Dr. Hugo H. van der Molen - Wederikweg
114 - 9753 AE Haren, The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)50 534 8795; email:
See page on explanations, sales conditions, costs of shipping and on how to order and to pay.
You are here: home - scripophily - leather and peltries / leer en pelterijen
The Netherlands
Chroomlederfabriek S. Th. Rijkmans N.V., gevestigd te Meppel, bewijs van aandeel,
1000,- serie B, t.n.v. dhr. Rijkmans, # = 455? ., EF; prijs: € 23.
American Hide and Leather Company, New Jersey, print: Ineternational
Banknote Co., New York, vignette (7 by 5 cm.) of a bull in a meadow, see
-------- orange border, x shares, blankette, hole cancelled, unfolded,
EF, price 50 Euro.
-------- brown border, 100 shares, blankette, hole cancelled, unfolded,
EF, price 50 Euro
-------- green border, 100 shares, blankette, hole cancelled, unfolded,
EF, price 50 Euro
You are here: home - scripophily - leather and peltries / leer en pelterijen