants ubder an
size 32 by 24 cm + coupons; price 50 Euro.
Rumania / Roemenië
Creditul Minier
Price € 75. |
![]() |
Société Anonyme Turque de Mines de Balia-Karaidin,
Large illustration by Henri Brauer of a woman with an oil lamp, railroad,
equipment and a view on Constantinople.
de 100 Fr, Constantinople 1926, brun sur vert, text in Roman and Arabic,
price 50 Euro
Kingdom of Great Britain: gold
Associated Gold Mines of Western Australia, Ltd, London, U.K.
Certificaat aan toonder, no. 137, gerechtigd tot een bedrag van Een Aandeel van Een Pond, onder meerdere ingeschreven ten name van het Nieuw Amsterdamsch Administratiekantoor, uitgegeven in Amsterdam, 1908; afm. 22x16 cm., blauwe sierranden en tekst, druk: J.H. De Bussy, Amst., conditie: VF, zeldzaam, Prijs € 50.
English: Bearer certificate for one share no. 137, giving right to one share of one Pound in the Associated Gold Mines of Western Australia, inscribed in the register of the New Amsterdam Administration Ofiice in Amsterdam, issued in 1908, measures: ca. 9x6 inch; blue border and text, rare piece, condition: Very Fine, Price € 50.
USA: general mining
Galveston-Houston Company,
Incorporated in 1936 under Delaware law, as a reorganisation of
the former Galveston-Houston Electric Company (see further under that
heading for their stocks !). Originally the company ran electric
streetcars in Houston and Galveston and an interurban railway between
these cities (see for history and photos of these streetcars the
beautiful web site: https://members.iglou.com/baron). The company still
exists A.D. 2002, but is now in a completely different business:
manifacturing equipment for the mining and oil drilling industry
(source: Steven M. Baron, Lexington, USA).
---------- 1930's, Common Stock Scrip, light
blue border on blue, 28,5 by 20 cm, 100 Euro.
---------- 1930's, x shares, dark
border on green, 28 by 19,5 cm, ABNC, 25 Euro.
---------- 1940's, x shares of 5 $ each, orange
border on orange, 28 by 20 cm, ABNC, 25 Euro.
---------- 1952, x shares, green
border on green, 20,5 by 31 cm, corporate seal 1936, 25 Euro.
---------- 1950's, x shares, orange
border on yellow field, corporate seal 1936,28 by 21 cm, 25 Euro.
---------- 1960's, x shares, green
border on green, corporate seal 1936, 31 by 20,5 cm, 25 Euro.
Homestake Mining Company
Incorporated in 1877 under Californian law; print: ABNC; 13 by 6 cm. vignette of 2 indians, a
train and
river; < 100 shares, red border, 1931; some staple rust traces;
USA: gold mines
Argonaut Mill & Mining Co.
Incorporated, june 18th 1879 in San
Francisco;Capital stock 2 million $ (20.000 shares of 100$); certificate nr 129 (in blue figures) of x = 100 shares,
dated January 7th 1880, in the name of John Sproston Jr., who endorsed
the certificate on the back in order to have it registered in the
companies book after handing over this certificate.Small size (10 by 24
cm) and on pink paper. Original signatures of secretary (Fields ?) and
director (Davenput ?); Litography by Britton & Rey S.F.; Above the
lower border it reads Eldorado Co., Cal.;
Price: 250 Euro.
See this certificate and it's Beautiful
6 by 4 cm vignette of the mythological ship the ARGO, the famous
and heroic crew of which were called the ARGNAUTS. See the story of this famous
journey led by Iason, who went out to get the Golden Fleece, and also
have a look at a map of their
journey. Now, the videorelease can be hired of the
beautiful 1999 film (172 minutes !) "Jason and the Argonauts". It
covers only half the journey described here, but is an adventure film
worth seeing !
Adventurers who went to California in search of gold soon after its
discovery there in 1848, were called Argonauts, so I take it that the
Argonaut Mill and Mining Co. was a gold mining and processing company.
Gold Mines of Kalgoorlie Ltd.
Incorporated under the laws of Victoria, Australia; issued by the Bank
of New York in 1991; American
depositary receipt for 1 share of a par value of 0,05 $
Australian., blue border, no engraved vignette, price 25 Euro
USA: mining equipment manifacturing
Galveston-Houston Company,
Incorporated in 1936 under Delaware law, as a reorganisation of
the former Galveston-Houston Electric Company (see further under that
heading for their stocks !). Originally the company ran electric
streetcars in Houston and Galveston and an interurban railway between
these cities (see for history and photos of these streetcars the
beautiful web site: https://members.iglou.com/baron). The company still
exists A.D. 2002, but is now in a completely different business:
manifacturing equipment for the mining and oil drilling industry
(source: Steven M. Baron, Lexington, USA).
---------- 1930's, Common Stock Scrip, light
blue border on blue, 28,5 by 20
cm, only one piece available !, price 100 Euro.
---------- 1930's, x shares, dark green
border on green, 28 by 19,5 cm, ABNC, 25 Euro.
---------- 1940's, x shares of 5 $ each, orange
border on orange, 28 by 20 cm, ABNC, 25 Euro.
---------- 1952, x shares, green border on
green, 20,5 by 31 cm, corporate seal 1936, 25 Euro.
---------- 1950's, x shares, orange border
on yellow field, corporate seal 1936,28 by 21 cm, 25 Euro.
---------- 1960's, x shares, green border on
green, corporate seal 1936, 31 by 20,5 cm, 25 Euro.
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